标题 | 建构主义理论下的体验式教学课程设计 |
范文 | 摘要:本文通过体验式外语教学课程的个案设计分析了口语教学项目。在体验教学模式下,教师精简指引,学生可利用教师预设的课内外教学课程方案开展自学和互助学习,教师及时监督、督促、引导和释疑,为学习者提供充分发挥主动学习和积极建构知识的体验情境。 关键词:建构主义;体验式教学;课程设计 一、体验式外语教学模式的理论基础 建构主义的创始人皮亚杰(Piaget)提出“认识是一种以主体已有的知识和经验为基础的主动建构”[1]。因此,新经验的建构是主体与客体之间相互作用的结果,新经验的获得既要以原来的经验为基础,又会使原有的经验发生改变,进而使它得到丰富或改进,从而形成双向建构的过程。 建构主义学习观认为,学习不是从零开始,而是基于原有知识经验背景的建构。根据心理学家凯利(Kelly,1963)提出的“个人建构”(personalconstructs)思想理论,强调在处理学习任务时,每个人使用不同的个人建构方法。每位学习者都有自己的个人建构,会对个人的学习过程产生不同的影响,因此在学习过程中要尊重个人的学习策略和风格,通过体验式外语教学帮助学生在学习过程中建构知识,体验参与,体验快乐,提升认知。 二、体验式外语教学课程的个案设计 基于阅读的口语教学项目 (一)、教学材料 Passage 1 EDINBURGH CASTLE is well known throughout the world. It used to be the home of Scotlands kings and queens and it has some impressive buildings from the 15th and 16th centuries. It stands on Castle Rock, a massive volcanic rock in the heart of the city, with a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside and of the Firth of Forth, an inlet of the sea. There have been settlements on Castle Rock fo nearly 3,000 years because of its good position. The Military Tattoo,a floodlit spectacle of military drum and bagpipe music, takes place at Edinburgh Castle every August, as part of the Edinburgh Festival. Situated under one end of the Forth Bridge, DEEP SEA WORLD brings you face to face with the creatures of the deep. From 112 metres of underwater tunnels you can enjoy a spectacular view of the piranhas and other tropical fish in the aquarium surrounding you. Or you can go scuba diving among the sharks. You must be at least 16 and in reasonably good health for this, because swimming with sharks can be pretty terrifying! Teachers contact Deep Sea World about how we can help the children in your class to improve their scientific skills. Dickenss London Follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens, the nineteenth century writer,and listen as we recite parts of his novels and ring characters like Oliver Twistvividly to life. Stand by the remains of the Marshalsea, where Dickenss own father was imprisoned, and which is the scene of much of his novel“Little Dorrit” (二)、教學内容与目标1、教学内容 本单元的核心项目是“英国旅游”。 结合学生跨文化交际需求,围绕与英国主题相关的这一中心项目,收集或设计了一些与英格兰、苏格兰重要城市相关的景点图片,让学生观看图片、阅读文章,然后开展相关教学活动,锻炼学生的读和说的能力,复述描绘所读所看内容,延伸拓展相关话题知识,实现学习过程的有效输入和输出。 2、教学目标 知识目标:学习掌握与英国旅游相关的词汇 能力目标:能用英文表达或延伸自身对英国旅游、城市等的了解和感 悟 情感目标:通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,培养其合作精神 文化意识目标:通过学习旅游方面的话题,学生更深入地了解旅游、城市,甚至历史、文学等。 (三)、课前准备 老师:搜集关于英国旅游的图片,给出中英文介绍。学生:准备一些旅游相关的图片,供对话时使用。 (四)、课时安排2课时 (五)、教学过程StepOne:Lead-in 目的:以互动贴近生活的方式引入旅游话题,让学生分享过去对旅游的体验,将已经拥有的知识在与他人的交往和互动之中获得运用,在有意义的情景中在教师或同学的互动对象身上获取新知识。 Warming-up questions: 1、Have you ever been to Edinburgh or other city that is similar to its style? 2、Do you think you are brave enough to go scuba diving at the deep sea world? 3、Do you think travelling is a good way to relax yourself as an individual? 4、What is London like at Charles Dickenseyes? 5、What TV series have you watched that contains sights of London? Step Two: Reading Ask students to read Passage 1 within 10 minutes. Make conversations between Teacher and Students: Step Three: Present the new words about travelling in the UK with pictures and the new conversations based on the material(. 可以配上前往英國短期交流过的学生的亲身体验) 目的:实现“在做中学”(learning by doing),通过直观分享英国景点的图片和英文表述让学生实现语言的输入,这种输入方式首先符合了理想的输入要素中的两点,即所传达的知识是可理解的、并能提起学习者的兴趣且与学习者的专业和生活都有关。 参考文献: [1] Piaget, Jean. The Principles of Genetic Epistemology [M]. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1981. 作者简介: 陈薇薇(1981.12),女,江苏苏州人,苏州卫生职业技术学院英语教师,硕士,副教授,主要研究领域:英美文学,英语教学法。 本文为2018年度江苏省哲学社会科学基金项目《“一带一路”背景下的体验式跨文化交际理论和实践研究》(2018SJA1473)成果。 |
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