标题 | 思维导图在阅读教学课堂中的具体应用以外研版 |
范文 | 马海容 摘 要:作者通过分析阅读课文的学习任务、设计目的及相应的阅读策略,有侧重地将习题或课文内容改编为思维导图,并将其用于课文分析、復述及相应的写作环节,逐步引导学生使用英语思维完成读写任务。 关键词:思维导图;阅读教学;应用 课文原文如下: Cambridge,London and England I come from Cambridge,a beautiful city in the east of England.It is on the River Cam and has a population of about 120,000.My hometown is especially famous for its university.Many famous people studied here such as Issac Newton and Charles Darwin.There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.Students and tourists enjoy trips along the river by boat. Cambridge is 80 kilometers from London.London in the south of England and it is on the River Thames.It has a population of about seven and a half million,so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge.It is about 2000 years old,and it is famous for Big Ben,Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. England itself is part of an island,so people are always near the sea.The small villages and beaches on the coast are always popular for holidays.Tourists like the areas of the low mountains and beautiful lakes in the north and the hills and the pretty villages in the south.Everywhere in England,you will notice how green the countryside is! It is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.So come and see England anytime of the year,but bring an umbrella with you.You will need it most days. 本课是阅读课型,学生要完成读和写两个部分的学习任务,需要采用适当的阅读策略学习有关“剑桥”、“伦敦”和“英格兰”三地的具体信息。如果说阅读是输入,那么读后的写就是输出,读是写的铺垫,写是读的结果,以读促写,让学生真正学有所用,这也是编者的高明之处。为完成相应的教学目标,编者也设计了层层深入的六个学习任务,具体如下: 任务一:看英格兰的地图并且读句子。目的:自然习得地名以及方位表达法,为下文引入剑桥和伦敦在英格兰的具体方位做铺垫,阅读策略为边读边看; 任务二:读文章后看图选标题。目的:通过直观的图片引发学生的学习兴趣,并快速抓住剑桥的重点——剑桥大学和康河,同时思考“塔桥和泰晤士河究竟是属于剑桥呢还是属于伦敦?”。学生们可以一边猜一边快速阅读读文章第一、二段,快速选择标题,从而验证假设,原来塔桥和伦敦都是属于伦敦的。而这两个热身练习,也使学生们轻松地了解了剑桥和伦敦的方位及主要建筑物; 任务三:比较“剑桥”和“伦敦”的信息并填表,目的:通过四个小分类获取两地的具体信息,巩固了前两个任务中有关方位和主要建筑物的信息。学生可以细读文章前两段,提取信息完成表格,阅读策略为细读、提取、加工; 任务四:用方框中的单词和短语完成短文。目的:对已知信息进行整理和加工。这个任务虽然并没有直说是关于“英格兰”的短文,可是文章一开头就是“England...”,下面又出现了很多“it”,很明显,这段文字是围绕“英格兰”展开的,而通过任务二的快读,学生们可以猜到:最后两段一定是关于“英格兰”的具体信息。所以教师可以问问学生从哪里获得有关英格兰的信息,再让他们细读文章和短文,通过分析和比对,判断出空格所缺的意思,再找出对应的单词或短语进行填空。 这四个任务,环环相扣、对相关的细节信息进行了重点提取和加工。尤其是第三个任务,通过表格的形式分四个类别(位置、人口、著名景点、河流)在文章前两段中,将剑桥和伦敦进行了深度的对比。 Complete the table comparing Cambridge with London 为了让学生们更好的把握这两段的组织结构,教师将图表改编成类似课本P20 Act.4 那样的思维导图,再加上关键词,具体如下: 教师让学生在10到15分钟之内背诵并复述两段文字,从而为后续的写作做铺垫,结果有90%左右的学生因为输入到位,很快就背会了这两段文字。教师趁热打铁,将课本上的写作题进行了改编,分两部分完成。第一部分:即写作教学的任务一,按照剑桥和伦敦的对比脑图,写一段短文比较武川和呼市,分别从方位、山脉、人口及著名景点进行对比,因为有现成的句型结构和词汇做铺垫,并且已经到了出口成句的地步,所以大部分同学在5分钟之内就写完了短文,详见附录二,这里只选取其中的一篇,具体如下: Wuchuan and Huhhot I come from Wuchuan,a beautiful town,on the east of Huhhot.It is to the north of Mountain Yin and has a population of about 170,000.My home town is especially famous for its special food,such as oat and potatoes.Many people from other places come here to buy them. Wuchuan is about 45 kilometers from Huhhot.Huhhot is on the south of Wuchuan and it is to the south of Mountain Yin.It has a population of about 3.12 million,so it is bigger and busier than Wuchuan.It is about 500 years old,and it is famous for Dazhao Temple and Zhaojun Tomb. 写作的第二部分,即写作教学任务二,仿照课文后两段对英格兰的描述,要求学生们对内蒙古的总体特点进行描述。教师鼓励学生自己绘制脑图帮助背诵,同时也在黑板上给出了自己的版本,具体如下: 大部分学生仿写后的段落如下: Inner Mongolia itself is highland,so people are always near the mountain.The small villages and hills are always popular for holidays.Tourists like the areas of the low mountains and beautiful lakes.Everywhere in Inner Mongolia,you will notice how clean the air is and how high the sky is! It is very cold in winter.So come and see it in summer,but bring some warm clothes with you because you will need them most days when you are in grassland. 結语 将思维导图与阅读策略和阅读任务相结合,让学生在阅读中思考,在思考中阅读,读写结合,应该就是教师培养学生英语思维的新型探索吧! 参考文献 [1]李军华.2007.思维导图在英语教学中的运用[J].基 础英语教育,(9). [2][英]托尼·博赞.2015.1思维导图[M].化学工业出版社. 特别声明:(呼和浩特市教育科学“十三五”规划课题SSWGHKT02166 “通过多模态混合式阅读教学培养农村初中生英语思维的策略研究”成果) |
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