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标题 潮湾型近岸海域污染物入海通量与混合带响应关系
范文 谢飞等
摘要:基于美国普林斯顿大学三维变边界 ( ECOM3D)建立了海州湾水动力水质模型,计算结果表明该模型较好地描述了此海域M2(太阴主要半日分潮)分潮的潮流场和污染物浓度场时空分布特点。据此建立的污染物CODCr入海通量与混合带响应函数关系,可以为环境管理部门进行潮湾型海域的水质管理、污染物总量控制提供科学依据。
中图分类号:X55 文献标志码:A 文章编号:
Relationship between waste discharge amount and length of pollution zone of the offshore area in the tidal bay
XIE Fei1,2,WU Junfeng1,2,REN Xiaoming1,2
(1.Environment Science Institute of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210098,China;
2.Jiangsu Key Lab of Environmental Engineering,Nanjing 210098,China)
Abstract:A hydrodynamic water quality model of the Haizhou Bay was established using the threedimensional model with variable boundaries (ECOM3D) developed by Princeton University.The computation results can characterize the temporal and spatial distributions of the tidal current field of M2 tide (major lunar semidiurnal tide) and pollutant transportation field in the offshore area of Haizhou Bay.On the basis,the relationship between the discharge amount of CODCr and length of pollution zone was developed,which can provide the scientific basis for the environmental administration to perform water quality management and pollution control of total discharge in the tidal bay area.
Key words:ECOM3D;CODCr;discharge;pollution zone
1 水量水质模型建立
1.1 基本方程
3.2 污染物入海通量与混合带关系
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