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标题 The Role of Perceived Value and Satisfaction on Future Intention of the East Foothill of Helan Mountain Winery, NingXia


    【Abstract】This article will propose a tourists experience assessment framework of the east foothill of Helan mountain winery which involves building a research model to assess winery tourists experience that includes perceived value, satisfaction and hotel guest future intention components. This article intends to explore the experience of tourists in the east foothill of Helan mountain winery, and based on a pilot study of 52 tourists of the east foothill of Helan mountain winery to test the validity and reliability, thus to detect whether the proposed model and questionnaire is feasible.

    【Key words】Perceived value; Satisfaction; Future Intention; the East Foothill of Helan Mountain Winery



    In the 21st century, more and more people recognize the importance of tourism. The tourism industry has become an extremely popular business activity, because of its extraordinary growth rate globally. Mowforth and Munt (2015) for example pointed out that the tourism industry can have a significant influence on a countrys economy development. Similarly, Giaoutzi (2017) argued that tourism business have positive growth prospect presently and would continue to do so in the future.

    Overall, it is sensible to assert that the tourism industry can play an important role in the global economy, especially in some developing countries and regions. The development of tourism has driven the economic development of related industries and brought employment opportunities. With the continuous development of the experience economy, more and more researchers are paying attention to the development of the production area from the perspective of customers. The development of the east foothill of Helan mountain winery promotes global tourism and smart tourism in the country, and it develop under the national strategy of “the Belt and Road”. The existing researches on the east foothill of Helan mountain winery are multi-faceted and diversified.

    In relation to the east foothill of Helan mountain winery, Jiang and Zhang (2011) indicated that wine tourism industry of the east foothill of Helan mountain had great potential to develop and had a bright future. As for the east foothill of Helan mountain, it have the necessary elements to attract tourists, natural landscape and human landscape. As an important element of tourism, one of the crucial issues for tourism destination operators is how to attract more tourists to revisit or recommend the tourism destination to others. This is also relevant for the winery of east foothill of Helan mountain.

    In terms of the research subject, this article intends to explore the experience of tourists in the east foothill of Helan mountain winery. It is anticipated that using the tourists in the east foothill of Helan mountain winery will elicit beneficial results and may provide the inspiration for enhancing the winery performance. The winery tourism in the east foothill of Helan mountain is growing rapidly, and has become a significant contributor to global tourism and local tourism. Meanwhile, the east foothill of Helan mountain winery have the necessary prolific natural landscape and human landscape to attract tourists.


    The main aim of this article is to evaluate tourists visit experience in terms of their perceived value, satisfaction and future intention. This will be achieved by establishing and testing a model of tourists visit experience that encapsulates the components of perceived value, satisfaction and hotel guest future intention. This section oversimplify reviews the post-consumption tourist visit experience assessment process, which involving research framework and relevant constructs of this article.

    Zeithaml (1988) defined perceived value as “the consumers overall assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is given”. Grewal, Monroe and Krishnan (1998) stressed that perceived value can be described as a trade-off. Moreover, Lovelock (2000) based on Grewal et al. (1998) pointed out that perceived value can be seen as the “trade-off” between perceived benefits and perceived costs. Perceived value plays an important role in assessing tourists behaviour (Jamal, Othman, & Nik, 2011). It was argued that for better understanding of consumer behaviour, perceived value should be used in conjunction with satisfaction studies (Petrick, Morais, & Norman, 2001). However, the link between perceived value and satisfaction is debatable (Cronin, Brady, & Hult, 2000; Petrick, 2004). Patterson and Spreng (1997) pointed out that value was significant in predicting satisfaction, which in turn affected intentions. Other studies also found that a high level of perceived value would ultimately result in an increased customer satisfaction (Bigne, Sanchez, & Sanchez, 2001; Egert and Ulaga, 2002; Um, Chon, & Ro, 2006; Zeithaml, 1988). As a whole, evidence from the literatures has led to the belief that perceived value is one of the antecedence of satisfaction. Meanwhile, Lee, Petrick and Crompton (2007) pointed out that perceived value would direct impact customers behavioural intentions. Hence, based on the review, the first, second and third hypotheses, therefore, would be:

    Hypothesis 1: Winery tourists perceived value has a predictive effect on their satisfaction;

    Hypothesis 2: Winery tourists perceived value has a predictive effect on their future intention;

    Hypothesis 3: Winery tourists satisfaction mediate the relationship between perceived value and future intention.

    It is common for customers to build certain intentions as a result from the assessments of their purchase. This is an initial indication that customers would take certain actions in the future; hence, it is beneficial to investigate future intentions in order to anticipate future actions. In this instance, numerous studies indicated that post purchase evaluation may influence satisfaction which eventually lead to repeat purchases and word-of-mouth (WOM) publicity (Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Halstead, Hartman & Schmidt, 1994), repeat sales and customer loyalty (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993; Liljander & Strandvik, 1995; Yoon & Uysal, 2005). Zeithaml et al. (1996) suggested four dimensions of positive behavioural intentions: giving praise, recommending to others, paying a price premium, and expressing loyalty. Based on the above review, the third hypotheses, therefore, would be:

    Hypothesis 4: Winery tourists satisfaction influences their future intention.

    Ⅲ. Research Methodology

    Research methodology is a critical component of a research project. Therefore, it is important to understand the research methodology so that a reliable research design including sampling, measurement and data collection can be established. Firstly, in terms of research paradigm, this research shall adopt the positivist paradigm. Therefore it is reasonable to use the quantitative approach. In this case, data will be collected by using structured questionnaire. The questionnaire will be prepared after all variables related to the constructs of perceived value, satisfaction and future intentions are reviewed.

    3.1 Questionnaire Design

    The questionnaire consists of four parts: 1. respondents demographic information; 2. the winery tourists perceived value; 3. the level of tourists satisfaction; 4. their future intention. The first part of the questionnaire is respondents demographic information which including: 1.respondents gender; 2. age group; 3. educational level; 4. income level; 5. marital status; 6. number of visits time.The items in the questionnaire are based on literature review and also adapt to the research background. The three items that influence the perceived value are: 1. visiting the winery is reasonably priced; 2. while visiting the winery, I received good service; 3. visiting the winery is valuable and worth it (Chen & Tsai, 2007; Ramseook-Munhurrun et al., 2015). One item (overall satisfaction level) are adopted to measure satisfaction (Alegre & Cladera, 2006; Yu & Goulden, 2006) and adapted for this article. Four items are used to measure future intention: 1. giving praise; 2. recommending to others; 3. paying a price premium; 4. expressing loyalty ( Zeithaml et al., 1996). These items for each construct are measured on 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree).

    3.2 Data Collection

    This article focused on the tourists who have recently traveled the East Foothill of Helan Mountain Winery, questionnaires have distributed on the Internet and collected 52 valid questionnaires for pilot study. Pilot study is an indispensable part of the research survey, which ensures the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The demographic characteristics of respondent as follow: 1.gender: male (53.85%), female (46.15%); 2.the respondents age group from 20 or less (11.54%) to above 50 (5.77%); 3.educational level: less than high school (1.92%), high school (5.77%), senior high school (5.77%), college / university (86.54%); 4.monthly income level: less than 3000 yuan (38.46%), 3000-5000 yuan (25%), more than 5000 yuan (36.54%); 5.marital status: single(61.54%), other(38.46%); 6.number of visits in the past 1 year: none (36.54%), 1-2(44.23%), more than 3(19.23%).

    Ⅳ. Reliability and Validity

    4.1 Reliability analysis

    Reliability is used to analysis the reliability of the questionnaire items. Alpha coefficient also used to measure the reliability: if alpha >0.8, the reliability is high; if alpha (0.7 - 0.8), the reliability is better; if alpha (0.6 - 0.7), the reliability is acceptable; if alpha< 0.6, the reliability is not good. The result of reliability analysis shows that the alpha values of perceived value are 0.812 and alpha values of future intention are 0.771,which is greater than 0.7, thus indicating that the reliability of the research data is better. For the “alpha if item deleted”, the reliability coefficient after the analysis item is deleted has not been significantly improved, so the items should all be retained, further indicating that the research data reliability level is high. For the “CITC”, the CITC corresponding to the analysis items are all higher than 0.2, thus indicating that there is a good correlation between the analysis items, and also indicating that the reliability level is good. In summary, the value of the reliability coefficient of the research data is higher than 0.7, and the reliability coefficient after the deletion of the item is not significantly improved. The comprehensive description indicates that the data reliability is better and can be used for further analysis.

    4.2 Validity analysis

    Validity analysis is used to study the rationality of the design of questionnaire. In other word, the validity analysis is used to study whether the research items are reasonable and meaningful. As for the factor analysis of perceived value, the result shows that the KMO result is 0.713, which is greater than 0.6, which means the data is valid. Bartletts test 0.000, which is below than 0.05, means the item is valid. The Cumulative % of variance is high (73.066); the communalities of these items range from 0.701 to 0.760. Thus, the factor analysis of perceived value items is appropriate.

    As for the factor analysis of future intention, the result shows the KMO result is 0.722, which is greater than 0.6, which means the data is valid. Bartletts test 0.000, which is below than 0.05, means the item is valid. The Cumulative % of variance is better (63.042); However, the item “paying a price premium” should be deleted, because the communalities of this item is less than 0.4.

    Ⅴ. Conclusions and implications

    After analyzing the reliability and validity of the items of perceived value and future behavior in the construct of the article, one item of future intention should be deleted. As single item is unknown and unknowable, this article use content validity to prove the validity and reliability of satisfaction, because test-retest method is time consuming. The pilot analysis showed that the item of future intention “paying a price premium” should be deleted, this is due to the charging phenomenon in the east foothill of Helan mountain winery, such as Zhangyu Morsel winery have the attraction tickets. However, the other winery of the east foothill of Helan mountain do not collect the attraction ticket.

    The output of the research may be used by the practitioners to enhance their understanding about winery tourist visit experience assessment; particularly in terms of the understanding the east foothill of Helan mountain winery. In addition, the scarcity of similar study in the east foothill of Helan mountain winery tourists would provide the winery tourism industry with some highlights on ways to improve their performance which may attract more tourists to winery. This would trigger the effort to enhance the winery tourism industry and improving tourists visit experience, and eventually help the east foothill of Helan mountain winery tourism industry trade.


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