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标题 基于子空间域的自适应小字典的语音增强
范文 裴俊华 贾海蓉
关键词: 语音增强; 小字典; 子空间; K?SVD; OMP; 阈值
中图分类号: TN912.35?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0046?05
Abstract: Since the traditional speech enhancement algorithm of small dictionary has the problem of speech distortion for noise elimination, a speech enhancement algorithm based on adaptive small dictionary in subspace domain is proposed. A over?completed small dictionary is constructed by using the eigenvalues of noisy speech signal in the subspace domain to make the dictionary have perfect control mechanism for signal distortion and residual noise, which is possible to minimize the distortion of the signal while eliminating the noise. The [K] singular value decomposition (K?SVD) algorithm is used for sparse representation and dictionary updating for the noisy speech by means of over?complete small dictionary. The correlation threshold and energy threshold are set in orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm to adaptively control the reconstruction and iteration times, and reduce the reconstruction time. The experimental results show that, in comparison with the algorithms given in literatures, the new algorithm under different noise backgrounds has higher SNR and PESQ, and can reduce the speech distortion and improve the speech quality.
Keywords: speech enhancement; small dictionary; subspace domain; K?SVD; OMP; threshold0 ?引 ?言
语音增强[1]的目的就是尽可能地从噪声中提取出纯净语音信号。近年来,基于信号稀疏表示的语音增强算法受到广泛关注。稀疏表示[2]是指用尽可能少的非零系数来准确表示原始信号。由于使用冗余字典能很好地表示出在稀疏基上近似稀疏的语音信号,对于非稀疏的噪声不能进行表示,利用稀疏表示的这个特点能够有效去除信号中的噪声。K?SVD[3](K?Singular Value Decomposition)算法是最具代表性的一种稀疏表示算法。近年来,文献[4]提出一种基于频域上的小字典训练的语音增强算法,文献[5]提出一种基于Sparse K?SVD学习字典的语音增强方法,文献[6]提出一种基于自适应逼近残差的稀疏表示语音降噪方法。与这些基于频域的方法相比,信号子空间[7]可通过选取适当的拉格朗日乘子[ν],在抑制噪声的同时减少信号失真。因此,本文把字典训练方法应用于子空间域。而小字典易于进行奇异值分解,更能够体现出语音的局部特性,所以本文提出一种基于子空间域的自适应小字典的语音增强算法。在子空间域中用带噪语音信号的特征值构造过完备的小字典,然后将其作为初始字典,对带噪语音的特征值用K?SVD算法不断进行稀疏表示和字典更新。其中在OMP[8] (Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法中设置相关性阈值与能量阈值[9]来自适应控制重构阶段及迭代次数。

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