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标题 基于PSO?Elman模型的网络流量预测
范文 顾兆军 李冰 刘涛
關键词: 相空间重构; 粒子群算法; Elman神经网络; 混沌时间序列; 网络流量预测; 参数优化
中图分类号: TN98?34; TP393 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0082?05
Abstract: The traditional neural network used for network traffic prediction is easy to fall into the local minimization, which may lead to the low prediction accuracy. Therefore, a network traffic prediction model is proposed on the basis of phase?space reconstruction, in which the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to optimize the initial parameter of Elman neural network. The phase?space reconstruction is carried out for the time sequence of network traffic, and then the reconstructed traffic sequence is taken as the input of the model. The global searching ability of PSO algorithm is utilized to optimize the initial parameter of Elman neural network. The trained Elman neural network is used to forecast the network traffic. The simulation results show that, in comparison with other traffic prediction models, the network prediction based on PSO?Elman model has higher prediction accuracy.
Keywords: phase?space reconstruction; PSO algorithm; Elman neural network; chaotic time series; network traffic prediction; parameter optimization

1) 利用PSO算法对于Elman的初始参数进行寻优,只需要迭代20次,结果就会收敛到一个稳定的状态,预测精度即适应度较迭代之前可以有了明显的提高。
2) PSO?Elman算法预测序列走势最为接近真实值,其他算法的拟合效果均比PSO?Elman差。
3) 通过表1可以发现,对于RMSE,MAE,MRE三个指标,基于PSO?Elman神经网络的计算结果均远远小于其他两种算法,证明本文算法的预测精度优于其他算法。5 ?结 ?语
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