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标题 基于小波包频段分解及综合能量系数的小电流接地系统故障定段方案
范文 王帅 李立生 宋晓东 孙毅 王善龙 马骁壮
关键词: 小电流接地; 小波包; 综合能量系数; 单相接地故障; 零序电流; 故障定段
中图分类号: TN99?34; TM77 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0113?06
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of single?phase?to?ground fault location in small current grounding system, a fault section location strategy of small current grounding system based on wavelet packet frequency band decomposition and comprehensive energy coefficient (CEC) is proposed to allocate different weights for energy ratios of low?frequency and high?frequency bands at different fault occurrence moments, obtain the energy information in fault zero?sequence current signal to the maximum extent, avoid that the efficient current energy information could not be extracted due to inaccurate selection of signal frequency band, and the fault section is determined according to the CEC difference of fault line and normal line. The proposed single?phase?to?ground comprehensive fault section location strategy can identify the main feeder fault, penetrating line fault and terminal line fault, isn′t influenced by transition resistance and fault occurrence moment, and has high accuracy and reliability, which is verified by theoretical analysis and ATP?EMTP based simulation model.
Keywords: small current grounding; wavelet packet; comprehensive energy coefficient; single?phase?to?ground fault; zero?sequence current; fault section location0 ?引 ?言

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