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标题 基于输出采样数据的非线性切换系统网络化同步
范文 潘睿 周磊

摘 要: 针对连续Lipschitz非线性切换系统,设计了基于输出采样数据反馈的主从同步控制器,以实现主从非线性切换系统在网络环境中状态同步的目的。首先,通过基于采样数据的输入时滞方法,将同步误差系统建模成具有状态时滞的非线性切换系统,解决了因考虑对输出信号采样而带来的系统模态与控制器模态的不同步切换问题。然后,利用多Lyapunov泛函和平均驻留时间方法建立同步误差系统指数渐近稳定的充分条件,并通过求解一组线性矩阵不等式给出输出反馈控制器的设计方法。最后,通过一个切换神经网络的数值例子验证了所提同步方案的有效性。
关键词: 非线性切换系统; 网络化同步; 采样控制; 输入时滞方法; 同步误差; 平均驻留时间
中图分类号: TN914.53?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)13?0014?05
Abstract: A master?slave synchronous controller based on output sampling data feedback was designed for the continuous Lipschitz nonlinear switched system to realize the state synchronization of the master?slave nonlinear switched system in the network environment. The input delay approach based on sampling data is used to model the synchronization error system as a nonlinear switched system with state delay to solve the non?synchronous switching between the system mode and controller mode caused by output signal sampling. The multi?Lyapunov functional theory and average dwell time method are used to get a sufficient exponential approximate stability condition for the synchronization error system. The design approach of the output feedback controller is given by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. The effectiveness of the proposed synchronization scheme was verified with numerical example of a switching neural network.
Keywords: nonlinear switched system; networked synchronization; sampling control; input delay approach; synchronization error; average dwell time0 引 言
图2显示了主系统和从系统的状态轨迹逐渐趋于一致;从图3可知同步误差系统轨迹也逐渐趋于零;图4给出了原始切换信号[σ(t)]和采样切换信号[σ(t)]的对比关系。这都显示了本文提出的基于采样数据的非线性切换系统同步方案的有效性。5 结 语
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