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标题 国际跨区碳市场及其能源经济影响评估

    齐天宇 杨远哲 张希良

    摘要建立全球性跨区域碳市场被认为是全球气候治理的有效方式而一直备受关注。即将在2015年建成的欧盟-澳大利亚链接碳市场将成为国际跨区域碳市场的重要尝试。为分析建立多国参与的国际跨区碳市场的全球减排效果及其对各参与国的能源经济影响,本文采用表达能源经济系统相互关系的全球动态可计算一般均衡模型做出定量研究。模型将全球经济体分为20个经济部门和19个区域,并刻画有17种能源生产技术。同时为模拟全球碳市场政策,模型将碳排放权作为与化石能源消费相绑定的必要投入考虑到经济部门的各个生产与消费环节当中。在外生设置碳排放配额的同时,模型允许碳排放权像商品一样在不同区域与部门之间进行交易。考虑到全球碳市场的进展速度,本文选取2020年为研究时点,分别设计了四种情景(参考情景、独立碳市场情景、欧盟-澳大利亚链接情景以及中国-欧盟-澳大利亚链接情景)来探讨欧盟、中国、澳大利亚三国参与下的全球碳市场及其影响。研究表明,在各国2020年减排目标约束下各国碳市场的排放权价格有较大差别,澳大利亚碳价最高(32美元/t CO2),欧盟价格稍低(17.5美元/t CO2),而中国碳价最低(10美元/t CO2)。同时尽管中国的相对减排量(3%)低于欧盟(9%)与澳大利亚(18%),中国的绝对减排量也远远大于欧盟与澳大利亚两个国家。由于中国相对减排成本较低,中国加入欧盟-澳大利亚链接碳市场将促使国际碳价从22美元/t降至12美元/t,欧盟和澳大利亚分别向中国转移71%和81%的本国减排任务,同时分别获得0.03%和0.06%的福利增加。由于排放约束影响,中国工业部门的能效提升1.4%,煤炭发电量下降3.3%,而清洁能源发电量则上升3.5%。



    全球气候变化给人类生存和社会可持续发展带来了严峻挑战,世界各国意识到在实现经济发展的同时,需要降低经济增长所带来的碳排放。碳排放交易体系(Emission Trading Schemes, ETS)作为基于市场机制下的政策工具一直被认为是成本有效的减排手段,正在被越来越多的国家所采用。目前已开展排放权交易体系的国家和区域包括欧盟、美国加州、澳大利亚、新西兰、哈萨克斯坦、西部气候倡议(Western Climate Initiative,包括美国、加拿大、墨西哥部分州/省)以及中国的深圳等地,另有中国的部分省市以及韩国已经明确公布即将开展碳市场的计划及实施方案。据世界银行的统计,2011年全球碳市场总交易量达103亿t CO2e[1]。





    为模拟市场机制下的碳排放权交易机制与定价规则,本研究采用全球能源经济模型(China in Global Energy Model, CGEM)作为分析工具对全球碳市场及其影响作出评估。该模型为全球多区域动态可计算一般均衡模型,模型基于经济学一般均衡理论,对社会经济生产与消费,产品市场的供给与需求等相互关系具有清晰表述。模型分为20个经济部门,包括5种能源生产部门(煤炭、原油、天然气、成品油及电力), 10种工业部门(化工、钢铁、有色、非金属、金属制品、装备制造业、食品加工业、采矿业、建筑业、其他工业),3种农业部门(农业、林业及畜牧业)以及2种服务业部门(交通服务业及其他服务业)。各部门生产活动采用嵌套结构的常替代弹性生产函数


    模型数据库主要基于最新的全球贸易分析项目(GTAP 8)全球能源与经济数据库[11]。该数据库包括了全球129个国家57个产业部门的2007年经济与能源的生产与消费量数据,以及不同地区间的能源与商品双边贸易流量。研究中根据需要我们将其整合形成包含全球19区域(见图2)与20个生产部门的模型数据库。2.1情景框架

    考虑到全球碳市场的进展速度,本文以2020年为研究时点,开发了四种情景以研究欧盟、中国、澳大利亚三国参与下的全球碳市场及其影响(见表1)。第一种情景为各国无碳市场下的参考情景(No ETS),以观察没有碳市场政策下各国能源与排放情况。另外三种为有碳市场下的政策情景:①三个区域建立独立碳市场情景(Separate),没有跨区域碳市场形成;②欧盟与澳大利亚碳市场进行链接的情景(EUANZ),中国仍为独立碳市场;以及③中国、欧盟与澳大利亚三个地区碳市场全部连接的情景(EAC)。



    覆盖部门。 根据欧盟ETS第三期实施方案,其覆盖范围沿用已有的涵盖部门(包括农业、非金属矿物质制品业、黑色金属冶炼及压延业、有色金属冶炼及压延业、金属制品业、电热力生产与供应、石油制品业),本研究中欧盟碳市场涵盖部门据此设计。澳大利亚目前尚没有明确未来ETS覆盖部门,考虑到其即将与欧盟碳市场对接,本研究假定其覆盖部门与欧盟相同。中国目前也没有全国性碳市场的设计细则,从7个试点省市的碳交易机制方案来看,覆盖部门范围差异较大。当前已实施的深圳碳市场主要覆盖了工业与大型公共建筑业[13],而上海则在此基础上包括了航空、港口、商业、宾馆与金融等行业的排放[14]。本研究假定中国选取最广泛的覆盖范围,即中国碳市场覆盖除农业以外的所有经济部门。



    我们首先对各区域独立碳市场做出分析,独立碳市场的影响结果如表3所示。各地区碳价有较大差别,澳大利亚碳价最高,达到32美元/ t CO2($32/t CO2),欧盟价格稍低($17.5/t CO2),而中国碳价最低($10/t CO2)。中国碳价相对较低反应了中国相对另外两个区域具有更低的减排成本。具体来说,中国碳价的高低与排放约束的强度、生产技术水平以及碳市场覆盖范围等相关,同时也受到未来经济增速假设等不确定性因素的影响。从排放配额来看,中国的减排比例低于其他两个地区。根据本研究假设,尽管2020年中国绝对减排量(351 106 t)比欧盟(177 106 t)以及澳大利亚(53 106 t)要大,但从减排成本来看,中国总体生产技术,尤其是高耗能工业的生产技术比欧盟及澳大利亚要落后,且相对于其他地区中国的煤炭在能源生产中所占比例更大。 2010年中国单位经济产出的碳排放为1.59 kg CO2/美元,比欧盟(0.39 kg CO2/美元)高出六倍,比澳大利亚高出三倍(0.39 kg CO2/美元)。中国通过采用新技术,以及使用资本、劳动力来代替能源及煤炭消耗等途径有着较大的减排空间。


    全球碳市场情景EUANZ与EAC两种情景的结果如表3所示。首先在没有中国的参与下,欧盟与澳大利亚链接的EUANZ情景中,欧盟与澳大利亚碳市场连接后的碳价为22美元/ t CO2($22/t CO2),澳大利亚从欧盟碳市场中购买14.41 106 t的排放配额,这一交易额占到了澳大








    [1]World Bank. State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2012 [R]. Washington DC: World Bank, 2012.

    [2]EU Commission. Towards a Comprehensive Climate Change Agreement in Copenhagen: Communication from the Commission [R]. Brussels: the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, 2009.

    [3]ICAP. International Carbon Action Partnership Political Declaration [N/OL]. Lisbon, 2007-10-29[2013-09-05].

    [4]Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. Securing a Clean Energy Future: the Australian Governments Climate Change Plan [R]. Canberra: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, No. ACT 2601,2011.

    [5]张小军,唐明. 中国和澳大利亚同意在建立碳市场领域加强合作 [N/OL]. 北京:新华社, 2013-3-27[2013-9-5].[Zhang Xiaojun, Tang Ming. China and Australia Agree to Strengthen Cooperation in the Field of Carbon Market Establishment [N/OL]. Beijing: Xinhua News Agency, 2013-3-27[2013-9-5].]

    [6]Han G Y, Olsson M, Hallding K, et al. Chinas Carbon Emission Trading: An Overview of Current Development [R]. Sweden: FORES, 2012.

    [7]周强. 深圳率先启动碳排放权交易探路中国碳市场 [N/OL]. 北京:新华社, 2013-6-30[2013-9-5].[Zhou Qiang. Shenzhen to Start Emission Trading Scheme, Explore Carbon Market in China [N/OL]. Beijing: Xinhua News Agency, 2013-6-30[2013-9-5].]

    [8]中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会. 解振华副主任主持召开中国低碳发展宏观战略研究项目领导小组和专家委员会会议 [N/OL]. 北京:中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会, 2012-6-13[2013-9-5].[National Development and Reform Commission. Xie Zhenhua, Deputy Director, Holds the Leading Group and Expert Committee Meeting of Development of China Low-carbon Macro Strategy Research Project[N/OL]. Beijing: National Development and Reform Commission, 2012-6-13[2013-9-5]. http: // 120613_485787.htm.]

    [9]Claire G, Niven W, Henry J. What to Expect from Sectoral Trading: A US-China Example [J]. Climate Change Economics, 2011, 2(1): 9-26.

    [10]IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories [R]. Geneva: IPCC, 2006.

    [11]Rutherford T F, Sergey P V. GTAP in GAMS and GTAP-EG: Global Datasets for Economic Research and Illustrative Models [G/OL]. 2000.

    [12]Badri N, Angel A, Robert M. Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base [M]. 2012.

    [13]林群烨,王登楷.中国大陆碳市场发展现状介绍 [N/OL]. 绿基会通讯,2013-10 [2013-11-5].[Lin Qiuye, Wang Dengkai. State of Carbon Market in China [N/OL]. Green Foundation Newsletter, 2013-10 [2013-11-5].]

    [14]China Daily. Shanghai to Pilot Carbon Trade in 2013 [N/OL]. Beijing: China Daily, 2012-7-27[2013-9-5]

    [15]European Union. Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) [R]. Brussels: European Commission, 2012.

    AbstractThe establishment of global multiregional carbon market is considered as a cost effective approach to facilitate global emission abatement and has been widely concerned. The ongoing planned linkage between the European Unions carbon market and a new emissions trading system in Australia in 2015 would be an important attempt to the practice of building up an international carbon market across different regions. To understand the abatement effect of such a global carbon market and to study its energy and economic impact on different market participants, this paper adopts a global dynamic computable general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the interactions between energy and economic systems. Our model includes 20 economic sectors and 19 regions, and describes in detail 17 energy technologies. Bundled with fossil fuel consumptions, the emission permits are considered as an essential input in each of the production and consumption activities in the economic system to simulate global carbon market policies. Carbon emission permits are endogenously set in the model, and can be traded between sectors and regions. Considering the current development of global carbon market, this study takes 2020 as the study period. Four scenarios (reference scenario, independent carbon market scenario, EUAustralia scenario, and ChinaEUAustralia scenario) are designed to evaluate the impact of the global carbon market involving China, the EU, and Australia. We find that the carbon price of the three countries vary a lot, from 32 $/t CO2 in Australia, to 17.5 $/t CO2 in the EU, and to 10 $/t CO2 in China. Though the relative emission reduction (3%) of China is lower than that of the EU (9%) and Australia (18%), the absolute emission reduction of China is far greater than that of the EU and Australia. When China is included in the carbon market which already includes the EU and Australia, the prevailing global carbon price falls from 22 $/t CO2 to 12 $/t CO2, due to the relatively lower abatement cost in China. 71% of the EUs and 81% of Australias domestic reduction burden would be transferred to China, increasing 0.03% of the EUs and 0.06% of Australias welfare. The emission constraint improves the energy efficiency of Chinas industry sector by 1.4%, reduces coal consumption by 3.3%, and increases clean energy by 3.5%.

    Key wordsemissions trading system; global carbon market; computable general equilibrium model

    [9]Claire G, Niven W, Henry J. What to Expect from Sectoral Trading: A US-China Example [J]. Climate Change Economics, 2011, 2(1): 9-26.

    [10]IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories [R]. Geneva: IPCC, 2006.

    [11]Rutherford T F, Sergey P V. GTAP in GAMS and GTAP-EG: Global Datasets for Economic Research and Illustrative Models [G/OL]. 2000.

    [12]Badri N, Angel A, Robert M. Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base [M]. 2012.

    [13]林群烨,王登楷.中国大陆碳市场发展现状介绍 [N/OL]. 绿基会通讯,2013-10 [2013-11-5].[Lin Qiuye, Wang Dengkai. State of Carbon Market in China [N/OL]. Green Foundation Newsletter, 2013-10 [2013-11-5].]

    [14]China Daily. Shanghai to Pilot Carbon Trade in 2013 [N/OL]. Beijing: China Daily, 2012-7-27[2013-9-5]

    [15]European Union. Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) [R]. Brussels: European Commission, 2012.

    AbstractThe establishment of global multiregional carbon market is considered as a cost effective approach to facilitate global emission abatement and has been widely concerned. The ongoing planned linkage between the European Unions carbon market and a new emissions trading system in Australia in 2015 would be an important attempt to the practice of building up an international carbon market across different regions. To understand the abatement effect of such a global carbon market and to study its energy and economic impact on different market participants, this paper adopts a global dynamic computable general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the interactions between energy and economic systems. Our model includes 20 economic sectors and 19 regions, and describes in detail 17 energy technologies. Bundled with fossil fuel consumptions, the emission permits are considered as an essential input in each of the production and consumption activities in the economic system to simulate global carbon market policies. Carbon emission permits are endogenously set in the model, and can be traded between sectors and regions. Considering the current development of global carbon market, this study takes 2020 as the study period. Four scenarios (reference scenario, independent carbon market scenario, EUAustralia scenario, and ChinaEUAustralia scenario) are designed to evaluate the impact of the global carbon market involving China, the EU, and Australia. We find that the carbon price of the three countries vary a lot, from 32 $/t CO2 in Australia, to 17.5 $/t CO2 in the EU, and to 10 $/t CO2 in China. Though the relative emission reduction (3%) of China is lower than that of the EU (9%) and Australia (18%), the absolute emission reduction of China is far greater than that of the EU and Australia. When China is included in the carbon market which already includes the EU and Australia, the prevailing global carbon price falls from 22 $/t CO2 to 12 $/t CO2, due to the relatively lower abatement cost in China. 71% of the EUs and 81% of Australias domestic reduction burden would be transferred to China, increasing 0.03% of the EUs and 0.06% of Australias welfare. The emission constraint improves the energy efficiency of Chinas industry sector by 1.4%, reduces coal consumption by 3.3%, and increases clean energy by 3.5%.

    Key wordsemissions trading system; global carbon market; computable general equilibrium model

    [9]Claire G, Niven W, Henry J. What to Expect from Sectoral Trading: A US-China Example [J]. Climate Change Economics, 2011, 2(1): 9-26.

    [10]IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories [R]. Geneva: IPCC, 2006.

    [11]Rutherford T F, Sergey P V. GTAP in GAMS and GTAP-EG: Global Datasets for Economic Research and Illustrative Models [G/OL]. 2000.

    [12]Badri N, Angel A, Robert M. Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base [M]. 2012.

    [13]林群烨,王登楷.中国大陆碳市场发展现状介绍 [N/OL]. 绿基会通讯,2013-10 [2013-11-5].[Lin Qiuye, Wang Dengkai. State of Carbon Market in China [N/OL]. Green Foundation Newsletter, 2013-10 [2013-11-5].]

    [14]China Daily. Shanghai to Pilot Carbon Trade in 2013 [N/OL]. Beijing: China Daily, 2012-7-27[2013-9-5]

    [15]European Union. Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) [R]. Brussels: European Commission, 2012.

    AbstractThe establishment of global multiregional carbon market is considered as a cost effective approach to facilitate global emission abatement and has been widely concerned. The ongoing planned linkage between the European Unions carbon market and a new emissions trading system in Australia in 2015 would be an important attempt to the practice of building up an international carbon market across different regions. To understand the abatement effect of such a global carbon market and to study its energy and economic impact on different market participants, this paper adopts a global dynamic computable general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the interactions between energy and economic systems. Our model includes 20 economic sectors and 19 regions, and describes in detail 17 energy technologies. Bundled with fossil fuel consumptions, the emission permits are considered as an essential input in each of the production and consumption activities in the economic system to simulate global carbon market policies. Carbon emission permits are endogenously set in the model, and can be traded between sectors and regions. Considering the current development of global carbon market, this study takes 2020 as the study period. Four scenarios (reference scenario, independent carbon market scenario, EUAustralia scenario, and ChinaEUAustralia scenario) are designed to evaluate the impact of the global carbon market involving China, the EU, and Australia. We find that the carbon price of the three countries vary a lot, from 32 $/t CO2 in Australia, to 17.5 $/t CO2 in the EU, and to 10 $/t CO2 in China. Though the relative emission reduction (3%) of China is lower than that of the EU (9%) and Australia (18%), the absolute emission reduction of China is far greater than that of the EU and Australia. When China is included in the carbon market which already includes the EU and Australia, the prevailing global carbon price falls from 22 $/t CO2 to 12 $/t CO2, due to the relatively lower abatement cost in China. 71% of the EUs and 81% of Australias domestic reduction burden would be transferred to China, increasing 0.03% of the EUs and 0.06% of Australias welfare. The emission constraint improves the energy efficiency of Chinas industry sector by 1.4%, reduces coal consumption by 3.3%, and increases clean energy by 3.5%.

    Key wordsemissions trading system; global carbon market; computable general equilibrium model





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