标题 | 跌坎型底流消能工冲击区时均动水压强计算与试验 |
范文 | 田野等 摘要:应用平面紊动射流理论,对跌坎型底流消能工消力池内水流流态进行分区,并分析了冲击区水流结构。同时根据动能势能转化原理,采用坐标转换的数学方法,推导出跌坎型底流消能工冲击区时均压强的经验公式。最后,利用水力学模型试验,验证了该公式的合理性,并通过改变入池能量、入射角度、跌砍深度等条件,分析了跌坎型底流消能工冲击区时均压强的变化规律。 关键词:水力学模型试验;时均动水压强;紊动射流理论;经验公式;跌坎深度 中图分类号:TV135 文献标志码:A 文章编号: 16721683(2014)05001404 Timeaveraged hydrodynamic pressure and experimental study of energy dissipater with stepdown floor in the impact area TIAN Ye1,WANG Haijun1,LIN Sai2,JIANG Linbo1 (1.Faculty of Electric Power Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650051,China;2.Yunnan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute,Kunming 650021,China) Abstract:The plane turbulent jet theory was used to partition the flow regime in the stilling pool of the energy dissipater with stepdown floor and analyze the flow structure of the impact area.Based on the principle of potential energy converting into kinetic energy,the empirical formula of timeaveraged hydrodynamic pressure of the energy dissipater with stepdown floor in the impact area was derived using the mathematical method of coordinate transformation.The reliability of the formula was verified by the hydraulic model experiments.The variations of the flow pressure of the energy dissipater with the stepdown floor were analyzed with the variations of the incident energy,incident angle,anddrop sill depth. Key words:hydraulic model tests;timeaveraged hydrodynamic pressure;turbulent jet theory;empirical formula;drop sill depth 跌坎型底流消能工[12]是基于传统的底流消能工发展起来的一种新型消能工,就是将传统消力池进口处地板下降成跌坎,构成跌了跌坎型的消力池。与传统的消力池相比,增加了效能率、减小水跃长度、降低了消力池的脉动压强和临底流速。跌坎型底流消能工更适用低水头、单宽流量大的工程[34]。 很多学者[56]对跌坎型底流消能工做了大量的研究工作,成果涉及跌坎型底流消能工池内水流流态分析、消能机理、消力池体型的优化设计,以及跌坎深度和入射角度对底板时均压强、临底流速的影响,但没有给出相应的经验公式。 本文通过水力学模型试验研究了不同跌坎深度、入射角度在冲击区时均动水压强的变化规律,并得出在冲击区时均压强的经验公式。 4 结语 本文通过水力学模型试验,应用平面紊动射流理论,推导出跌坎型底流消能工冲击区时均压强的经验公式。由试验测量值与理论计算值对比可知,当跌坎深度和入射角度不变时,随着入池能量的增加,底板的时均压强逐渐增大;当跌坎深度和入池能量不变时,随着水流入射角度的增大,对底板的时均压强逐渐增大;当入池角度和入池能量不变时,随着跌坎深度增加,对底板的时均压强逐渐增大,对底板时均压强的变化率逐渐减小。该经验公式的计算结果与试验测量结果具有较好的一致性,该经验公式合理,可为今后的实际工程应用提供一定的借鉴和参考。 参考文献(References): [1] 张功育,汤健,王海军,等.跌坎式底流消能工的消能机分析与研究[J].南水北调与水利科技,2005,3(6):43 45.(ZHANG Gongyu,TANG Jian,WANG Haijun.Study on stilling basin with stepdown floor for energy dissipation mechanism of hydraulic jump [J].SouthtoNorth Water Diversion and Water Science & Technology,2005,3(6):43 45.(in Chinese)) [2] 孙双科,柳海涛,夏庆福,等.跌坎型底流消力池的水力特性与优化研究 [J].水利学报,2005,36(10);8893.(SUN Shuangke,LIU Haitao,XIA Qingfu,el al.Study on stilling basin with stepdown floor for energy dissipation of hydraulic jump in high dams [J] .Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2005,36(10):88 93.(in Chinese)) [3] 王海军,赵伟,杨红宣,等.坎深和入池角度对跌坎型底流消能工水力特性影响的试验研究[J].昆明理工大学学报(理工版).2007,32(5):8789.(WANG Haijun,ZHAO Wei,YANG Hongxuan,el al.Test Study on the Influence of Step Depth and Intake Angle to Hydraulic [J].Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Science and Technology).2007,32(5):8789.(in Chinese)) [4] 张强,张建蓉,周禹.跌坎式底流消能工水流特性分析[J].南水北调与水利科技,2008,6(3):7475.(ZHANG Qiang,ZHANG Jianrong,ZHOU Yu.Study on flow characteristics in step down floor for energy dissipation of hydraulic jump[J].SouthNorth Water Diversion and Water Science & Technology,2008,6(3):7475.(in Chinese)) [5] 陈朝,毛舒娅,黄海燕,等.跌扩型底流消能工压力分布特性的试验研究[J].南水北调与水利科技,2011,9(2):3639.(CHEN Zhao,MAO Shuya,HUANG Haiyan,el al.Experimental study on characteristic of pressure distribution about the fallingsill and expanding bottomflow energy dissipater[J] SouthNorth Water Diversion and Water Science & Technology,2011,9(2):3639.(in Chinese)) [6] 刘沛青.现代坝工消能防冲原理 [M].北京:科学出版社,2010.(LIU Peiqing.Modern dam work energy dissipation principle of impingement.[M].Beijing:science press,2010.(in Chinese)) [7] 徐常昭.紊动射流 [M].北京:高等教育出版社,1993.(XU Changzhao.Turbulent Jet[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press,1993.(in Chinese)) [8] Abramovich G N.The theory of turbulent jets[M].Translated by Scipta Technical.Massachuetts.the MIT press,1963. 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[3] 王海军,赵伟,杨红宣,等.坎深和入池角度对跌坎型底流消能工水力特性影响的试验研究[J].昆明理工大学学报(理工版).2007,32(5):8789.(WANG Haijun,ZHAO Wei,YANG Hongxuan,el al.Test Study on the Influence of Step Depth and Intake Angle to Hydraulic [J].Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Science and Technology).2007,32(5):8789.(in Chinese)) [4] 张强,张建蓉,周禹.跌坎式底流消能工水流特性分析[J].南水北调与水利科技,2008,6(3):7475.(ZHANG Qiang,ZHANG Jianrong,ZHOU Yu.Study on flow characteristics in step down floor for energy dissipation of hydraulic jump[J].SouthNorth Water Diversion and Water Science & Technology,2008,6(3):7475.(in Chinese)) [5] 陈朝,毛舒娅,黄海燕,等.跌扩型底流消能工压力分布特性的试验研究[J].南水北调与水利科技,2011,9(2):3639.(CHEN Zhao,MAO Shuya,HUANG Haiyan,el al.Experimental study on characteristic of pressure distribution about the fallingsill and expanding bottomflow energy dissipater[J] SouthNorth Water Diversion and Water Science & Technology,2011,9(2):3639.(in Chinese)) [6] 刘沛青.现代坝工消能防冲原理 [M].北京:科学出版社,2010.(LIU Peiqing.Modern dam work energy dissipation principle of impingement.[M].Beijing:science press,2010.(in Chinese)) [7] 徐常昭.紊动射流 [M].北京:高等教育出版社,1993.(XU Changzhao.Turbulent Jet[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press,1993.(in Chinese)) [8] Abramovich G N.The theory of turbulent jets[M].Translated by Scipta Technical.Massachuetts.the MIT press,1963. [9] Rajaratnam N.The Hydraulic Jump.Advances in Hydroscienceas[J].1967:97280.[ZK)] [10] [ZK(#]Rajaratnam N.Turbulent jets [M].Amsterdam:Elsevier Sc Publ Co,1976. [11] Frost W,Moulden T H.Handbook of turbulence[M].New York :Plenum Press,1977. [12] Stanisic M.The mthematical theory of turbulence[M].New York:SpringerVerlag,1984. |
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