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标题 硬件可实现的LDPC译码算法研究
范文 姜博宇 +姚远程 +秦明伟
摘 要: 低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码有着较强的纠错能力,已被确定为第四代移动通信技术中首选码字。分析对比了几种LDPC译码算法的过程,基于硬件可实现性这一研究热点,对传统的译码算法进行了优化,提出一种易于硬件实现的LDPC译码算法。仿真结果表明:归一化最小和算法在不增加迭代次数,码长较长的情况下也有着很好的译码性能,适合在LDPC译码器的硬件实现中推广。
关键词: LDPC码; 译码算法; 归一化最小和算法; 译码器
中图分类号: TN911?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0005?04
Abstract: LDPC code possesses excellent capability of error correction, and has been intended to be the preferred codeword of the fourth generation of mobile communication technology. Based on the research focus on hardware implementation of the LDPC decoding algorithm, the traditional decoding algorithm was optimized. The LDPC decoding algorithm, which is easy to be implemented, is proposed on the basis of analysis and comparison of several LDPC decoding algorithms. Simulation results show that normalization min?sum (NMS) algorithm is suitable for LDPC decoder hardware implementation, and has perfect decoding performance even if the number of iterations is not increased and code length is long.
Keywords: LDPC code; decoding algorithm; NMS algorithm; decoder
0 引 言
低密度奇偶校验(Low?density Parity?check Codes,LDPC)码是一种用稀疏的奇偶校验矩阵或Tanner图定义的线性分组码[1]。近年来,由于LDPC码具有逼近香农极限的纠错性能,在信道编码的研究中引起越来越多学者的重视,其已经被确定为第四代移动通信编码技术中的首选码字。LDPC码之所以成为信道编码领域的热门研究方向,除了它具有很强的纠错性能外,还有一个重要的原因是其在译码上的优势[2?3]。由于LDPC码具有稀疏的校验矩阵,使更高效的译码算法成为可能。
1 和积译码算法
4 结 语
[1] GALLAGER R G. Low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theroy, 1962, 8(1): 21?28.
[2] MACKAY D J C, NEAL R M. Near?Shannon?limit performance of low density parity check codes [J]. Electronics Letters, 1996, 32(18): 1645?1646.
[3] MACKAY D J C. Good error?correcting codes base on very sparse matrices [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999, 45(2): 399?431.
[4] TANNER R M. A recursive approach to low complexity codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1981, 27(3): 533?547.
[5] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M P C. Decoding low?density parity?check codes with normalized APP?based algorithm [C]// Proceedings of IEEE 2001 Globe Telecommunications Conference. San Antonio, TX: IEEE, 2001, 2: 1026?1030.
[6] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M. Near optimum universal belief propagation based decoding of low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2002, 50(1): 406?414.
[7] HU Xiao?yu, ELEFTHERIOU E, ARNOLD D M, et al. Efficient implementation of the sum?product algorithm for decoding LDPC codes [EB/OL]. [2010?01?10]. http:// WWW.
[8] 贺鹤云.LDPC码基础与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2009.
摘 要: 低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码有着较强的纠错能力,已被确定为第四代移动通信技术中首选码字。分析对比了几种LDPC译码算法的过程,基于硬件可实现性这一研究热点,对传统的译码算法进行了优化,提出一种易于硬件实现的LDPC译码算法。仿真结果表明:归一化最小和算法在不增加迭代次数,码长较长的情况下也有着很好的译码性能,适合在LDPC译码器的硬件实现中推广。
关键词: LDPC码; 译码算法; 归一化最小和算法; 译码器
中图分类号: TN911?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0005?04
Abstract: LDPC code possesses excellent capability of error correction, and has been intended to be the preferred codeword of the fourth generation of mobile communication technology. Based on the research focus on hardware implementation of the LDPC decoding algorithm, the traditional decoding algorithm was optimized. The LDPC decoding algorithm, which is easy to be implemented, is proposed on the basis of analysis and comparison of several LDPC decoding algorithms. Simulation results show that normalization min?sum (NMS) algorithm is suitable for LDPC decoder hardware implementation, and has perfect decoding performance even if the number of iterations is not increased and code length is long.
Keywords: LDPC code; decoding algorithm; NMS algorithm; decoder
0 引 言
低密度奇偶校验(Low?density Parity?check Codes,LDPC)码是一种用稀疏的奇偶校验矩阵或Tanner图定义的线性分组码[1]。近年来,由于LDPC码具有逼近香农极限的纠错性能,在信道编码的研究中引起越来越多学者的重视,其已经被确定为第四代移动通信编码技术中的首选码字。LDPC码之所以成为信道编码领域的热门研究方向,除了它具有很强的纠错性能外,还有一个重要的原因是其在译码上的优势[2?3]。由于LDPC码具有稀疏的校验矩阵,使更高效的译码算法成为可能。
1 和积译码算法
4 结 语
[1] GALLAGER R G. Low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theroy, 1962, 8(1): 21?28.
[2] MACKAY D J C, NEAL R M. Near?Shannon?limit performance of low density parity check codes [J]. Electronics Letters, 1996, 32(18): 1645?1646.
[3] MACKAY D J C. Good error?correcting codes base on very sparse matrices [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999, 45(2): 399?431.
[4] TANNER R M. A recursive approach to low complexity codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1981, 27(3): 533?547.
[5] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M P C. Decoding low?density parity?check codes with normalized APP?based algorithm [C]// Proceedings of IEEE 2001 Globe Telecommunications Conference. San Antonio, TX: IEEE, 2001, 2: 1026?1030.
[6] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M. Near optimum universal belief propagation based decoding of low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2002, 50(1): 406?414.
[7] HU Xiao?yu, ELEFTHERIOU E, ARNOLD D M, et al. Efficient implementation of the sum?product algorithm for decoding LDPC codes [EB/OL]. [2010?01?10]. http:// WWW.
[8] 贺鹤云.LDPC码基础与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2009.
摘 要: 低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码有着较强的纠错能力,已被确定为第四代移动通信技术中首选码字。分析对比了几种LDPC译码算法的过程,基于硬件可实现性这一研究热点,对传统的译码算法进行了优化,提出一种易于硬件实现的LDPC译码算法。仿真结果表明:归一化最小和算法在不增加迭代次数,码长较长的情况下也有着很好的译码性能,适合在LDPC译码器的硬件实现中推广。
关键词: LDPC码; 译码算法; 归一化最小和算法; 译码器
中图分类号: TN911?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0005?04
Abstract: LDPC code possesses excellent capability of error correction, and has been intended to be the preferred codeword of the fourth generation of mobile communication technology. Based on the research focus on hardware implementation of the LDPC decoding algorithm, the traditional decoding algorithm was optimized. The LDPC decoding algorithm, which is easy to be implemented, is proposed on the basis of analysis and comparison of several LDPC decoding algorithms. Simulation results show that normalization min?sum (NMS) algorithm is suitable for LDPC decoder hardware implementation, and has perfect decoding performance even if the number of iterations is not increased and code length is long.
Keywords: LDPC code; decoding algorithm; NMS algorithm; decoder
0 引 言
低密度奇偶校验(Low?density Parity?check Codes,LDPC)码是一种用稀疏的奇偶校验矩阵或Tanner图定义的线性分组码[1]。近年来,由于LDPC码具有逼近香农极限的纠错性能,在信道编码的研究中引起越来越多学者的重视,其已经被确定为第四代移动通信编码技术中的首选码字。LDPC码之所以成为信道编码领域的热门研究方向,除了它具有很强的纠错性能外,还有一个重要的原因是其在译码上的优势[2?3]。由于LDPC码具有稀疏的校验矩阵,使更高效的译码算法成为可能。
1 和积译码算法
4 结 语
[1] GALLAGER R G. Low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theroy, 1962, 8(1): 21?28.
[2] MACKAY D J C, NEAL R M. Near?Shannon?limit performance of low density parity check codes [J]. Electronics Letters, 1996, 32(18): 1645?1646.
[3] MACKAY D J C. Good error?correcting codes base on very sparse matrices [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999, 45(2): 399?431.
[4] TANNER R M. A recursive approach to low complexity codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1981, 27(3): 533?547.
[5] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M P C. Decoding low?density parity?check codes with normalized APP?based algorithm [C]// Proceedings of IEEE 2001 Globe Telecommunications Conference. San Antonio, TX: IEEE, 2001, 2: 1026?1030.
[6] CHEN J, FOSSORIER M. Near optimum universal belief propagation based decoding of low?density parity?check codes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2002, 50(1): 406?414.
[7] HU Xiao?yu, ELEFTHERIOU E, ARNOLD D M, et al. Efficient implementation of the sum?product algorithm for decoding LDPC codes [EB/OL]. [2010?01?10]. http:// WWW.
[8] 贺鹤云.LDPC码基础与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2009.




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