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标题 基于注意力机制的双向LSTM模型在中文商品评论情感分类中的研究




    摘 要:国内电商网站的快速发展促使产生大量的中文商品评论信息。对这些评论进行情感分类有利于获取其中的有用信息,具有重要的应用意义。目前,情感分类的研究主要基于情感词典或者传统机器学习。这些方法通常需要人工选取特征,费事费力,分类效果不好。针对这些不足,本文提出一种基于注意力机制的双向LSTM模型,对中文商品评论进行情感分类。实验结果表明,该模型在中文商品评论二分类任务和三分类任务中均获得了较好的准确率、召回率、F1值。


    中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A

    Abstract:With the rapid development of domestic E-commerce websites,there are lots of Chinese product reviews.The sentiment classification of Chinese product reviews is helpful to obtain useful information,with great application significance.Currently,most sentiment classification studies are based on the sentiment dictionary or traditional machine learning methods.These methods usually need artificial selection of features,with low classification efficiency and effectiveness.In view of all these deficiencies,the paper proposes an attention mechanism-based bidirectional LSTM model for the sentiment classification of Chinese product reviews.The experimental results show that the proposed model has better precision rate,recall rate and F1 score in binary classification tasks and three classification tasks in Chinese product reviews.

    Keywords:Chinese product reviews;sentiment classification;attention mechanism;bidirectional LSTM

    1 引言(Introduction)




    考虑到在对商品评论进行情感分类时,文本对上下文有较强的依赖性,而标准的神经网络模型不能很好地解决该问题,本文采用双向的长短时记忆神经网络(Bidirectional Long Sort Term Memory,Bi-LSTM)进行情感分类。另外,考虑到不同的词对文本的贡献不相同,引入Attention机制。基于此,本文提出了一种基于Attention机制的Bi-LSTM模型对中文商品评论进行情感分类。为了验证模型的有效性,本文采用某电商网站的手机评论数据集对模型进行实验。实验结果表明,该模型取得了较好的效果。

    2 基于Attention机制的Bi-LSTM模型(Bi-LSTM

    model based on attention mechanism)






    3 实验(Experiment)

    3.1 数据集



    3.2 數据预处理




    3.3 实验参数设置


    3.4 实验结果及分析






    4 结论(Conclusion)




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    成 璐(1988-),女,硕士,助教.研究领域:人工智能,自然语言处理,无线传感网络.





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