标题 | 英语写作课中的小组活动设计 |
范文 | 于南南 【摘 要】在英语学习过程中,听说读写四项技能,写的难度是最大的。写作是一种思维活动,是学生表达思想的方式。写作能力训练是发展学生思维能力和表达能力的有效途径,也是衡量教学效果的标准之一。在高中英语教学中,写作课教学模式也是容易被人忽视的。小组活动,作为一种有效的教学方式已经越来越受到重视。因此,把小组活动与高中英语写作教学相结合,可以全面提高学生的英语写作能力,发展英语核心素养。下面以一节写作课Write A Book Review(撰写书评)为例,将我在本节课中的小组活动设计与大家分享,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起大家对此话题的思考与讨论。 【关键词】高中英语;写作课;小组活动设计 本节课的教学过程分为写作前、写作中、写作后三个阶段。相应地,小组活动设计也紧密围绕这三个阶段而展开。 一、写作前信息输入:话题导入→范文阅读→范文分析 Step I Lead-in There is an old Chinese saying:“Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.” Maybe it is possible for someone to travel ten thousand miles, but can anyone really read ten thousand books? 设计意图:通过中国古语:“读万卷书,行万里路”。引出行万里路易,读万卷书难的事实,从而引导学生通过阅读书评这种方式达到博览群书的目的。 Step II Before Writing 1.Read an example. The Old Man and the Sea, a world- famous novel, was written by American author Ernest Hemingway. The novel vividly describes an old fisherman called Santiago. At first, Santiago was looked down upon by others because of his fruitless efforts in fishing. In the end, he proved his ability and won others respect by catching a large marlin and fighting with many sharks. The Old Man and the Sea was such a great work that it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature for it in 1954. What the novel impresses me most is the bravery and determination Santiago showed when faced with great difficulty. He is a real hero and the perseverance is exactly what we should learn from him today. 2. Analyze the example. (1) The structure of the essay: How many parts are there of the essay? Whats the main idea of each part? (2) The language of the easy: When writing a book review, we can use the present/ past tense and the third person. (3) The outline of the book review and some useful expressions. Introduction Part: … a world- famous novel, was written by… …,which was one of the most well-known novels in the world, was written by… Plot Part: …vividly describes… At first…In the end… The main character of the novel was… who… The story goes like this… Achievement Part: …was such a great work that it won the Pulitzer Prize. …won the Nobel Prize in Literature… Opinion Part: What the novel impresses me most is… The reason why it is my favorite novel is that… 設计意图:在写作前,通过阅读范文《老人与海》的书评,学生两两一组总结段落大意,指出书评的基本结构,分为Introduction,Plot,Achievement,Opinion四部分。针对这四部分,分别在范文中勾画出有用的表达方式并通过进一步的头脑风暴,想出更多地句型,使学生对书评这一体裁在结构形式和语言内容上,形成一定的知识建构,为接下来的写作奠定基础。 二、写作中信息输出:构思→写提纲→起草→校订成文 Step III While-writing 1.Discuss and choose one favorite book.(Chinese/ English) 2.Discuss and write down the outline of your book review. 3. Write a book review. When writing, pay attention to the follow aspects: (1)The content should be true and complete. (2)The structure should be well organized and smoothly developed. Pay attention to the linking words. (3)The language should have no grammatical mistakes, with exact spelling and relatively changed sentence patterns. 設计意图:在写作中,采取小组讨论的方法,确定一本写作的书籍后,拟定提纲。在此过程中,学生需针对自己组内商定的书籍,将相应的信息填充到下面的表格当中。注意提纲内容为关键的词汇或者短语,而非具体的句子。 三、写作后修改评价:自改互改→讲评例文→总结归纳→小组评价→作业 Step IV Post-writing 1.Correct your composition in groups. 2.Improve your own composition. 3.Display the composition before the class. Step V Homework Polish your essay after class. We will have a presentation next class. 设计意图:在写作后,通过自改和小组内互改的形式,发现并更正错误。培养学生自主与合作学习的能力,间接地巩固和加深语法知识,发展学生思维能力。接下来小组内交流,选出最想展示的作品。全班学生在教师的指导下,讲评例文,从作文内容的完整性,结构的规范性,语言的准确性、丰富性、思想性等方面进行评价。 在此过程中有以下需要注意的几点: 1.小组内互改时,教师要提醒学生评价作文的基本要求。写作的优劣取决于内容、结构和风格技巧的运用。一篇好的文章应该结构完整、语言流畅、整体统一、和谐连贯、内容充实简洁。必要时可以把要求简要地写在黑板上,使学生的互评有据可依。 2.组内互评时要留下评价的痕迹,例如勾画出突出的地方,改正语法和拼写错误等,为接下来讲评例文做准备。 3.讲评例文时,先由组内成员说明推荐其展示的原因,再调动其他小组共同评价,达到取长补短,合作学习,共同交流的目的。 综上所述,在英语写作课教学中,写作前通过两两一组总结文章结构特点和语言内容;写作中小组讨论提纲;写作后小组内互评互改,讨论评价例文都是小组合作设计的具体体现。当然,小组活动在英语写作教学实施过程中会遇到很多的困难和挑战,在接下来的教学实践中,我会不断地反思和总结,使小组活动更好地服务于英语写作教学。 【参考文献】 [1]王笃勤.英语教学策略论[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2002.5 |
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