标题 | 白背飞虱成虫不同翅型的形态测量学比较 |
范文 | 杨梅 梁士可 何静怡 摘要 [目的]了解水稻重要害虫白背飞虱成虫长翅型个体和短翅型个体在形态测量学方面的具体差异。[方法]利用Nikon体视显微镜操作系统(nikon digital sight DS-QilMC)对白背飞虱长、短翅型成虫前翅和后翅进行详细观察和测量。[结果]短翅型雌虫的后翅与前翅的比率为0.29±0.03,与长翅型雌、雄成虫相应的比值(分别为0.83±0.01、0.84±0.02)差异显著;长翅型雌虫前翅与短翅型雌虫前翅的比率为2.11±0.04,后翅的比率为6.21±0.05,两者差异达显著水平。此外,还发现短翅型白背飞虱雌成虫前翅中的横脉至翅尾长度与前翅长度的比值只有0.231+0.024,明显小于白背飞虱长翅型雄成虫和长翅型雌成虫的比值(0.387+0.012、0.388+0.012),差异达显著水平。[结论]短翅型雌成虫的前、后翅并未按同等比例缩小,且短翅型雌成虫前翅中的横脉更靠近翅尾。该研究结果将有助于进一步了解稻飞虱翅二型现象的本质。 关键词 白背飞虱;长翅型;短翅型;形态测量学 Abstract [Objective]To understand the morphometric differences between longwinged and shortwinged adults of white back planthopper.[Method]Nikon digital sight DSQilMC was used for the detailed observation and measurement of the forewings and hingwings of the long and shortwinged adults of the white back planthopper.[Result]It was found that the ratio of hindwings to forewings of shortwinged females was 0.29±0.03,which was significantly different from that of longwinged females and males (0.83±0.01,0.84±0.02,respectively).The ratio of forewings of longwinged females to shortwinged females was 2.11±0.04,while the ratio of hindwings was 6.21±0.05,which reached a significant level.In addition,the ratio of transverse veins wing tail length to forewing length of female shortwinged planthopper was only 0.231+0.024,significantly lower than that of male longwinged planthopper and female longwinged planthopper (0.387+0.012,0.388+0.012,respectively),and the difference reached a significant level.[Conclusion]The forewings and hindwings of the shortwinged female adult were not reduced in the same proportion,and the transverse veins of the forewings of the shortwinged female adult were closer to the wing tail.These results will help to understand the nature of the dimorphism of rice planthopper wings further. Key words Whitebacked planthopper;Long wing;Short wing;Morphometry 稻飛虱为重要的水稻害虫,主要包括褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera 及灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus,属半翅目飞虱科。主要分布在南亚、东南亚、太平洋岛屿及日本、朝鲜和澳大利亚,几乎遍及我国所有水稻种植区。稻飞虱成虫具有长翅和短翅二型现象。长翅型成虫能够在不良环境条件下进行长距离飞行迁移,从而成功躲避恶劣的环境;短翅型成虫前翅较短,不超过腹部末端,发育速度快,繁殖力强,能够充分利用当地食物资源快速扩大种群数量。其长、短翅型比率发生动态是该类害虫数量预测中的一个重要参数,如能充分了解翅型转化的机制,将可及时准确地预测预报该虫的暴发、分析虫源性质并及时有效地控制其为害,因此对稻飞虱长、短翅型分化的机制进行研究则显得非常重要,长期以来一直是昆虫学中的主要研究热点之一[1-2]。 在基本弄清影响稻飞虱长、短翅型发生比率的主要生态因子后[3-5],许多学者从神经内分泌的角度探讨稻飞虱长、短翅型的调控机理[6-7]。已发现昆虫体内保幼激素与稻飞虱翅二型现象有关,普遍认为各种生态因子对稻飞虱长、短翅型分化产生影响主要是通过调控虫体内的保幼激素含量来实现,当保幼激素超过一定域值时,发育为短翅型,若低于一定域值时,则发育为长翅型[6]。也有许多文献从分子或其他角度对白背飞虱翅二型现象进行了研究[7-13],其中一个非常重要的成果,就是发现胰岛素受体在长、短翅分化中起着关键性的作用[14-15]。目前认为参与稻飞虱翅二型分化的调控信号通路主要有保幼激素信号通路、胰岛素信号通路和Jun-N-terminal激酶信号通路等[5]。 [4] 安志芳,于居龍,彭娟,等.稻飞虱翅型纯系后代个体的翅型分化对光周期变化不敏感[J].昆虫学报,2014,57(11):1306-1314. [5] LIN X D,LAVINE L C.Endocrine regulation of a dispersal polymorphism in winged insects:A short review[J].Curr Opin in Insect Sci,2018,25:20-24. [6] ZERA A J.Juvenile hormone and the endocrine regulation of wing polymorphism in insects:New insights from circadian and functional-genomic studies in Gryllus crickets[J].Physiol Entomol,2016,41(4):313-326. [7] ZHAO J,ZHOU Y L,LI X,et al.Silencing of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase gene (Nljheh) enhances short wing formation in a macropterous strain of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens[J].J Insect Physiol,2017,102:18-26. [8] YU J L,AN Z F,LIU X D.Wingless gene cloning and its role in manipulating the wing dimorphism in the whitebacked planthopper,Sogatella furcifera[J].BMC Mol Biol,2014,15:1-9. [9] LI K Y,HU D B,LIU F Z,et al.Wing patterning genes of Nilaparvata lugens identification by transcriptome analysis,and their differential expression profile in wing pads between brachypterous and macropterous morphs[J].J Integr Agr,2015,14(9):1796-1807. [10] LIU F Z,LI K Y,LI J,et al.Apterous A modulates wing size,bristle formation and patterning in Nilaparvata lugens[J].Sci Rep,2015,5:1-12. [11] LIN X D,YAO Y,WANG B,et al.JNK signaling mediates wing form polymorphism in brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens)[J].Insect Biochem Molec,2016,73:55-61. [12] XU J J,WAN G J,HU D B,et al.Molecular characterization,tissue and developmental expression profiles of cryptochrome genes in wing dimorphic brown planthoppers,Nilaparvata lugens[J].Insect Sci,2016,23(6):805-818. [13] ZHOU J C,LEI C,SHI J K,et al.Tra2 mediates crosstalk between sex determination and wing polyphenism in female Nilaparvata lugens[J].Genetics,2017,207(3):1067-1078. [14] XU H J,YUE J,LU B,et al.Two insulin receptors determine alternative wing morphs in planthoppers[J].Nature,2015,519:464-467. [15] XU H J,ZHANG C X.Insulin receptors and wing dimorphism in rice planthoppers[J].Philos T R Soc B,2017,372:1-6. [16] LIBBRECHT R,CORONA M,WENDE F,et al.Interplay between insulin signaling,juvenile hormone,and vitellogenin regulates maternal effects on polyphenism in ants[J].Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America,2013,110:11050-11055. |
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