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标题 最终需求的完全碳排放强度变动及其影响因素分析




    关键词 碳排放;增加值;碳排放强度;最终需求;结构分解分析

    中图分类号 F205

    文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0048-09 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.008


    鉴于此,区别于传统视角碳排放强度的研究,本文从供给和需求,产出和增加值的内在联系出发,构造了消费、投资和出口的完全碳排放强度及其相应的计算指标。在此基础上,应用欧盟开发的全球投入产出数据库(World InputOutput Database,WIOD)中的中国投入产出表,测算中国1996-2009年的完全碳排放强度,对我国完全碳排放强度的变动进行贡献率分解,然后应用结构分解模型对引起完全碳排放强度变化的影响因素进行分解。论文旨在从需求结构层面提供降低我国碳排放强度的一种路径,有助于分析我国的结构调整战略,协调低碳排放和经济增长的均衡发展。

    1 文献回顾与概念提出



    目前采用SDA方法分析碳排放强度的研究主要以如下学者为主。Youguo Zhang[11]对我国1992-2006年的碳排放强度进行研究,主要考虑生产碳排放,将我国碳排放强度的变化分解为生产模式、中间投入结构和需求模式的变化,表明在1992-2002年期间生产模式是碳排放强度下降的主要原因,而在2002-2006年中间投入技术成为主要原因。其后,张友国[12]进一步考虑生活能源消费产生的CO2排放以及能源强度与中间投入之间的相关性,对碳排放强度进行了研究。其他类似的研究还包括籍艳丽[13]、付雪[14]。但这些研究实质上仍延续碳排放量的SDA分解思路,主要特点是构造了碳排放总量的分解式(含最终需求),而分母GDP则与最终需求相联系,单独作为一项因素提出。因此,从公式形式上看,除了最后一项外,碳排放总量的SDA分解式和碳排放强度的SDA分解式在形式上非常相似,进而实证结果差异主要体现在最终需求的进口率上(称为进口率变化的影响因素)。那么,如何在需求层面重新表征GDP实现更有效的分析?




    2 数据说明与模型构建

    2.1 数据说明




    2.2 完全碳排放强度指标



    3 实证分析

    3.1 我国完全碳排放强度的实证结果



    碳排放强度一直低于我国整体的完全碳排放强度,而投资的完全碳排放强度和出口的完全碳排放强度一直都高于我国完全碳排放强度。时序层面,我国完全碳排放强度除了2003年和2004年有小幅度上升外,其他年份都是逐年递减,2009年全国完全碳排放强度下降至1.88 t/万元,在1996年的基础上降低了55.52%,年均下降速度约为4.27%;消费的完全碳排放强度在1996年至2009年间逐3.2 完全碳排放强度变动的贡献率分解结果




    3.3 完全碳排放强度的SDA分解结果









    整体看来,该影响因素在消费的完全碳排放强度中作用较大,占比绝对值为1.90%,而对出口的完全碳排放强度变动的占比绝对值仅为0.57%。分时段来看, 该效应值在消费的完全碳排放强度中第一阶段和第二阶段为负,第三阶段和第四阶段为正;在投资的完全碳排放强度中第一阶段和第四阶段为负,第二阶段和第三阶段为正;在出口的完全碳排放强度中,仅在第三阶段为负,且总体为负。


    4 结论与讨论







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    [21]包玉香.高效生态经济与低碳能力建设的耦合作用机制研究[J].山东师范大学学报:人文社会科学版,2012,(2):86-93.[Bao Yuxiang.Study on the Coupling Mechanism Between High Efficient Ecological Economy and Capacity Building of Low Carbon Economy[J].Journal of Shangdong Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition,2012,(2):86-93.]

    [22]张伟,孙燕玲,朱萌.区域性中心城市的碳排放测定及影响因素分析:以青岛市为例[J].经济与管理评论,2012,(4):150-156.[Zhang Wei,Sun Yanling,Zhu Meng.The Carbon Emission Determination for Regional Central Cities and the Analysis of the Influencing Factors:Taking Qingdao as an Example[J].Review of Economy and Management,2012,(4):150-156.]

    Analysis of the Change of Complete Carbon Intensity and Its Determinantsfrom the Perspective of Final Demand

    XIAO Hao1,2 YANG Jiaheng1 JIANG Xuemei2

    (1. School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha Hunan 410079, China;2. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

    Abstract Different from former researches on carbon intensity, based on the links between supply and demand as well as that between output and value added, firstly this paper proposes such concepts as complete carbon intensity (CI) and its consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI), investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (XCI) from the perspective of final demand. By using Chinese noncompetitive inputoutput model during 1996-2009 merged from World InputOutput Database (WIOD), this paper then estimates all kinds of complete carbon intensities and decomposes the change rate of complete carbon intensity. Meanwhile, we use structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to decompose changes of all kinds of complete carbon intensities into four factors: direct carbon emission coefficient effect, input technology structure effect, value added coefficient effect and scale effect of final demand. The results are as follows: ① From 1996 to 2009, consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity is the lowest, and it has the greatest impact on complete carbon intensity(CI), which indicates the proportions of carbon emissions to value added embodied in consumption products is gradually optimized along the “intensive” path, while the growth modes of export and investment are relatively ‘extensive. ② Different complete carbon intensities are reduced almost in the same way. The coefficient of direct carbon emission is positive while the coefficient of input technology structure, valueadded coefficient and final demand are negative. It indicates that direct carbon emission coefficient is the main source of carbon intensity reduction, in which other factors do not play active roles. In particular, the fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) is mainly influenced by fluctuation of direct carbon emission, input technology structure and valueadded. On the contrary, changes in the scale of final demand impact consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) greatly. ③ Various complete carbon intensities and their driving forces change in different time intervals. Fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) contribute to the growth of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2002-2004 but promote the decrease of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2004-2009. Before Chinas entry into WTO, changes in valueadded coefficient positively affect the decline of all final demands complete carbon intensities, but their effects turn to negative afterwards. Such phenomenon is mostly apparent for the changes in investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (ECI) from 2003 to 2007. In conclusion, reducing complete carbon intensity is a systematic project that calls for measures from all aspects. Carbon emission reduction technology is still the most direct and efficient measure, while readjusting demand structure is also a key point. It is necessary to reduce the carbon emissions embodied in export and investment while improve the value added rate in them. Nevertheless, we should also be vigilant about the adverse effects of changes in consumption structure, for example the popularity of high energy consumption products like cars.

    Key words carbon emission; addedvalue; carbon intensity; final demand; structural decomposition analysis

    [21]包玉香.高效生态经济与低碳能力建设的耦合作用机制研究[J].山东师范大学学报:人文社会科学版,2012,(2):86-93.[Bao Yuxiang.Study on the Coupling Mechanism Between High Efficient Ecological Economy and Capacity Building of Low Carbon Economy[J].Journal of Shangdong Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition,2012,(2):86-93.]

    [22]张伟,孙燕玲,朱萌.区域性中心城市的碳排放测定及影响因素分析:以青岛市为例[J].经济与管理评论,2012,(4):150-156.[Zhang Wei,Sun Yanling,Zhu Meng.The Carbon Emission Determination for Regional Central Cities and the Analysis of the Influencing Factors:Taking Qingdao as an Example[J].Review of Economy and Management,2012,(4):150-156.]

    Analysis of the Change of Complete Carbon Intensity and Its Determinantsfrom the Perspective of Final Demand

    XIAO Hao1,2 YANG Jiaheng1 JIANG Xuemei2

    (1. School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha Hunan 410079, China;2. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

    Abstract Different from former researches on carbon intensity, based on the links between supply and demand as well as that between output and value added, firstly this paper proposes such concepts as complete carbon intensity (CI) and its consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI), investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (XCI) from the perspective of final demand. By using Chinese noncompetitive inputoutput model during 1996-2009 merged from World InputOutput Database (WIOD), this paper then estimates all kinds of complete carbon intensities and decomposes the change rate of complete carbon intensity. Meanwhile, we use structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to decompose changes of all kinds of complete carbon intensities into four factors: direct carbon emission coefficient effect, input technology structure effect, value added coefficient effect and scale effect of final demand. The results are as follows: ① From 1996 to 2009, consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity is the lowest, and it has the greatest impact on complete carbon intensity(CI), which indicates the proportions of carbon emissions to value added embodied in consumption products is gradually optimized along the “intensive” path, while the growth modes of export and investment are relatively ‘extensive. ② Different complete carbon intensities are reduced almost in the same way. The coefficient of direct carbon emission is positive while the coefficient of input technology structure, valueadded coefficient and final demand are negative. It indicates that direct carbon emission coefficient is the main source of carbon intensity reduction, in which other factors do not play active roles. In particular, the fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) is mainly influenced by fluctuation of direct carbon emission, input technology structure and valueadded. On the contrary, changes in the scale of final demand impact consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) greatly. ③ Various complete carbon intensities and their driving forces change in different time intervals. Fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) contribute to the growth of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2002-2004 but promote the decrease of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2004-2009. Before Chinas entry into WTO, changes in valueadded coefficient positively affect the decline of all final demands complete carbon intensities, but their effects turn to negative afterwards. Such phenomenon is mostly apparent for the changes in investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (ECI) from 2003 to 2007. In conclusion, reducing complete carbon intensity is a systematic project that calls for measures from all aspects. Carbon emission reduction technology is still the most direct and efficient measure, while readjusting demand structure is also a key point. It is necessary to reduce the carbon emissions embodied in export and investment while improve the value added rate in them. Nevertheless, we should also be vigilant about the adverse effects of changes in consumption structure, for example the popularity of high energy consumption products like cars.

    Key words carbon emission; addedvalue; carbon intensity; final demand; structural decomposition analysis

    [21]包玉香.高效生态经济与低碳能力建设的耦合作用机制研究[J].山东师范大学学报:人文社会科学版,2012,(2):86-93.[Bao Yuxiang.Study on the Coupling Mechanism Between High Efficient Ecological Economy and Capacity Building of Low Carbon Economy[J].Journal of Shangdong Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition,2012,(2):86-93.]

    [22]张伟,孙燕玲,朱萌.区域性中心城市的碳排放测定及影响因素分析:以青岛市为例[J].经济与管理评论,2012,(4):150-156.[Zhang Wei,Sun Yanling,Zhu Meng.The Carbon Emission Determination for Regional Central Cities and the Analysis of the Influencing Factors:Taking Qingdao as an Example[J].Review of Economy and Management,2012,(4):150-156.]

    Analysis of the Change of Complete Carbon Intensity and Its Determinantsfrom the Perspective of Final Demand

    XIAO Hao1,2 YANG Jiaheng1 JIANG Xuemei2

    (1. School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha Hunan 410079, China;2. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

    Abstract Different from former researches on carbon intensity, based on the links between supply and demand as well as that between output and value added, firstly this paper proposes such concepts as complete carbon intensity (CI) and its consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI), investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (XCI) from the perspective of final demand. By using Chinese noncompetitive inputoutput model during 1996-2009 merged from World InputOutput Database (WIOD), this paper then estimates all kinds of complete carbon intensities and decomposes the change rate of complete carbon intensity. Meanwhile, we use structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to decompose changes of all kinds of complete carbon intensities into four factors: direct carbon emission coefficient effect, input technology structure effect, value added coefficient effect and scale effect of final demand. The results are as follows: ① From 1996 to 2009, consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity is the lowest, and it has the greatest impact on complete carbon intensity(CI), which indicates the proportions of carbon emissions to value added embodied in consumption products is gradually optimized along the “intensive” path, while the growth modes of export and investment are relatively ‘extensive. ② Different complete carbon intensities are reduced almost in the same way. The coefficient of direct carbon emission is positive while the coefficient of input technology structure, valueadded coefficient and final demand are negative. It indicates that direct carbon emission coefficient is the main source of carbon intensity reduction, in which other factors do not play active roles. In particular, the fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) is mainly influenced by fluctuation of direct carbon emission, input technology structure and valueadded. On the contrary, changes in the scale of final demand impact consumptionoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) greatly. ③ Various complete carbon intensities and their driving forces change in different time intervals. Fluctuation of investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (CCI) contribute to the growth of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2002-2004 but promote the decrease of complete carbon intensity (CI) during 2004-2009. Before Chinas entry into WTO, changes in valueadded coefficient positively affect the decline of all final demands complete carbon intensities, but their effects turn to negative afterwards. Such phenomenon is mostly apparent for the changes in investmentoriented complete carbon intensity (ICI) and exportoriented complete carbon intensity (ECI) from 2003 to 2007. In conclusion, reducing complete carbon intensity is a systematic project that calls for measures from all aspects. Carbon emission reduction technology is still the most direct and efficient measure, while readjusting demand structure is also a key point. It is necessary to reduce the carbon emissions embodied in export and investment while improve the value added rate in them. Nevertheless, we should also be vigilant about the adverse effects of changes in consumption structure, for example the popularity of high energy consumption products like cars.

    Key words carbon emission; addedvalue; carbon intensity; final demand; structural decomposition analysis





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