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标题 基于多情景分析的中国建设用地总量控制目标选择


























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    [34]姚鑫,杨桂山,万荣荣.昆山市耕地变化和粮食安全研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2010,(4): 148-152.[Yao Xin,Yang Guishan,Wan Rongrong.Analysis on Farmland Change and Grain Security of Kunshan[J]. China Population,Resources and Environment,2010,(4): 148-152.]

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    [36]国家发展和改革委员会.国家粮食安全中长期规划纲要(2008-2020)[R].2008.[National Development and Reform Commission. The Longterm Planning Framework for the National Food Security (2008-2020)[R].2008.]

    [37]王伟,陆健健. 生态系统服务功能分类与价值评估探讨[J].生态学杂志,2005,24(11):1314-1316.[Wang Wei,Lu Jianjian.An Approach on Ecosystem Services Classification and Valuation[J].Chinese Journal of Ecology,2005,24(11):1314-1316.]

    [38]张颖,王群,李边疆,等.应用碳氧平衡法测算生态用地需求量实证研究[J].中国土地科学, 2007,21(6):23-28.[Zhang Ying,Wang Qun,Li Bianjiang,et al.Study on Forecasting Ecological Land Demand with CarbonOxygen Balance Method[J].China Land Science,2007,21(6):23-28.]

    [39]黄敏,廖为明,王立国,等.基于KAYA公式的低碳经济模型构建与运用:以江西省为例[J].生态经济,2010,(12):51-55.[Huang Min,Liao Weiming,Wang Liguo,et al.Construction and Use of the LowCarbon Economy Model Based on KAYA Model:a Case of Jiangxi Province[J].Ecological Economic, 2010,(12):51-55.]

    [40]Fang J Y,Guo Z D,Piao S L,et al. Terrestrial Vegetation Carbon Sinks in China,1981-2000[J].Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,2007,50(9): 1341-1350.

    [41]曲艺,舒帮荣,欧名豪,等.基于生态用地约束的土地利用数量结构优化[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(1):155-161.[Qu Yi,Shu Bangrong,Ou Minghao,et al.Optimization of Land Use Quantity Structure Based on Ecological Land Constraints[J].China Population Resources and Environment.2013,23(1): 155-161.]

    [42]李边疆.土地利用与生态环境关系研究[D].南京:南京农业大学,2007. [Li Bianjiang. Study on the Relationship Between Land Use and Ecoenvironment[D].Nanjing:Nanjing Agricultural University, 2007.]

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    [44]朴世龙,方精云,贺金生,等.中国草地植被生物量及其空间分布格局[J].植物生态学报,2004,28(4):491-498.[Bu Shilong,Fang Jingyun,He Jinsheng,et al.Spatial Distribution of Grassland Biomass in China[J].Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,2004,28(4):491-498.]

    [45]刘子刚,张坤民.湿地生态系统碳储存功能及其价值研究[J].环境保护,2002,(9):31-33.[Liu Zigang, Zhang Kunmin.Study on Carbon Stock Function and Its Value in Wetland Ecosystem[J].Environmental Protection,2002,(9):31-33.]

    [46]IPCC.Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change(Report of Working Group I)[R].New York: Cambridge University Press,1996.

    [47]牛振国,张海英,王显威,等.1978-2008年中国湿地类型变化[J].科学通报, 2012,57(16):1400-1411. [Niu Zhenguo,Zhang Haiying,Wang Xianwei,et al.The changes of China Wetland type from 1978 to 2008[J].Chinese Science Bulletin,2012,57(16):1400-1411.]

    AbstractScientifically forecasting the quantity of construction land expansion decides the feasibility and effectiveness of land use planning and land macrocontrol. Single objective oriented forecast of construction land expansion has significant limitations. This study systematically considers three main land use objectives, including construction land used for achieving economic development, cultivated land for food security, and ecological land for ecological security. Scenario analysis is used to predict the quantity of construction land expansion under different scenarios (defined based on parameters collected from national development strategies) in 2020, in which, multiple regression analysis and carbon balance analysis methods are applied to predict demands for construction land, cultivated land and ecological land. Results show that land resources cannot meet with the three main land use objectives at the same time when per unit GDP carbon emissions in 2020 decreases by 40% compared to that in 2005. Land demands for economic development, food security and ecological security can be coordinated and satisfied when the quantity of construction land is between 3 305.75×104 hm2 and 3 325.10×104 hm2 in 2020. Scenario analysis illustrates that the longterm supply of construction land mainly depends on the degree of transformation of economic development mode. Land use conflicts among economic development, food security and ecological security would be difficult to reconcile if the transformation of economic development mode is lag behind. Land resources can satisfy all three types of land use objectives and support sustainable development if the transformation of economic development mode makes significant progress. In the current stage of economic development, to achieve food security and ecological security, China should apply more powerful mechanisms to control construction land expansion and therefore promote the transformation of economic development mode. Scenario analysis method can also be used to examine the feasibility of different strategic targets, analyze the potential and effects of construction land expansion, and therefore can be applied to national level land management practices, such as land control and land use planning.

    Key wordseconomic development; food security; ecological security; construction land expansion; scenario analysis

    [36]国家发展和改革委员会.国家粮食安全中长期规划纲要(2008-2020)[R].2008.[National Development and Reform Commission. The Longterm Planning Framework for the National Food Security (2008-2020)[R].2008.]

    [37]王伟,陆健健. 生态系统服务功能分类与价值评估探讨[J].生态学杂志,2005,24(11):1314-1316.[Wang Wei,Lu Jianjian.An Approach on Ecosystem Services Classification and Valuation[J].Chinese Journal of Ecology,2005,24(11):1314-1316.]

    [38]张颖,王群,李边疆,等.应用碳氧平衡法测算生态用地需求量实证研究[J].中国土地科学, 2007,21(6):23-28.[Zhang Ying,Wang Qun,Li Bianjiang,et al.Study on Forecasting Ecological Land Demand with CarbonOxygen Balance Method[J].China Land Science,2007,21(6):23-28.]

    [39]黄敏,廖为明,王立国,等.基于KAYA公式的低碳经济模型构建与运用:以江西省为例[J].生态经济,2010,(12):51-55.[Huang Min,Liao Weiming,Wang Liguo,et al.Construction and Use of the LowCarbon Economy Model Based on KAYA Model:a Case of Jiangxi Province[J].Ecological Economic, 2010,(12):51-55.]

    [40]Fang J Y,Guo Z D,Piao S L,et al. Terrestrial Vegetation Carbon Sinks in China,1981-2000[J].Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,2007,50(9): 1341-1350.

    [41]曲艺,舒帮荣,欧名豪,等.基于生态用地约束的土地利用数量结构优化[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(1):155-161.[Qu Yi,Shu Bangrong,Ou Minghao,et al.Optimization of Land Use Quantity Structure Based on Ecological Land Constraints[J].China Population Resources and Environment.2013,23(1): 155-161.]

    [42]李边疆.土地利用与生态环境关系研究[D].南京:南京农业大学,2007. [Li Bianjiang. Study on the Relationship Between Land Use and Ecoenvironment[D].Nanjing:Nanjing Agricultural University, 2007.]

    [43]方精云,刘国华,徐嵩龄.我国森林植被的生物量和净生产量[J].生态学报,1996,(5):497-508.[Fang Jingyun,Liu Guohua,Xu Songlin.Biomass and Net Production of Forest Vegetation in China[J].Journal of Resources and Ecology,1996,(5):497-508.]

    [44]朴世龙,方精云,贺金生,等.中国草地植被生物量及其空间分布格局[J].植物生态学报,2004,28(4):491-498.[Bu Shilong,Fang Jingyun,He Jinsheng,et al.Spatial Distribution of Grassland Biomass in China[J].Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,2004,28(4):491-498.]

    [45]刘子刚,张坤民.湿地生态系统碳储存功能及其价值研究[J].环境保护,2002,(9):31-33.[Liu Zigang, Zhang Kunmin.Study on Carbon Stock Function and Its Value in Wetland Ecosystem[J].Environmental Protection,2002,(9):31-33.]

    [46]IPCC.Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change(Report of Working Group I)[R].New York: Cambridge University Press,1996.

    [47]牛振国,张海英,王显威,等.1978-2008年中国湿地类型变化[J].科学通报, 2012,57(16):1400-1411. [Niu Zhenguo,Zhang Haiying,Wang Xianwei,et al.The changes of China Wetland type from 1978 to 2008[J].Chinese Science Bulletin,2012,57(16):1400-1411.]

    AbstractScientifically forecasting the quantity of construction land expansion decides the feasibility and effectiveness of land use planning and land macrocontrol. Single objective oriented forecast of construction land expansion has significant limitations. This study systematically considers three main land use objectives, including construction land used for achieving economic development, cultivated land for food security, and ecological land for ecological security. Scenario analysis is used to predict the quantity of construction land expansion under different scenarios (defined based on parameters collected from national development strategies) in 2020, in which, multiple regression analysis and carbon balance analysis methods are applied to predict demands for construction land, cultivated land and ecological land. Results show that land resources cannot meet with the three main land use objectives at the same time when per unit GDP carbon emissions in 2020 decreases by 40% compared to that in 2005. Land demands for economic development, food security and ecological security can be coordinated and satisfied when the quantity of construction land is between 3 305.75×104 hm2 and 3 325.10×104 hm2 in 2020. Scenario analysis illustrates that the longterm supply of construction land mainly depends on the degree of transformation of economic development mode. Land use conflicts among economic development, food security and ecological security would be difficult to reconcile if the transformation of economic development mode is lag behind. Land resources can satisfy all three types of land use objectives and support sustainable development if the transformation of economic development mode makes significant progress. In the current stage of economic development, to achieve food security and ecological security, China should apply more powerful mechanisms to control construction land expansion and therefore promote the transformation of economic development mode. Scenario analysis method can also be used to examine the feasibility of different strategic targets, analyze the potential and effects of construction land expansion, and therefore can be applied to national level land management practices, such as land control and land use planning.

    Key wordseconomic development; food security; ecological security; construction land expansion; scenario analysis

    [36]国家发展和改革委员会.国家粮食安全中长期规划纲要(2008-2020)[R].2008.[National Development and Reform Commission. The Longterm Planning Framework for the National Food Security (2008-2020)[R].2008.]

    [37]王伟,陆健健. 生态系统服务功能分类与价值评估探讨[J].生态学杂志,2005,24(11):1314-1316.[Wang Wei,Lu Jianjian.An Approach on Ecosystem Services Classification and Valuation[J].Chinese Journal of Ecology,2005,24(11):1314-1316.]

    [38]张颖,王群,李边疆,等.应用碳氧平衡法测算生态用地需求量实证研究[J].中国土地科学, 2007,21(6):23-28.[Zhang Ying,Wang Qun,Li Bianjiang,et al.Study on Forecasting Ecological Land Demand with CarbonOxygen Balance Method[J].China Land Science,2007,21(6):23-28.]

    [39]黄敏,廖为明,王立国,等.基于KAYA公式的低碳经济模型构建与运用:以江西省为例[J].生态经济,2010,(12):51-55.[Huang Min,Liao Weiming,Wang Liguo,et al.Construction and Use of the LowCarbon Economy Model Based on KAYA Model:a Case of Jiangxi Province[J].Ecological Economic, 2010,(12):51-55.]

    [40]Fang J Y,Guo Z D,Piao S L,et al. Terrestrial Vegetation Carbon Sinks in China,1981-2000[J].Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,2007,50(9): 1341-1350.

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    AbstractScientifically forecasting the quantity of construction land expansion decides the feasibility and effectiveness of land use planning and land macrocontrol. Single objective oriented forecast of construction land expansion has significant limitations. This study systematically considers three main land use objectives, including construction land used for achieving economic development, cultivated land for food security, and ecological land for ecological security. Scenario analysis is used to predict the quantity of construction land expansion under different scenarios (defined based on parameters collected from national development strategies) in 2020, in which, multiple regression analysis and carbon balance analysis methods are applied to predict demands for construction land, cultivated land and ecological land. Results show that land resources cannot meet with the three main land use objectives at the same time when per unit GDP carbon emissions in 2020 decreases by 40% compared to that in 2005. Land demands for economic development, food security and ecological security can be coordinated and satisfied when the quantity of construction land is between 3 305.75×104 hm2 and 3 325.10×104 hm2 in 2020. Scenario analysis illustrates that the longterm supply of construction land mainly depends on the degree of transformation of economic development mode. Land use conflicts among economic development, food security and ecological security would be difficult to reconcile if the transformation of economic development mode is lag behind. Land resources can satisfy all three types of land use objectives and support sustainable development if the transformation of economic development mode makes significant progress. In the current stage of economic development, to achieve food security and ecological security, China should apply more powerful mechanisms to control construction land expansion and therefore promote the transformation of economic development mode. Scenario analysis method can also be used to examine the feasibility of different strategic targets, analyze the potential and effects of construction land expansion, and therefore can be applied to national level land management practices, such as land control and land use planning.

    Key wordseconomic development; food security; ecological security; construction land expansion; scenario analysis





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