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标题 中国省际环境全要素生产率及其影响因素分析




    关键词 距离函数;环境全要素生产率;空间面板Tobit回归

    中图分类号 F124 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0017-07 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.004



    但遗憾的是,上述文献都是利用人均收入和人均排放关系来识别是否存在环境库兹涅茨曲线。这种方法的缺点是没有认清这两者都是生产过程的产出,是生产过程中的投入组合导致产出的结果。忽略生产过程中的投入和产出组合的效率变化,只研究两个产出之间的关系会影响传统的环境库兹涅茨曲线检验基础,也妨碍环境效率影响因素的识别[7]。正是循着这个方向,很多学者构建了一个综合的环境绩效指标。Zaim和Taskin[7]采用双曲线型的效率测度方法,对OECD国家的环境效率进行测量。Zhou等[8] 基于环境生产技术构建了环境导向的距离函数,研究了1997-2004年世界前18个碳排放大国的CO2排放全要素生产率,并利用DEA技术从“多投入和多产出”的角度研究环境效率,这种方法比传统的利用“单投入单产出”更加全面和客观[8]。国内王群伟等[9]采用与Zhou等[8]相同的方法构造环境效率指数,并且利用面板回归和面板协整模型分析了环境效率的影响因素。



    2 数据来源

    根据环境导向的距离函数设置和环境全要素生产率计算要求,我们需要资本存量、从业人员、能源消费和地区生产总值以及非期望产出SO2和CO2排放的数据。对地区资本存量我们采用永续盘存法进行核算,可以用公式Kit=Kit-1(1-δ)+Iit来表示,其中δ表示折旧率,本文认为折旧率为10%,这也是很多文献采用的折旧率。投资数据很多文献都采用的是固定资本形成总额数据,本文也采用该指标,这个指标直接从中国统计年鉴上可以找到。投资品的价格指数我们采用固定资产投资价格指数来表示。由于1997年前部分地区的很多数据不全,本文只研究了1997-2011年中国除西藏、港、澳、台地区的30个省份情况。对于期初的资本存量,由于我们研究的期限是1997-2011年,采用1997年的固定资本形成总额除以折旧率10%和1997-2011年各省份GDP的平均增长速度得到,这样就得到了以1997年为基期的资本存量数据,单位为亿元。劳动力本文采用年底就业人员数的平均值表述,单位为万人。能源消费数据来自《中国能源统计年鉴》,单位是万 t标准煤。好产出用各地区的地区生产总值表示,单位为亿元,按照年鉴中提供的地区生产总值发展速度指数折算成不变价。中国各种统计年鉴中没有CO2排放量的直接统计数据,本文采用肖明月、方言龙的核算方式得到,单位为万 t[10]。SO2排放的数据直接来自《中国环境统计年鉴》,单位为万 t。

    3 环境全要素生产率分析


    虽然环境全要素生产率虽然是上升的,但是波动还是比较剧烈的,从最高的1.847 4,到最低的0.372 5。从表1中各个省份的1998-2011年的平均值情况来看其波动的特征也比较明显。30个省份环境全要素生产率指数(MCPI)在1998-2011年年均增长为2.94%,北京的环境全要素生产率在这30个省是增长最快,年均增长22.27%,其次是江苏年均增长18.36%,和排名第一的北京相差3.91个百分点。湖北、上海、广东、海南、福建、河北、浙江、天津这八个省份的环境全要素生产率也是年均增长率在10%以上。部分省份也出现了环境全要素生产率的下降,例如,湖南、江西、内蒙古等地区,但从总的趋势看,这些省份的环境全要素生产率还是上升趋势的。从这些平均值我们也总结出一个现象,环境全要素生产率比较低或者出现下降的省份,多数是中、西部地区,如山西、内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江等;而经济发达地区的环境全要素生产率不约而同的出现了上升。随着发达地区环境保护意识增强和处罚力度的加大,省份间产业发生转移的现象比较普遍,一些能源消耗多、污染排放大、低效率行业逐渐被转移到中西部地区。这种现象导致中国总的环境污染排放并没有下降的趋势。从表1我们还得到一个非常有意义的现象,我国环境全要素生产率的上升主要来自技术进步的提高,技术效率的贡献几乎没发生变化。这种现象表明各地区提高技术进步的同时应该在效率方面下功夫,只有效率提高了才是一种内涵式的发展方式。

    为了理解各省份环境全要素生产率波动的原因,我们从时间维度来理解波动的原因。随着这些年中国环境保护的重视以及中国加入一些国际性的环境保护协定的要求,我国环境全要素生产率整体上有了较大的提高。虽然各省份的波动比较大,但是逐年的环境全要素生产率总体上也是上升趋势的。表2显示我国环境全要素生产率从1998年的0.868 8上升到2011年的1.132 5。特别是进入21世纪后的这11年只有2003和2005年发生了环境全要素生产率的下降,其余年份,年均的增长速度都在6%以上。从时间维度来看环境全要素生产率的增长也主要来自技术进步。从上面的分析我们可以看出整体上中国的经济增长速度和环境质量之间的协调性越来越好。

    产率的提高随着人均收入的提高也是有一定的极限,是否到了零界点与经济的发展水平是相关的。其次,经济结构的系数为-0.155 1,表明经济结构的变化导致环境全要素生产率的下降,这一点与我国的当前现实经济是密切相关的。数据显示我国2005年后的重工业化的倾向日益严重,由于重化工业是能源消耗密集型行业,随着排放的污染气体增多,对中国的环境全要素生产率起到一定的阻碍作用,这一结论与采用基于投入产出表的两级分解技术得到的结论是一致的。对外开放水平对环境全要素生产率的影响系数为-0.002 5,产生阻碍作用。技术进步对环境全要素生产率的作用系数为0.033,且在5%的显著性水平下显著,技术进步的符号符合理论的预期,一方面技术的进步有效的降低了能源的消耗,而能源的消耗与污染的排放是直接相关的。另一个方面技术的进步会导致污染控制技术和清洁生产技术的大量应用,随之环境全要素生产率出现上升情况。


    5 结论与政策含义



    (编辑:田 红)


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    Influencing Analysis on Chinese Provincial Environmental Total Factor Productivity

    LI Xiaosheng1 YU Zhiya1 AN Qingxian2

    (1.Department of Statistics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    2. School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230026, China)

    Abstract Since the reform and openingup, Chinese economy obtained a rapid development. But at the same time, many environmental pollutions indexes of China increased significantly among the world ranking. Whether Chinese economic growth is one of the causes of environmental pollution? Is economic growth harmful to the environment? Does the environmental Kuznets curve exist in China? Based on these problems, domestic and foreign scholars carried out many beneficial discussion. But a lot of studies only use per capita income and per capita emissions to recognize the existence of environmental Kuznets curve. The disadvantage of this method is that it considers the process from the aspects of production outputs, which are consequences of the combination of inputs. Thus, it ignores the efficiency change in the production process. Only studying the relationship between the two kinds of outputs will affect the base of judging environmental Kuznets curve, and also hinder the recognition of the environmental factors. According to this proposition, many scholars have constructed a comprehensive index of environmental performance. Recognizing the existence of environmental Kuznets curve by studying the relationship between environmental performance indicators and per capita income. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from the year 1997 to 2011, an environmental data envelopment analysis model was applied in this paper to analyze the environmental TFP index and its decomposition. It is found that the average annual growth of TFP index considering environmental factors increased 2.94%, the environmental TFP growth was mainly from technological progress. The analysis of Spatial Panel Tobit regression model affecting the environmental TFP factors showed that per capita income had the positive effect on the growth of environmental total factor productivity, which suggested that the higher the level of economic development, the better the coordination of economy and environment. Squared coefficient of per capita income was negative, indicating that the environmental TFP Kuznets Curve existed. High level of openingup led to a decline in the environmental total factor productivity. And technological progress is always the positive cause for environmental TFP growth.

    Key words distance function; environmental TFP; spatial panel tobit regression

    [11]Anselin L. Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models[M]. Kluwer,1988.

    Influencing Analysis on Chinese Provincial Environmental Total Factor Productivity

    LI Xiaosheng1 YU Zhiya1 AN Qingxian2

    (1.Department of Statistics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    2. School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230026, China)

    Abstract Since the reform and openingup, Chinese economy obtained a rapid development. But at the same time, many environmental pollutions indexes of China increased significantly among the world ranking. Whether Chinese economic growth is one of the causes of environmental pollution? Is economic growth harmful to the environment? Does the environmental Kuznets curve exist in China? Based on these problems, domestic and foreign scholars carried out many beneficial discussion. But a lot of studies only use per capita income and per capita emissions to recognize the existence of environmental Kuznets curve. The disadvantage of this method is that it considers the process from the aspects of production outputs, which are consequences of the combination of inputs. Thus, it ignores the efficiency change in the production process. Only studying the relationship between the two kinds of outputs will affect the base of judging environmental Kuznets curve, and also hinder the recognition of the environmental factors. According to this proposition, many scholars have constructed a comprehensive index of environmental performance. Recognizing the existence of environmental Kuznets curve by studying the relationship between environmental performance indicators and per capita income. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from the year 1997 to 2011, an environmental data envelopment analysis model was applied in this paper to analyze the environmental TFP index and its decomposition. It is found that the average annual growth of TFP index considering environmental factors increased 2.94%, the environmental TFP growth was mainly from technological progress. The analysis of Spatial Panel Tobit regression model affecting the environmental TFP factors showed that per capita income had the positive effect on the growth of environmental total factor productivity, which suggested that the higher the level of economic development, the better the coordination of economy and environment. Squared coefficient of per capita income was negative, indicating that the environmental TFP Kuznets Curve existed. High level of openingup led to a decline in the environmental total factor productivity. And technological progress is always the positive cause for environmental TFP growth.

    Key words distance function; environmental TFP; spatial panel tobit regression

    [11]Anselin L. Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models[M]. Kluwer,1988.

    Influencing Analysis on Chinese Provincial Environmental Total Factor Productivity

    LI Xiaosheng1 YU Zhiya1 AN Qingxian2

    (1.Department of Statistics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    2. School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230026, China)

    Abstract Since the reform and openingup, Chinese economy obtained a rapid development. But at the same time, many environmental pollutions indexes of China increased significantly among the world ranking. Whether Chinese economic growth is one of the causes of environmental pollution? Is economic growth harmful to the environment? Does the environmental Kuznets curve exist in China? Based on these problems, domestic and foreign scholars carried out many beneficial discussion. But a lot of studies only use per capita income and per capita emissions to recognize the existence of environmental Kuznets curve. The disadvantage of this method is that it considers the process from the aspects of production outputs, which are consequences of the combination of inputs. Thus, it ignores the efficiency change in the production process. Only studying the relationship between the two kinds of outputs will affect the base of judging environmental Kuznets curve, and also hinder the recognition of the environmental factors. According to this proposition, many scholars have constructed a comprehensive index of environmental performance. Recognizing the existence of environmental Kuznets curve by studying the relationship between environmental performance indicators and per capita income. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from the year 1997 to 2011, an environmental data envelopment analysis model was applied in this paper to analyze the environmental TFP index and its decomposition. It is found that the average annual growth of TFP index considering environmental factors increased 2.94%, the environmental TFP growth was mainly from technological progress. The analysis of Spatial Panel Tobit regression model affecting the environmental TFP factors showed that per capita income had the positive effect on the growth of environmental total factor productivity, which suggested that the higher the level of economic development, the better the coordination of economy and environment. Squared coefficient of per capita income was negative, indicating that the environmental TFP Kuznets Curve existed. High level of openingup led to a decline in the environmental total factor productivity. And technological progress is always the positive cause for environmental TFP growth.

    Key words distance function; environmental TFP; spatial panel tobit regression





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