标题 | 指导初中英语写作的策略应用 |
范文 | 纪宇红 教师在指导初中生写作过程中,困难difficulties和困惑problems相伴而生。对于师生双方来说,学生不知道怎么写作文,教师不知道如何指导,这是困难。学生写了练了,教师花了很多时间批改,但是写作水平不见提高,这就让教师和学生有些困惑了。 这些困难和困惑,往往会带来下面的问题:教师忽略对审题的指导,导致学生写作时“跑题”或“跑体”(轻审题);教师往往注重语言的指导,而忽视对结构的指导,导致学生写的文章结构不合理(轻结构);在语言指导时,有的教师会忽略语言的连贯性,文章整体的逻辑性,段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间的衔接不畅,导致学的文章逻辑混乱(轻逻辑);不管是困难还是困惑,教师要把问题课题化,经过思考、实践,寻求解决问题的途径和策略。 初中英语写作教学不同学段的教学目标: 三级目标: 1.能正确使用常用的标点符号; 2.能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息; 3.能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡; 4.能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。 四级目标: 1.能正确使用标点符号; 2.能用词组或简单句为自己创作的图片写出说明; 3.能写出简短的文段,如简单的指令、规则; 4.能在教师的帮助下以小组讨论方式起草和修改作文。 五级目标: 1.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; 2.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师指导下进行修改; 3.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; 4.能简单描述人物和事件; 5.能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明; 由此可见,不同学段,教师有不同的任务,写作是一个循序渐进的过程。 初中英语写作教学的框架指导策略 明确了要达到的目标,带着要解决的问题,我们往往会形成一定的策略。在指导学生写作的过程中,根据写作内容梳理写作框架是首要的,而思维可视图能够在写作教学中发挥重要的作用。 以人教版PEP教材为例,九年级第一单元How to become a successful learner文章本身就提供了很清晰的写作框架结构。我们可以用“思维导图”引导学生梳理,打开并完善学生的写作思路。 基于教材阅读文章,我们提炼写作框架,如何成为好的学习者,列出右侧三点。再从教材中提炼三点建议的支撑句,即具体做法。左侧,将话题从多个视角迁移出类似的话题。如,如何提高英语水平,如何实现梦想,等等,引导学生生成新的建议和支撑句。这样,学生就能在不同的题目面前,通过“提纲挈领”以不变应万变了。 初中英语写作教学的语言指导策略 在框架指导的基础上,我们就要采取适当的策略来指导语言。这里,我们从利用课内语段句式仿写和利用课外语段读写结合两个方面来尝试分享一些指导写作语言的策略。 1.利用课内语段中的句式仿写 仿写是学生写作起始阶段较容易上手的方法。我们从初一下册(Go for it人教版七年级下册)拿出一个例子。 Jane: Hi, Bob.What club do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane: Great! What sports can you play? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can join the soccer club. Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling stories.You can join the story telling club. Jane: Sound good.... 我們从对话中提炼表示擅长的句式做如下引导: StepI:教师指导学生通头脑风暴(Brain-storming)说出若干日常人们感兴趣活动的短语: do word puzzles/ play the piano/ play football/sing/ dance... StepII:学生可以根据自己的实际情况借助句式仿写,在仿写的基础上,教师可以指导学生用do well in...进行改写。 例如: (1)You need to take breaks away from the computer. We need to take breaks from hard work. Students need to take breaks from boring homework. (2)It is not enough to just get good grades at school. Its not enough to just listen to teachers carefully in class. Its not enough to just eat healthy diets. (3)The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. (4)Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. (5)Many of the students are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school. (6)Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour. (7)They run over to them with excitement. (8)Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! (9)Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. (10)Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. (11)Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. (12)Its best not to run away from our problems. (13)Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it. 教材里的素材就是觸手可及的资源。立足教材,用好教材是教师指导学生写作最容易的“杀手锏”。 2.利用课外语段读写结合 “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” This is a very famous sentence from a film.I totally agree with it. Life is like a box of chocolates.There are many different kinds of tastes.You like some of them and you hate some of them.There are good things and bad things in life. If the chocolate you are eating now is sweet, I hope you can enjoy it.Life has its sweet moments.But please, also remember that not all chocolates are sweets.Life can be hard too.If you have picked a bitter chocolate, remember that one day youll get another sweet one. If the chocolate you are eating now is bitter, I hope you will thank life for it.Why do I say this We cannot enjoy the sweet tastes in life without knowing the bitter ones.The bitter chocolate is like the tunnel(隧道)of our lives.It is dark now.But please remember, there is no tunnel without an exit.Go straight ahead,and you will see the light from the end of it.Never give up. Before you taste a chocolate, you dont know what it will be like.Sometimes in life you get only bitter chocolates.But please dont forget there are also ones you will like.When you get the ones you like, remember that not all chocolates taste this good.There is both good and bad in life. When you have eaten the box of chocolates, you will know the taste of life. 课外语段也是指导学生进行积累和变式的主要素材。 (1)词汇与短语: A.totally agree with...完全赞同 e.g.I totally agree with your ideas. B.many different kinds of...许多种 e.g.There are many different kinds of activities we can join in our free time, such as doing volunteer work. 文章里的词汇和短语有借鉴之处,也可以改进。可以用高级词汇various来代替different, 表示多种多样的,如:There are various kinds of theme parks in China. (2)从句: A.If the chocolate you are eating now is bitter, I hope you will thank life for it.如果你现在吃的巧克力是苦的,希望你因此感恩。 B.Before you taste a chocolate, you dont know what it will be like.在你品尝巧克力之前,你并不知道它是什么样的。 C.When you get the ones you like, remember that not all chocolates taste this good.当你得到你想要的,記得并非所有的巧克力尝起来都那么美味。 (3)引用: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.”引用经典电影《阿甘正传》的台词。 (4)修辞: The bitter chocolate is like the tunnel(隧道)of our lives.(比喻) 作者把苦的巧克力比作生活中黑暗的隧道。凡是隧道都有出口。生活终会苦尽甘来。 除了借鉴原文的句子作为积累,还可以在原文的基础上进行仿写、改写和扩写的指导。 (1)仿写: Go straight ahead, and you will see the light from the end of it.? 这句话可以转换如下: If you go straight ahead, you will see the light from the end of it. 我们可以尝试仿写: 结构:祈使句,+and/then(那么)/or(否则) 比如建议类的句子,我们可以这样写: Practice more, and you can improve your spoken English sooner or later. Do more exercises, and you can avoid making the same mistakes. Work harder, and you will make further progress. 除了仿写句子,还可以仿文章的结构。 (2)改写: Why do I say this? We cannot enjoy the sweet tastes in life without knowing the bitter ones. 这两个句子可以做合并处理。 The reason why I say this is we cannot enjoy the sweet tastes in life without knowing the bitter ones. 在列举多于一个原因时,我们可以采用核心句型: One of the main reasons why+ 句子 is+句子。 话题1: 阅读 One of the main reasons why we spend as much time as possible reading is reading books helps us learn what we can't learn from our textbooks. 话题2:旅行 One of the main reasons why people enjoy traveling is traveling opens our minds. 话题3:参加志愿者活动 One of the main reasons why I do volunteer work is activities like volunteering provide us with opportunities(机会chances) to develop independence. (3)扩写: Never give up. Giving up is not a good choice. If you have a never-give-up attitude, you will .... 如果在段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间,有恰到好处衔接和过渡,那么写作的逻辑性和层次性就能自然而然地体现出来了。 文章不厌百回改,反复推敲出好文。在英语写作的路上,如果我们善于审题,乐于推敲,不厌修改,又勤于练笔,那么英语写作,想说爱你也容易。 |
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