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标题 基于空间滑动面理论的LadeDuncan模型改进
范文 邢国起等
中图分类号:TV45 文献标志码:A 文章编号:
Modified LadeDuncan model based on the theory of spatial mobilized plane
XING Guoqi1,2,XIAO Hongtian1,LI Dayong1
(1.Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China;
2.College of architectural engineering,Weifang University,Weifang 261061,China)
Abstract:The theory of spatial mobilized plane was used to improve the yield criterion and failure criterion of LadeDuncan elastoplastic model,and then the modified LadeDuncan model was established based on the nonassociated flow rule.Model parameters can be determined by the traditional triaxial test.The adaptability to the modified LadeDuncan model for silt was verified based on the triaxial UU test results of the silt samples collected in the deep foundation pit of the southcentral plain area in Weifang.The modified model can better reflect the relationship between (σ1-σ3)and ε1 of supporting layer of silt,and the relativity and shear dilatancy properties of stress paths.The modified model can provide reference for the calculation of silt foundation deformation of the highrise buildings and ultratall buildings.
Key words:theory of spatial mobilized plane;LadeDuncan elastoplastic model;silt;yield criterion;failure criterion
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[15] Matsuoka H,Yao Y P,Aun D A.The camclay models revised by SMP criterion[J].Soils and Foundations,1999,39(1):8195.
[16] Matsuoka H,Nakai T.Stressdeformation and strength characteristics of soil under three different principal stresses[A].Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers[C].Tokyo:[s.n.],1974,232:5970.
Roscoe K H,Schofield A N,Thurairajah A.Yielding of clay in states wetter than critical[J].Geotechnique,1963,13(3):211240.
[2] Roscoe K H,Burland J B.On the Generalized Stressstrain Behavior of “Wet” Clay[J].Journal of Terramechanics,1970,7(2):107108.
[3] 魏汝龙.正常压密粘土的塑性势[J].水利学报,1964,(6):921(WEI Rulong.The plastic potential of normally consolidated clays[J].Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,1964,(6):921.(in chinese))
[4] 魏汝龙.正常压密粘土的本构定律[J].岩土工程学报,1981,3(3):1018(WEI Rulong.Constitutive laws for normally consolidated clay[J].Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering,1981,3(3):1018.(in chinese))
[5] 黄文熙.土的弹塑性应力一应变模型理论[J].清华大学学报,1979,19(1):120(HUANG Wenxi.Theory of elastoplastic stressstrain models for soils[J].Journal of Tsinghua University,1979,19(1):120.(in chinese))
[6] 黄文熙.硬化规律对土的弹塑性应力应变模型影响的研究[J].岩士工程学报,1980,2(1):111(HUANG Wenxi.The influence of the hardening law on the formulation of the elastoplastic model of soil[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1980,2(1):111.(in chinese))
[7] Huang Wenxi.Effect of work hardening rules on the elastoplastic matrix[A].Soils under Cyclic and Transient Loading/Swansea[C].1980,1:711.
[8] 濮家骝,李广信,孙岳嵩.砂土复杂应力状态试验及三维弹塑性数学模型研究[A].第4届土力学及基础工程学术会议论文集[C].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1986:156163.(PU Jialiu,LI Guangxin,SUN Yuesong.Tests on sands under complicated stress states and study of a three dimensional elastoplastic model for the sands[A].Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering[C].Beijing:China Building Industry Press,1986:156163.(in chinese))
[9] 李广信.土的三维本构关系的探讨与模型验证[D].北京:清华大学,1985:7889.(LI Guangxin.A study of threedimensional constitutive relationship of soils and an examination of various models[D].Beijing:Tsinghua University,1985:7889.(in chinese))
[10] 沈珠江.土的弹塑性应力应变关系的合理形式[J].岩土工程学报,1980,2(2):1119.(SHEN Zhujiang.The rational form of stressstrain relationship of soils based on elasloplasticity theory[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1980,2(2):1119.(in chinese)).
[11] 沈珠江.土的三重屈服面应力应变模式[J].固体力学学报,1982(2):163174.(SHEN Zhujiang.A stressstrain model for soils with three yield surface[J].Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,1982(2):163174.(in Chinese))
[12] Lade,P.V.and Duncan,J.M.Elastoplastic.Stressstrain Theory for Cohesionless Soil[J].Geotechnical Engineering Division,1975,101(10):10371053.
[13] Lade P V,Duncan J M.Stresspath dependent behavior of cohesionless soi1[J].Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division,ASCE,1976,102(GT1):4248.
[14] Lade P V.Elastoplastic.Stressstrain theory for cohesionless with curved yield surfaces[J].Solids and Struc,1977,13(11):10191035.
[15] Matsuoka H,Yao Y P,Aun D A.The camclay models revised by SMP criterion[J].Soils and Foundations,1999,39(1):8195.
[16] Matsuoka H,Nakai T.Stressdeformation and strength characteristics of soil under three different principal stresses[A].Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers[C].Tokyo:[s.n.],1974,232:5970.
Roscoe K H,Schofield A N,Thurairajah A.Yielding of clay in states wetter than critical[J].Geotechnique,1963,13(3):211240.
[2] Roscoe K H,Burland J B.On the Generalized Stressstrain Behavior of “Wet” Clay[J].Journal of Terramechanics,1970,7(2):107108.
[3] 魏汝龙.正常压密粘土的塑性势[J].水利学报,1964,(6):921(WEI Rulong.The plastic potential of normally consolidated clays[J].Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,1964,(6):921.(in chinese))
[4] 魏汝龙.正常压密粘土的本构定律[J].岩土工程学报,1981,3(3):1018(WEI Rulong.Constitutive laws for normally consolidated clay[J].Chinese Jounal of Geotechnical Engineering,1981,3(3):1018.(in chinese))
[5] 黄文熙.土的弹塑性应力一应变模型理论[J].清华大学学报,1979,19(1):120(HUANG Wenxi.Theory of elastoplastic stressstrain models for soils[J].Journal of Tsinghua University,1979,19(1):120.(in chinese))
[6] 黄文熙.硬化规律对土的弹塑性应力应变模型影响的研究[J].岩士工程学报,1980,2(1):111(HUANG Wenxi.The influence of the hardening law on the formulation of the elastoplastic model of soil[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1980,2(1):111.(in chinese))
[7] Huang Wenxi.Effect of work hardening rules on the elastoplastic matrix[A].Soils under Cyclic and Transient Loading/Swansea[C].1980,1:711.
[8] 濮家骝,李广信,孙岳嵩.砂土复杂应力状态试验及三维弹塑性数学模型研究[A].第4届土力学及基础工程学术会议论文集[C].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1986:156163.(PU Jialiu,LI Guangxin,SUN Yuesong.Tests on sands under complicated stress states and study of a three dimensional elastoplastic model for the sands[A].Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering[C].Beijing:China Building Industry Press,1986:156163.(in chinese))
[9] 李广信.土的三维本构关系的探讨与模型验证[D].北京:清华大学,1985:7889.(LI Guangxin.A study of threedimensional constitutive relationship of soils and an examination of various models[D].Beijing:Tsinghua University,1985:7889.(in chinese))
[10] 沈珠江.土的弹塑性应力应变关系的合理形式[J].岩土工程学报,1980,2(2):1119.(SHEN Zhujiang.The rational form of stressstrain relationship of soils based on elasloplasticity theory[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1980,2(2):1119.(in chinese)).
[11] 沈珠江.土的三重屈服面应力应变模式[J].固体力学学报,1982(2):163174.(SHEN Zhujiang.A stressstrain model for soils with three yield surface[J].Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,1982(2):163174.(in Chinese))
[12] Lade,P.V.and Duncan,J.M.Elastoplastic.Stressstrain Theory for Cohesionless Soil[J].Geotechnical Engineering Division,1975,101(10):10371053.
[13] Lade P V,Duncan J M.Stresspath dependent behavior of cohesionless soi1[J].Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division,ASCE,1976,102(GT1):4248.
[14] Lade P V.Elastoplastic.Stressstrain theory for cohesionless with curved yield surfaces[J].Solids and Struc,1977,13(11):10191035.
[15] Matsuoka H,Yao Y P,Aun D A.The camclay models revised by SMP criterion[J].Soils and Foundations,1999,39(1):8195.
[16] Matsuoka H,Nakai T.Stressdeformation and strength characteristics of soil under three different principal stresses[A].Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers[C].Tokyo:[s.n.],1974,232:5970.




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