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标题 基于Hadoop平台的图书推荐服务Apriori优化算法
范文 袁泉 常伟鹏
关键词: Hadoop; 云计算; 图书推荐; DAG; Apriori算法; 推荐算法
中图分类号: TN911.1?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0180?03
Abstract: An Apriori optimization algorithm based on Hadoop platform is proposed to improve the accuracy of book recommendation service. On the basis of distributed Hadoop framework, the directed acyclic graph (DAG) is used to analyze the implementation steps of parallel Map Reduce based on Hadoop platform. The Map Reduce is optimized for the traditional association rule Apriori algorithm to reduce the connection times of database, and generation of useless candidate items as much as possible, so as to shorten the task processing time. The experimental results show that, in comparison with traditional LDA recommendation algorithm, the proposed algorithm has higher accuracy, and can recommend more suitable books for borrowers.
Keywords: Hadoop; cloud computing; book recommendation; DAG; Apriori algorithm; recommendation algorithm0 ?引 ?言
在解决此类大数据挖掘问题时,Hadoop云平台表现出了优秀的性能,但是,由于数据越来越复杂且数据库的规模变得越来越大,集中式处理方法很容易造成网络拥塞问题[5]。因此,传统的云计算系统已经无法有效解决大数据处理任务。目前,分布式Hadoop平台下的并行Map Reduce作业流处理技术成为当今的研究主流[5]。为了在分布式Hadoop平台上有效实现图书推荐并进一步提高推荐的精确度,本文提出一种基于Hadoop平台的Apriori优化算法。实验结果显示,相比传统算法,所提出的算法具有较高的准确度,能夠有效实现图书数据挖掘。1 ?分布式Hadoop框架
从图3中可以看出,随着图书管理系统中推荐书籍的总数不断增加,三种算法得到的准确度都随之不断提高。其中LDA算法的提高速度最慢,传统关联规则算法的提高速度次之,本文提出方法的提高速度最快。验证了本文提出算法的有效性和可行性,能够有效地完成用户图书推荐,并且在相同条件下,相比其他两种算法,本文提出算法的准确度更高。3 ?结 ?论
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