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标题 在线固相萃取—高效液相色谱—质谱法快速测定绵羊尿液中3种轭合态β—受体激动剂
范文 李晓敏等
摘 要 采用双三元高效液相色谱和液相质谱联用(HPLCMS/MS)建立了测定绵羊原始尿液及酶解后尿液中β受体激动剂(沙丁胺醇、克伦特罗、莱克多巴胺)在线SPE(Turboflow)检测的方法。分别对Turboflow柱和分析柱条件进行优化,最终确定样品上样速率4 mL/min,进样体积100 μL,样品净化时间0.5 min。本方法的回收率在91.3%~112.2%之间,线性范围为0.1~100 μg/L,精密度RSD<1%,日间峰面积RSD<12%,说明方法的重现性和稳定性良好。在对酶解后的尿液检测中发现,对于苯酚类β受体激动剂(沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺),酶解后的尿液中检出化合物含量明显高于未酶解样品,对苯胺类β受体激动剂(克伦特罗)的影响不大。本方法只需对原始尿液或酶解后的尿液进行过膜处理,样品的在线净化、富集、柱平衡和最终分析可在15 min内完成,大大缩短了日常分析所需时间。
1 引 言
β受体激动剂的检测包括快速检测方法和仪器检测方法。快速检测方法[2](如酶联免疫法、胶体金试纸条等)成本低、前处理简单。但与仪器方法相比,其假阳性/假阴性率高,无法确定目标分析物的准确含量; 检测限较高,难以达到痕量分析水平。仪器检测方法定性定量准确,如LCMS/MS法[3~5]常被用于确证方法。但这类方法前处理复杂,需要专业人员进行分析操作,平行性受到检测人员熟练程度和操作细节影响,分析周期较长。其它仪器方法,如GC/MS[6,7]、GC/MS/MS[8]法等, 分析前需进行衍生反应,前处理过程更加复杂。
2 实验部分
2.1 材料与试剂
3.2 上样速率
上样速率会对化合物在Turboflow柱内保留行为造成较大影响。较高流速下,大分子在Turboflow柱内几乎无保留,小分子则可在湍流作用下进入柱内微小孔径,增加驻留时间。本研究分别考察了1, 2, 3和 4 mL/min流速下目标化合物和杂质的保留时间(图2)。从图2可见,除克伦特罗在2 mL/min流速下保留略差外,其它差别不大。但紫外图谱显示,尿液中杂质在4 mL/min流速下以更快的速度被冲出Turboflow柱,而且与目标化合物的出峰时间无重叠,因此选择4 mL/min作为上样流速。
3.3 进样体积
分别考察了10, 50和100 μL进样体积的色谱响应。结果显示,随进样体积增加,色谱峰面积明显升高,而基线响应无明显变化。因此,大体积进样结合在线SPE方法可减轻基质效应干扰,获得更好的灵敏度。双三元液相色谱系统最高可允许1 mL的进样体积。本研究因100 μL进样体积已完全满足分析需要,故选择100 μL作为最终进样体积。
3.4 样品净化时间
尿液中无机盐、尿素和尿酸等成分会对分析造成干扰。利用在线SPE处理样品时杂质和目标化合物在Turboflow柱得到分离,杂质直接进入废液,目标化合物组分在柱内保留。延长样品净化时间可以更彻底去除杂质,但目标化合物的回收率同时会受到影响。酶解和不酶解前处理方法见2.3节。如表4所示,酶解前后测定结果有较大差异。尿液中沙丁胺醇、克伦特罗、莱克多巴胺酶解后浓度分别是酶解前的169,1.2和5.9倍。这说明在检测尿液中克伦特罗时,可采取直接进样的方法; 而在测定沙丁胺醇和莱克多巴胺时,则需经过酶解过程方能获得更为准确的结果。这与文献[14\]一致,同时也说明本方法能够快速准确地对酶解后的尿液样品进行测定。
1 Libretto S E. Arch. Toxicol., 1994, 68(4): 213-216
2 Sauer M J, Pickett R J H, Mackenzie A L. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1993, 275(12): 195-203
3 Suo D C, Zhao G L, Wang P L, Su X O. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 2014, 52(7): 604-608
4 Wang L Q, He L M, Wang Z, Wang X F, Shu J H, Yang J W, Zhang G K, Zeng Z L. Analyst, 2013, 138(16): 4579-4584
5 WANG FengMei, ZHANG HongWei, PANG ShiPing, TANG ZhiXu, NIU ZengYuan, LUO Xin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
王凤美, 张鸿伟, 庞士平, 汤志旭, 牛增元, 罗 忻. 分析化学, 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
6 BIAN Kui, LIN Tao, LIU Min, YANG JianWen, WANG ZongNan, HE LiMin. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
卞 愧, 林 涛, 刘 敏, 杨建文, 王宗楠, 贺利民. 色谱, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
7 Henze M K, Opfermann G, SpahnLangguth H, Schnzera W. J. Chromatogr. B, 2001, 751(1): 93-105
8 Amendola L, Colamonici C, Rossi F, Botre F. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 773(1): 7-16
9 Nicoli R, Petrou M, Badoud F, Dvorak J, Saugy M, Baume N. J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1292: 142-150
10 Mauro D, Ciardullo S, Civitareale C, Fiori M, Pastorelli A A, Stacchini P, Palleschi G. Microchemical Journal, 2014, 115: 70-77
11 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Persi N, Terzic S, Andrisic M, Zarkovic I. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2013, 37(4): 241-245
12 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Mitak M, Persi N, Milic D. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2011, 35(1): 28-31
13 Quinn H M, Takarewski J J. 1997, Int. patent WO 97/16724
14 LI Yang, SU XiaoOu, ZHANG Wei, FAN Xia, WANG PeiLong, WANG RuiGuo, WANG Xiao. Chinese J. Anal.Chem., 2014, 42(5): 717-722
李 阳, 苏晓鸥, 张 维, 樊 霞, 王培龙, 王瑞国, 王 骁. 分析化学, 2014, 42(5): 717-722
15 Damasceno L, Ventura R, Cardoso J, Segura J. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 780(1): 61-71
Direct Analysis of Combined βAgonist in Sheep Urine Using
Online Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Liquid
ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry
LI XiaoMin1, GAO Yan2, SU XiaoOu*1, LI Yang1, WANG RuiGuo1, ZHANG Yu1, FU JianJie2
1(Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for AgroProducts,
The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
2(Research Center for EcoEnvironmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China)
Abstract A novel method based on the combination of online SPE (Turboflow) with high performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (HPLCMS/MS) was developed to detect the residues of salbutamol, clenbuterol and ractopamine in sheep urine. First of all, the mobile phases of Turboflow and analytical columns were optimized. Then the influence of sampling flow rate (4 mL/min), sampling volume (100 μL), and sampling elution time (0.5 min) was evaluated and the most optimal conditions were finally selected. The recovery of this method was in the range of 91.3%-112.2%, and the linear range was from 0.1 to 100 μg/L. RSD calculated from chromatography peak area of intra and interday was less than 1% and 12% respectively, which indicated a very good instrument repeatability and stability. Furthermore, urine samples obtained from dosing sheep were analyzed to make a comparison between the enzymolysis and unenzymolysis samples. The results showed that much higher levels of salbutamol and ractopamine were found after hydrolysis, but the concentration of clenbuterol was in the very same level. In the established method, the only pretreatment needed is the enzymolysis process. Without any other pretreatments, all the analytical processes can be finished in 15 min, including online sample cleanup, online sample preconcentration, column balance and determination of target compounds. The method is quick, simple, reliable and effective, and can be applied in large scale supervision of illegal usage of βagonists.
Keywords Urine; Sheep; βAgonists; Online solid phase extraction; Turboflow column
(Received 29 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014)
5 WANG FengMei, ZHANG HongWei, PANG ShiPing, TANG ZhiXu, NIU ZengYuan, LUO Xin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
王凤美, 张鸿伟, 庞士平, 汤志旭, 牛增元, 罗 忻. 分析化学, 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
6 BIAN Kui, LIN Tao, LIU Min, YANG JianWen, WANG ZongNan, HE LiMin. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
卞 愧, 林 涛, 刘 敏, 杨建文, 王宗楠, 贺利民. 色谱, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
7 Henze M K, Opfermann G, SpahnLangguth H, Schnzera W. J. Chromatogr. B, 2001, 751(1): 93-105
8 Amendola L, Colamonici C, Rossi F, Botre F. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 773(1): 7-16
9 Nicoli R, Petrou M, Badoud F, Dvorak J, Saugy M, Baume N. J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1292: 142-150
10 Mauro D, Ciardullo S, Civitareale C, Fiori M, Pastorelli A A, Stacchini P, Palleschi G. Microchemical Journal, 2014, 115: 70-77
11 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Persi N, Terzic S, Andrisic M, Zarkovic I. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2013, 37(4): 241-245
12 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Mitak M, Persi N, Milic D. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2011, 35(1): 28-31
13 Quinn H M, Takarewski J J. 1997, Int. patent WO 97/16724
14 LI Yang, SU XiaoOu, ZHANG Wei, FAN Xia, WANG PeiLong, WANG RuiGuo, WANG Xiao. Chinese J. Anal.Chem., 2014, 42(5): 717-722
李 阳, 苏晓鸥, 张 维, 樊 霞, 王培龙, 王瑞国, 王 骁. 分析化学, 2014, 42(5): 717-722
15 Damasceno L, Ventura R, Cardoso J, Segura J. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 780(1): 61-71
Direct Analysis of Combined βAgonist in Sheep Urine Using
Online Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Liquid
ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry
LI XiaoMin1, GAO Yan2, SU XiaoOu*1, LI Yang1, WANG RuiGuo1, ZHANG Yu1, FU JianJie2
1(Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for AgroProducts,
The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
2(Research Center for EcoEnvironmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China)
Abstract A novel method based on the combination of online SPE (Turboflow) with high performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (HPLCMS/MS) was developed to detect the residues of salbutamol, clenbuterol and ractopamine in sheep urine. First of all, the mobile phases of Turboflow and analytical columns were optimized. Then the influence of sampling flow rate (4 mL/min), sampling volume (100 μL), and sampling elution time (0.5 min) was evaluated and the most optimal conditions were finally selected. The recovery of this method was in the range of 91.3%-112.2%, and the linear range was from 0.1 to 100 μg/L. RSD calculated from chromatography peak area of intra and interday was less than 1% and 12% respectively, which indicated a very good instrument repeatability and stability. Furthermore, urine samples obtained from dosing sheep were analyzed to make a comparison between the enzymolysis and unenzymolysis samples. The results showed that much higher levels of salbutamol and ractopamine were found after hydrolysis, but the concentration of clenbuterol was in the very same level. In the established method, the only pretreatment needed is the enzymolysis process. Without any other pretreatments, all the analytical processes can be finished in 15 min, including online sample cleanup, online sample preconcentration, column balance and determination of target compounds. The method is quick, simple, reliable and effective, and can be applied in large scale supervision of illegal usage of βagonists.
Keywords Urine; Sheep; βAgonists; Online solid phase extraction; Turboflow column
(Received 29 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014)
5 WANG FengMei, ZHANG HongWei, PANG ShiPing, TANG ZhiXu, NIU ZengYuan, LUO Xin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
王凤美, 张鸿伟, 庞士平, 汤志旭, 牛增元, 罗 忻. 分析化学, 2008, 36(12): 1629-1635
6 BIAN Kui, LIN Tao, LIU Min, YANG JianWen, WANG ZongNan, HE LiMin. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
卞 愧, 林 涛, 刘 敏, 杨建文, 王宗楠, 贺利民. 色谱, 2014, 32(2): 162-168
7 Henze M K, Opfermann G, SpahnLangguth H, Schnzera W. J. Chromatogr. B, 2001, 751(1): 93-105
8 Amendola L, Colamonici C, Rossi F, Botre F. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 773(1): 7-16
9 Nicoli R, Petrou M, Badoud F, Dvorak J, Saugy M, Baume N. J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1292: 142-150
10 Mauro D, Ciardullo S, Civitareale C, Fiori M, Pastorelli A A, Stacchini P, Palleschi G. Microchemical Journal, 2014, 115: 70-77
11 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Persi N, Terzic S, Andrisic M, Zarkovic I. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2013, 37(4): 241-245
12 Pleadin J, Vulic A, Mitak M, Persi N, Milic D. J. Anal. Toxicol, 2011, 35(1): 28-31
13 Quinn H M, Takarewski J J. 1997, Int. patent WO 97/16724
14 LI Yang, SU XiaoOu, ZHANG Wei, FAN Xia, WANG PeiLong, WANG RuiGuo, WANG Xiao. Chinese J. Anal.Chem., 2014, 42(5): 717-722
李 阳, 苏晓鸥, 张 维, 樊 霞, 王培龙, 王瑞国, 王 骁. 分析化学, 2014, 42(5): 717-722
15 Damasceno L, Ventura R, Cardoso J, Segura J. J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 780(1): 61-71
Direct Analysis of Combined βAgonist in Sheep Urine Using
Online Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Liquid
ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry
LI XiaoMin1, GAO Yan2, SU XiaoOu*1, LI Yang1, WANG RuiGuo1, ZHANG Yu1, FU JianJie2
1(Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for AgroProducts,
The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
2(Research Center for EcoEnvironmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China)
Abstract A novel method based on the combination of online SPE (Turboflow) with high performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (HPLCMS/MS) was developed to detect the residues of salbutamol, clenbuterol and ractopamine in sheep urine. First of all, the mobile phases of Turboflow and analytical columns were optimized. Then the influence of sampling flow rate (4 mL/min), sampling volume (100 μL), and sampling elution time (0.5 min) was evaluated and the most optimal conditions were finally selected. The recovery of this method was in the range of 91.3%-112.2%, and the linear range was from 0.1 to 100 μg/L. RSD calculated from chromatography peak area of intra and interday was less than 1% and 12% respectively, which indicated a very good instrument repeatability and stability. Furthermore, urine samples obtained from dosing sheep were analyzed to make a comparison between the enzymolysis and unenzymolysis samples. The results showed that much higher levels of salbutamol and ractopamine were found after hydrolysis, but the concentration of clenbuterol was in the very same level. In the established method, the only pretreatment needed is the enzymolysis process. Without any other pretreatments, all the analytical processes can be finished in 15 min, including online sample cleanup, online sample preconcentration, column balance and determination of target compounds. The method is quick, simple, reliable and effective, and can be applied in large scale supervision of illegal usage of βagonists.
Keywords Urine; Sheep; βAgonists; Online solid phase extraction; Turboflow column
(Received 29 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014)




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