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标题 非线性时变时滞系统的Delta算子最优控制






    Abstract: This paper researches the optimal control problem of the delta operator for general nonlinear time-varying systems with time delays. First, the system is discretized by u-sing the delta operator theory, and the time delay is eliminated by reasonable transformation under specific conditions. Secondly, the differential dynamic programming method is combined to solve the optimal control law of the nonlinear time-varying system with time delay eliminated under the description of the delta operator.


    Key words: nonlinear time-varying systems with time delays;Delta operator;optimal control;differential dynamic programming

    0? 引言


    Delta算子现在已成为连续时间模型和离散时间模型的统一描述方法[8],既有效避免了传统Z变换引起的数值不稳定问题,又成功使得连续域的各类设计方法可直接应用于离散域设计,成为了连接连续域与离散域之间的桥梁,在计算机高速信号处理、宽带通信与数字采样控制领域具有广阔的应用前景。Delta算子目前在系统的最优控制[8]、鲁棒控制方面应用广泛,如Delta算子系统的最优滑模控制[3]、基于Delta算子的时变时延网络系统鲁棒H-∞滤波[2]、Output tracking control for fuzzy delta operator systems with time-varying delays等。


    1? delta变换消除时滞

    1.1 具有滞后的非线性时变系统


    [1]P.S. Lal Priya,Bijnan Bandyopadhyay. Discrete time sliding mode control for uncertain Delta operator systems with infrequent output measurements[J]. European Journal of Control,2017,33:52-59.



    [4]Qiu Ji-qing,Yang Hong-jiu,Zhang Jin-hui. Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control for a Class of Uncertain Systems with both State and Input Delays via Delta Operator Approach[C]. Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007),Qingdao:IEEE,2007:417-422.











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