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标题 货币政策与杠杆率的相关性研究



    Abstract: After China's economy has entered the "new normal", the growth rate has dropped significantly, and at the same time, the leverage has risen rapidly. Monetary policy, as an important macro-control means, is currently the government's favorite tool for achieving

    "stable growth" and "reducing leverage". This paper uses China's panel data from 2008 to 2018, and constructs a dynamic panel data model of monetary policy and leverage with control variables to empirically analyze the impact of monetary policy on leverage. The study found that the leverage ratio increased as the money supply increased. Five policy suggestions are put forward accordingly. The first is to continue to use "reducing leverage" as an important task to prevent systemic financial risks. The second is to establish the dual pillars of "macro-prudence" and "monetary policy" to balance relationship among the stable growth, reducing leverage and risk prevention. The third is to improve the pertinence and flexibility of monetary policy, while emphasizing micro-measures and structural adjustments. The fourth is to coordinate monetary policy with other policies to complete macroeconomic control. The fifth is to establish a dynamic monitoring model of leverage rate.


    Key words: monetary policy;leverage ratio;GDP;excel software

    中图分类号:F299.23;F822.0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号:1006-4311(2020)04-0095-03

    1? 绪论

    自从2008年经济危机爆发后,“去杠杆”是各国寻求化解经济危机,恢复经济发展的重要手段。近几年随着中国的快速发展,国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,以下简称GDP)随着居民的收入不断增高,我国目前处于经济发展的转折期,从而去杠杆变得极为重要。理论上可以由货币政策直接来调节杠杆率流动性,因此对于杠杆率的调节还需要货币政策来发力。中央银行应当采取适当的货币政策,防止杠杆率的急速上升,避免出现系统性风险。习近平总书记在2015年中央经济会议中依据供给侧结构性改革的要求提出去产能、去杠杆、去库存、降成本以及补短板的五项任务,简称“三去、一降、一补”。紧接着2018年的中央经济会议有明确指出中央银行要综合运用货币政策工具,建立完善的利率传导机制,使更多的金融资源流入到实体经济中,平稳经济增长的同时降低杠杆率。






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