标题 | 湿度和NaCl浓度对铜仁珍珠豆型花生种子活力及发芽的影响 |
范文 | 王琨 崔志钢 赵会芳 田建霞 顾昌华田建霞 顾昌华 摘要? ? 为明确湿度和NaCl浓度对花生种子活力及发芽的影响,开展了发芽床不同含水量及NaCl浓度对铜仁珍珠豆型花生种子活力及发芽的影响研究。结果表明,发芽床含水量从20%升高至40%,铜仁珍珠豆型花生种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数呈上升趋势;含水量继续升高至60%,3项指标均呈下降趋势,40%是铜仁珍珠豆型花生最适发芽床含水量,花生发芽各项指标达到最高。用NaCl溶液处理种子,浓度从0 mol/L升高至0.5 mol/L,花生种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数这3项指标表现出先急剧下降后缓慢下降又急剧下降的趋势。 关键词? ? 珍珠豆型花生;发芽;种子活力;湿度;NaCl浓度 中图分类号? ? S565.2? ? ? ? 文献标识码? ? A 文章编号? ?1007-5739(2020)21-0001-02? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID) Effects? of? Humidity? and? NaCl? Concentration? on? Seed? Vigor? and? Germination? of? Tongren? Pearl? Bean? Type? Peanuts WANG Kun? ? CUI Zhigang? ? ZHAO Huifang? ? TIAN Jianxia? ? GU Changhua (College of Agriculture, Tongren Polytechnic College, Tongren Guizhou 554300) Abstract? ? In order to clarify the effects of humidity and NaCl concentration on seed vigor and germination of peanuts, this paper studied the effects of germination bed with different water contents and concentrations of NaCl on seed vigor and germination of Tongren pearl bean type peanuts. The results showed that the seed germination rate, germination potential, germination index of peanuts increased when the germination bed water content increased from 20% to 40%, then all three indicators decreased when the germination bed water content reached 60%. The optimum water content of germination bed for Tongren pearl bean type peanuts was 40%, the indicators of peanut sprout was the highest. When the seeds were treated with NaCl solution (from 0 mol/L to 0.5 mol/L), the germination rate, germination potential and germination index of peanut seeds showed a trend of sharp-gentle-sharp decline. Keywords? ? pearl bean type peanut; germination; seed vigor ; humidity; NaCl concentration 銅仁珍珠豆型花生主要分布于松桃县、碧江区等地,作为铜仁十大特产之一[1],具有皮薄、籽粒饱满等特点。易? 燕等[2]开展8个花生品种比较试验得出,珍珠花生的出仁率为80.2%,为8个品种中最高;除此以外,蛋白含量、氨基酸含量也较为丰富[3]。花生属于脂肪类种子,赵会芳等[4]对铜仁136份珍珠豆型花生品种进行品质测定,蛋白质含量在17.80%~28.78%之间,含油量在48.58%~57.17%之间,这类种子在萌发期间对环境条件要求较高[5]。 种子活力的大小直接影响种子出苗的快慢和整齐程度,是种子品质的重要指标。为深入研究铜仁市珍珠豆型花生地方品种种子特性,本研究对铜仁珍珠豆型花生在发芽期间进行不同湿度和NaCl浓度处理,分析其影响种子活力及发芽的规律,为提高种子发芽品质及对种植土壤的改良、栽培管理等技术环节提供参考。 1? ? 材料与方法 |
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