标题 | 芝麻饼及牛粪基质的解钾菌菌肥对烟草生长pH和TDS值的影响 |
范文 | 许成悦 吴俊林 周权 曾超 左伟标 杨立均 李翔 郝浩浩 贾峰
摘要 [目的]利用芝麻餅及牛粪作为基质,将解钾菌接种于2种基质上发酵、干燥制成菌肥,研究芝麻饼及牛粪基质的解钾菌菌肥对烟草生长、pH和TDS值的影响。[方法]在烟草移栽后和团棵期进行施肥处理,并记录农艺性状、pH和TDS值的变化。[结果] 在团棵期,芝麻饼及牛粪基质处理能够促进下层侧根的生长,可能增加烟株的根系体积;株高和烟叶的数量增加比较明显,而最大烟叶的面积和茎围增加较小;芝麻饼及牛粪基质处理与对照根、茎、叶的pH相比差异不显著;2个处理与对照均为茎部的TDS值最大;在团棵期到打顶期,对照和处理的根部pH均偏向中性,下部茎与根部pH相比,均呈酸性;对照和处理的根部TDS值相差明显,对照的根部TDS值最大,下部茎、中部茎和上部茎的TDS值明显小于根系,下部叶和中部叶的TDS值又小于下部茎和中部茎。[结论]该研究结果可为芝麻饼和牛粪为基质的生物肥及菌肥提供基础数据,为该生物肥的推广和应用提供依据。 关键词 烟草;解钾菌菌肥;芝麻饼;牛粪;pH;TDS值 中图分类号 S572文献标识码 A文章编号 0517-6611(2021)10-0144-05 doi:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2021.10.039 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): Effects of Potassium Bacteria Fertilizer Based on Sesame Cake and Cow Dung on Growth, pH and TDS of Flue-cured Tobacco XU Cheng-yue1, WU Jun-lin2, ZHOU Quan2 et al (1. Shanghai Tobacco Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200082;2. Biyang Branch of Zhumadian Tobacco Company, Biyang, Henan 463700) Abstract [Objective] Sesame cake and cow dung were used as the substrate in this study, and potassium-free bacteria were inoculated on two substrates to ferment and dry into bacterial fertilizer in order to study effects of potassium bacteria fertilizer on growth,pH and TDS of tobacco. [Method] Fertilization treatment was carried out after tobacco transplanting and at the cluster stage, and the changes of agronomic traits, pH and TDS values were recorded. [Result] Sesame cake and cow dung substrate could increase root volume, especially lower lateral root growth, increase plant height and tobacco leaf quantity, however, the area and stem circumference of the largest tobacco leaf increased less, the pH value of sesame cake and cow dung substrate was not significantly different from the control root, stem and leaf, the TDS value of both treatments and control was the largest, and the pH value of control and treatment was neutral from the bottom to the top stage. The TDS values of the control and treatment roots were significantly different, the TDS values of the control roots were the largest, the TDS values of the lower stem, the middle stem and the upper stem were significantly smaller than those of the root system, and the TDS values of the lower and middle leaves were also smaller than those of the lower and middle stems. [Conclusion] The results can provide basic data for bio-fertilizer and bio-fertilizer based on sesame cake and cow dung, and provide basis for the popularization and application of bio-fertilizer. Key words Tobacco;Potassium-releasing fungus fertilizer;Sesame cake;Cow dung;pH;TDS value 3 结论 芝麻饼及牛粪基质处理在团棵期,能够增加烟草植株的根系体积,特别是下层侧根的生长比较旺盛,为后期植株的快速生长提供了坚实的物质基础。在团棵期之前,株高和烟叶的数量增加比较明显,而最大烟叶的面积和茎围增加较小。在团棵期之前,芝麻饼及牛粪基质处理与对照根、茎、叶的pH相比差异不显著;在团棵期到打顶期对照和4个处理的根部pH均偏向中性,下部茎与根部pH相比,均呈酸性;中部茎与下部茎相比,CK、T3和T4处理偏中性,而T1和T2处理更加偏酸性。团棵期之前,2个处理与对照均为茎部的TDS值最大;团棵期到打顶期,对照和4个处理的根部TDS值相差明显,对照的根部TDS值最大,下部茎、中部茎和上部茎的TDS值明显小于根系;下部叶和中部叶的TDS值又小于下部茎和中部茎。 参考文献 [1] XU J,CHEN S B,HU Q H.Antioxidant activity of brown pigment and extracts from black sesame seed(Sesamum indicum L.)[J].Food chemistry,2005,91(1):79-83. [2]刘卫群,李天福,郭红祥,等.配施芝麻饼肥对烟株氮素吸收及其在烟碱、蛋白质和醚提物中分配的影响[J].中国烟草学报,2003,9(1):30-34. [3]吴俊林,毛家伟,张翔,等.不同饼肥配比对烤烟生长发育、抗氧化酶活性及经济性状的影响[J].山西农业科学,2019,47(6):1015-1018,1033. [4]李亮,张佩佳,张翔,等.不同饼肥配比对烟田土壤生物学特性及氮素转化的影响[J].土壤,2019,51(4):648-657. [5]高锦鸿,芦鑫,杨文丽,等.亚临界芝麻饼粕中糖类与蛋白质的综合利用研究[J].河南农业科学,2017,46(7):129-136. [6]代红丽,杨玲玲,魏安池,等.大孔吸附树脂纯化芝麻饼中的木脂素[J].农业机械,2011(14):72-75. [7]程益,雍婕,肖红仕,等.复合菌液体发酵芝麻饼工艺研究[J].现代农业科技,2017(1):250-252. [8]许纪东,聂胜委,张巧萍,等.牛粪堆肥替代20%化肥对玉米季产量及经济效益的影响[J].山西农业科学,2020,48(7):1073-1078. [9]BELLO A,HAN Y,ZHU H F,et al.Microbial community composition,co-occurrence network pattern and nitrogen transformation genera response to biochar addition in cattle manure-maize straw composting[J].Science of the total environment,2020,721:1-13. [10]杨德廉,周昕,李更新,等.有机肥施用对烟田土壤酶活性的影响[J].中国农学通报,2020,36(15):60-67. [11]吴俊林,张正杨,李翔,等.一株高效解鉀菌的筛选鉴定及其对烟草吸收钾磷的影响[J].江苏农业科学,2020,48(5):276-280. [12]燕红,于彩莲,包鑫,等.高效解磷兼解钾活性菌株分离筛选的初步研究[J].扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2016,37(1):81-85,90. [13]刘璇,孔凡玉,张成省,等.烟草根际解钾菌的筛选与鉴定[J].中国烟草科学,2012,33(3):28-31. [14]何念祖,孟赐福.植物营养原理[M].上海:上海科学技术出版社,1987. [15]吴俊林,王璀璨,毕乐乐,等.增施叶面钾肥对烤烟烟叶钾积累和利用的研究[J].农技服务,2017,34(5):16-18. [16]李强,李章海,黄义德.中国烟叶低钾含量的成因及解决途径探讨[J].安徽农业科学,2007,35(2):452-453,455. [17]毛家伟,杨立均,张翔,等.减氮配施生物菌剂对土壤肥力及烟叶产质量影响[J].中国农学通报,2017,33(15):56-61. [18]马朝文.中国烟叶含钾量研究现状及其提高途径探讨[J].作物研究,2006(2):190-193. [19]郭合营,刘镇平,王荣,等.豫西烤烟钾肥施用量与施肥方法试验研究[J].烟草科技,1995,28(2):35-37. |
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