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标题 智能电热蚊香系统的设计与开发

    黄剑斌 颜安妮 郑永超 林春秀 卓泽衔





    Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the humanized design and intelligent level of various household appliances. In view of the fact that the operation process of the traditional electric mosquito-repellent incense device is mechanized and lacks humanized design, it is difficult for users to realize the remote control and personalized setting of the electric mosquito-repellent incense device, which does not meet the use requirements of people for small household appliances under the background of smart home. In this paper, the electric mosquito-repellent incense device is taken as the research object, and a intelligent electric mosquito-repellent incense device system is designed and developed. Using STM32 single chip microcomputer as control board, combined with Bluetooth communication technology, the intelligent electric mosquito-repellent incense device can be controlled at both the mobile phone end and the PC end, so as to realize the functions of instant switch, timing switch, sound reminding and the like of the intelligent electric mosquito-repellent incense device.


    Key words: intelligent system;electric mosquito repellent incense device;Bluetooth technology;single chip microcomputer

    中图分类号:TP274 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1006-4311(2019)15-0069-04

    0 ?引言

    由智能家居逐步取代传统家居在人们日常生活中的主体地位已成为必然趋势,国内外诸多专家学者已致力于研究和开发智能家居及其控制系统。国外对智能技术的研究发展较早,针对智能建筑和智能家居的研究都较为丰富。美国在1984建成了世界上第一栋智能建筑,在此之后智能化建筑和智能家居逐渐出现在大众的视野中,诸如:微软的“维纳斯计划”、IBM的“dream space”以及比尔盖茨的智能化之家等都在推动着智能化产业的发展。国外学者和研究人员针对智能化家居和智能化家居控制系统进行了多样化研究,在原有的基础上做出了多种改进。诸如针对智能家居信号传输的研究,有国外学者研究了用于智能家居的无线多信道传输系统,因原本的载波传输容易受到同频率的电子产品影响,跳频现象时常发生,因此该学者的研究识别2.4GHz范围内的最佳信道数量,优化了信道传输系统[1]。在国内,许多学者和研究人员在科研方面也做了很多研究,如将ZIGBEE技术与ARM技术相结合,以ARM微处理器为中心建立家庭网关硬件平台[2]。该系统在智能家居的应用上具有多方面的优势,如人机交互性能高、远程控制性能好等特点,但是对开发技术要求相对较高。因此,近十年来,各科技公司还是致力于智能家居及其控制系统的研究,例如:近两年兴起的AI,华为公司首次在麒麟处理器上加入NPU单元,进行单独的智能化计算,使手机更为智能,另外小米公司的小爱音箱和阿里巴巴的天猫精灵音箱皆是智能家居时代下的产物。但智能家居市场尚未成熟,只有解决好行业标准、成本控制、隐私安全等问题,市场才能真正地全面普及和发展壮大[3]。





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