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标题 基于PHP+MySQL的网上购物系统的设计与开发

    摘? 要: 开发了基于PHP+MySQL的网上购物系统。该系统采用PHP、DR、MySQL数据库等技术开发而成。设计开发了包括用户管理模块、订单管理模块、购物车模块和商品管理模块等功能模块。客户能在前台实现商品信息的浏览查询,登录后能够将商品加入购物车,生成订单,管理员能在后台实现信息的增删改查。该系统界面清晰美观,功能比较完善。

    关键词: 购物车; 网上购物; 订单管理; 商品管理

    中图分类号:TP311? ? ? ? ? 文献标志码:A? ? ?文章编号:1006-8228(2018)12-22-03

    Abstract: A PHP+MySQL based online shopping system is developed in this paper. The system is developed by using PHP technology, DR technology and MySQL database technology. The function modules developed include user management module, order management module, shopping cart module and commodity management module. Users can browse and query the information of commodities in the foreground, add goods to the shopping cart and generate orders after login, and administrators can add, delete, modify and check the information in the background. The system has a clear and beautiful interface, and perfect function.

    Key words: shopping cart; online shopping; order management; commodity management

    0 引言


    1 系统相关技术基础



    2 系统分析与设计



    3 购物车模块实现







    { echo "<script>alert('请先登录后购物');history.back();</script>";

    exit; } //判断用户是否登录


    $sql=mysql_query("select * from tb_shangpin where




    echo "<script>alert('该商品已售完');history.back()

    </script>"; //判断该商品是否有货



    { if(intval($array[$i])==intval($id))

    { echo '<script>alert("该商品已放入购物");


    exit; }} //判断商品是否已放入购物车





    <form name="form1" method="post" >

    <table width="557" border="0" align="center" >

    <tr> <td height="46" background="images/cart.gif"

    colspan="6"></td> </tr>



    if($_GET['qingkong']=="yes") {


    $_SESSION['quatity']=""; } //实现清空购物车功能





    { $s+=$arraygwc[$i]; }


    { echo "<tr>";

    echo "<td height='25' colspan='6' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'


    echo "</tr>"; }? //判断购物车是否为空

    else { ?>


    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">商品名称</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">数量</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">市场价</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">会员价</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">折扣</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">小计</td>

    <td? bgcolor="#FFFFFF">操作</td>






    while(list($name,$value)=each($_POST)) {

    for($i=0;$i<count($array)-1;$i++) {

    if(($array[$i])==$name) {




    } //实现更改商品数量功能

    $_SESSION['quatity']=implode("@", $arrayquatity);

    for($i=0;$i<count($array)-1;$i++) {



    if($id!="") {

    $sql=mysql_query("select * from tb_shangpin

    where id='".$id."'");







    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo $info['mingcheng'];?></td>


    <input type="text" name="<?php echo $info['id'];?>" size="2"? value=<?php echo $num;?>>


    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

    <?php echo $info['shichangjia'];?>元</td>

    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo


    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo


    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo


    <td height="25" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><a href="#">


    </tr> <?php }

    } ?>


    <td height="25" colspan="6" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

    <table width="500" height="25">

    <tr> <td width="125">

    <input name="submit2" type="submit"? value=



    <td width="125"><a href="gouwusuan1.php?


    <a href="#">返回</a></td>

    <td width="125"><a href="gouwuche1.php?qingkong=


    <td width="125">总计:<?php echo $total;?></td>

    </tr>? <?php

    }? ?>

    </table> </form>


    4 结束语



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