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标题 2000年以来中国城市体系演变特征研究




    关键词 航空网络;城市体系;机场;空间格局;网络特征

    中图分类号 F562

    文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0068-08





    国内学者针对中国城市航空网络与城市体系的研究,大多是利用航空客运数据和航班数,通过航空联系的角度分析城市体系的特点,采用数据大多集中在1995-2005年左右,缺乏对航空货运研究。航空货运相比客运更能反映城市间经济联系和对外职能,而且2000年以后中国航空客货运分别年均增长高达15%和11%,通航城市由139个增加至175个,成为全球航空运输增长最快的地区。此外,民用航空机场的服务范围一般都在200 km2以上,且基本分布在地级市以上的中心城区附近。据统计,2010年中国地级市数量为283个,直辖市数量为4个,通航城市已占总数的60%以上。因此,通过分析已通航城市的分布格局来研究2000年以中国城市体系演变特征具有一定代表性。

    1 研究内容与数据来源

    1.1 定义与假设



    城市复合流量:参照国际民航运输协会计算办法,1个单位复合流量等于1名旅客或90 kg货物。如1个城市具有2个或2个以上机场,合并计算流量,如北京首都和北京南苑,上海虹桥和上海浦东。

    城市间航线复合流量:两个城市之间航线运输的复行合流量。 如果是经停航线,根据航段数目取均值分摊,如广州-西安-银川航线流量为Q,广州-西安取Q/2,张家界-长沙-青岛-沈阳航线流量为Q,张家界-长沙取Q/3。根据前期研究者经验和实际情况,航线流量计算取航线年运输旅客在5万人以上且年货物运输量在5 000 t以上的航线。

    1.2 研究内容


    1.3 数据来源


    城市间复合流量已增长了3-5倍,而且北京、上海、广州之间的航线牢牢占据主导地位,杭州-北京、上海-成都、上海-厦门进入前十大航线。高铁的开通对城市间航空流量影响非常大,特别是对1 500 km以内的航线,比如京沪和郑西高铁开通后,北京-南京航线位次从2000年第10名下降至2012年的45名,北京-济南和郑州-西安直飞航线陆续停航。







    5 结论与展望




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    [11]郭文炯,白明英.中国城市航空运输职能等级及航空联系特征的实证研究[J].人文地理, 1999,14(1):27-31.[Guo Wenjiong, Bai Mingying. A Positive Research on the Functional Hierarchy of Urban Air Transportation and the Features of Air Transportation Relationship in China[J].Human Geography,1999,14(1):27-31.]

    [12]金凤君.我国航空客流网络发展及其地域系统研究[J].地理研究,2001,20(1):31-39.[Jin Fengjun. A Study on Network of Domestic Air Passenger Flow in China[J].Geographical Research, 2001,20(1):31-39.]

    [13]金凤君,王成金.轴-辐侍服理念下的中国航空网络模式构筑[J].地理研究,2005, 24(5):774-784.[Jin Fengjun,Wang Chengjin. HubandSpoke System and China Aviation Network Organization[J]. Geographical Research 2005, 24(5):774-784.]

    [14]周一星,胡智勇.从航空运输看中国城市体系的空间网络结构[J].地理研究,2002,21(3):276-285.[Zhou Yixing,Hu Zhiyong. Looking into the Network Structure of Chinese Urban System from the Perspective of Air Transportation[J]. Geographical Research, 2002,21(3):276-285.]

    [15]朱英明.中国城市密集区航空运输联系研究[J].人文地理,2003,18(5):22-25.[Zhu Yiming. The Study of Air Transportation Links Among Chinas Urban Compact Areas[J].Human Geography, 2003,18(5):22-25.]

    [16]王法辉,金凤君,曾光.中国航空客运网络的空间演化模式研究[J].地理科学,2003, 23(5):519-525.[Wang Fahui,Jin Fengjun,Zeng Guang. Geographic Patterns of Air Passenger Transport in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, 23(5):519-525.]

    [17]唐次妹.航空运输与台湾城市体系的空间网络结构[J].台湾研究,2006,1:39-44.[Tang Cimei. Air Transport and the Space Network Structure of Urban System in Taiwan[J].Taiwan Research,2006,1:39-44.]

    [18]于涛方,顾朝林,李志刚.1995年以来中国城市体系格局与演变:基于航空流视角[J].地理研究,2008,27(6):1407-1418.[Yu Taofang,Gu Chaolin,Li Zhigang.Chinas Urban Systems in Terms of Air Passenger and Cargo Flows since 1995[J]. Geographical Research, 2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [19]刘宏鲲,周涛.中国城市航空网络的实证研究与分析[J].物理学报,2007,56(1):106-112.[ Liu Hongkun, Zhou Tao.Empirical Study of Chinese City Airline Network[J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [20]王姣娥, 金凤君, 孙炜,等.中国机场体系的空间格局及其服务水平[J].地理学报,2006, 61(8):829-838.[Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun,Sun Wei,et al. Research on Spatial Distribution and Service Level of Chinese Airport System [J].Acta Geographica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [21]莫辉辉,王姣娥,金凤君.交通运输网络的复杂性研究[J].地理科学进展,2008,27(6): 112-120.[Mo Huihui,Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun.Complexity Perspectives on Transportation Network[J]. Progress in Geography, 2008,27(6): 112-120.]

    [22]曾小舟,江可申,程凯.我国航空网络枢纽机场中心化水平比较[J].系统工程,2010,28(9):39-45.[Zeng Xiaozhou, Jiang Keshen,Cheng Kai. Comparative Analysis on the Centralized Level of Hub Airport of Chinese Aviation Network [J].Systems Engineering, 2010,28(9):39-45.]

    Evolution Characteristics of Urban System in China Since 2000 inTerms of Distribution of Civil Aviation City

    ZHAO Weiwei

    (School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xian Shaanxi 710127, China)

    AbstractAir transport activities between cities are the highest form of city interconnected, where routes reflect the economic ties among different cities and external function, and the city and routes of aviation network directly reflect the level of urban system structure and the distribution characteristics. Rapid growth of air transport in China since 2000, with the navigable city increased from 139 to 175

    level covers an area of more than 60% of the number of cities; navigable city space distribution to a certain extent, represents the urban system of the national chara cteristics. Based on the literature review, this paper used the statistical data (2000-2012) of civil aviation industry, urban routes between compound flow, in order to analyze the statistical characteristic of navigable city distribution, hierarchy, such as hierarchical network structure. First, we studied the distribution and differences of navigable city: namely the passenger business city differences has slow and diffusion characteristics, and the share of three major hub cities Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in China decreases. Cargo business city gap is widening, the agglomeration characteristics of three major hub cities share is always more than half. From total allocation rate, cargo business is more concentrated than passenger freight. Secondly, using chart method and clustering analysis method, 175 cities can be divided into three top center cities,13 secondary center cities,17 tertiary center cities and 142 four centers cities. The distribution of city level is the pyramid and influenced by political, economic and tourism factors significantly. Finally, we used the data of domestic cities who vanks 100 composite traffic routes between 2000 and 2012 to analyze the network characteristics of the urban system, and find that three major hub cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are firmly dominated, ChengduChongqing express way will be the fourth pole in the future, the northeast city system is stable, coastal cities are replaced by the central city, tourist city level upgrades, and “axial and radial” network cities system are forming.

    Key words aviation network; urban system; airport; spatial distribution; network characteristics

    [16]王法辉,金凤君,曾光.中国航空客运网络的空间演化模式研究[J].地理科学,2003, 23(5):519-525.[Wang Fahui,Jin Fengjun,Zeng Guang. Geographic Patterns of Air Passenger Transport in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, 23(5):519-525.]

    [17]唐次妹.航空运输与台湾城市体系的空间网络结构[J].台湾研究,2006,1:39-44.[Tang Cimei. Air Transport and the Space Network Structure of Urban System in Taiwan[J].Taiwan Research,2006,1:39-44.]

    [18]于涛方,顾朝林,李志刚.1995年以来中国城市体系格局与演变:基于航空流视角[J].地理研究,2008,27(6):1407-1418.[Yu Taofang,Gu Chaolin,Li Zhigang.Chinas Urban Systems in Terms of Air Passenger and Cargo Flows since 1995[J]. Geographical Research, 2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [19]刘宏鲲,周涛.中国城市航空网络的实证研究与分析[J].物理学报,2007,56(1):106-112.[ Liu Hongkun, Zhou Tao.Empirical Study of Chinese City Airline Network[J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [20]王姣娥, 金凤君, 孙炜,等.中国机场体系的空间格局及其服务水平[J].地理学报,2006, 61(8):829-838.[Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun,Sun Wei,et al. Research on Spatial Distribution and Service Level of Chinese Airport System [J].Acta Geographica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [21]莫辉辉,王姣娥,金凤君.交通运输网络的复杂性研究[J].地理科学进展,2008,27(6): 112-120.[Mo Huihui,Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun.Complexity Perspectives on Transportation Network[J]. Progress in Geography, 2008,27(6): 112-120.]

    [22]曾小舟,江可申,程凯.我国航空网络枢纽机场中心化水平比较[J].系统工程,2010,28(9):39-45.[Zeng Xiaozhou, Jiang Keshen,Cheng Kai. Comparative Analysis on the Centralized Level of Hub Airport of Chinese Aviation Network [J].Systems Engineering, 2010,28(9):39-45.]

    Evolution Characteristics of Urban System in China Since 2000 inTerms of Distribution of Civil Aviation City

    ZHAO Weiwei

    (School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xian Shaanxi 710127, China)

    AbstractAir transport activities between cities are the highest form of city interconnected, where routes reflect the economic ties among different cities and external function, and the city and routes of aviation network directly reflect the level of urban system structure and the distribution characteristics. Rapid growth of air transport in China since 2000, with the navigable city increased from 139 to 175

    level covers an area of more than 60% of the number of cities; navigable city space distribution to a certain extent, represents the urban system of the national chara cteristics. Based on the literature review, this paper used the statistical data (2000-2012) of civil aviation industry, urban routes between compound flow, in order to analyze the statistical characteristic of navigable city distribution, hierarchy, such as hierarchical network structure. First, we studied the distribution and differences of navigable city: namely the passenger business city differences has slow and diffusion characteristics, and the share of three major hub cities Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in China decreases. Cargo business city gap is widening, the agglomeration characteristics of three major hub cities share is always more than half. From total allocation rate, cargo business is more concentrated than passenger freight. Secondly, using chart method and clustering analysis method, 175 cities can be divided into three top center cities,13 secondary center cities,17 tertiary center cities and 142 four centers cities. The distribution of city level is the pyramid and influenced by political, economic and tourism factors significantly. Finally, we used the data of domestic cities who vanks 100 composite traffic routes between 2000 and 2012 to analyze the network characteristics of the urban system, and find that three major hub cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are firmly dominated, ChengduChongqing express way will be the fourth pole in the future, the northeast city system is stable, coastal cities are replaced by the central city, tourist city level upgrades, and “axial and radial” network cities system are forming.

    Key words aviation network; urban system; airport; spatial distribution; network characteristics

    [16]王法辉,金凤君,曾光.中国航空客运网络的空间演化模式研究[J].地理科学,2003, 23(5):519-525.[Wang Fahui,Jin Fengjun,Zeng Guang. Geographic Patterns of Air Passenger Transport in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, 23(5):519-525.]

    [17]唐次妹.航空运输与台湾城市体系的空间网络结构[J].台湾研究,2006,1:39-44.[Tang Cimei. Air Transport and the Space Network Structure of Urban System in Taiwan[J].Taiwan Research,2006,1:39-44.]

    [18]于涛方,顾朝林,李志刚.1995年以来中国城市体系格局与演变:基于航空流视角[J].地理研究,2008,27(6):1407-1418.[Yu Taofang,Gu Chaolin,Li Zhigang.Chinas Urban Systems in Terms of Air Passenger and Cargo Flows since 1995[J]. Geographical Research, 2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [19]刘宏鲲,周涛.中国城市航空网络的实证研究与分析[J].物理学报,2007,56(1):106-112.[ Liu Hongkun, Zhou Tao.Empirical Study of Chinese City Airline Network[J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [20]王姣娥, 金凤君, 孙炜,等.中国机场体系的空间格局及其服务水平[J].地理学报,2006, 61(8):829-838.[Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun,Sun Wei,et al. Research on Spatial Distribution and Service Level of Chinese Airport System [J].Acta Geographica Sinica,2008,27(6):1407-1418.]

    [21]莫辉辉,王姣娥,金凤君.交通运输网络的复杂性研究[J].地理科学进展,2008,27(6): 112-120.[Mo Huihui,Wang Jiaoe,Jin Fengjun.Complexity Perspectives on Transportation Network[J]. Progress in Geography, 2008,27(6): 112-120.]

    [22]曾小舟,江可申,程凯.我国航空网络枢纽机场中心化水平比较[J].系统工程,2010,28(9):39-45.[Zeng Xiaozhou, Jiang Keshen,Cheng Kai. Comparative Analysis on the Centralized Level of Hub Airport of Chinese Aviation Network [J].Systems Engineering, 2010,28(9):39-45.]

    Evolution Characteristics of Urban System in China Since 2000 inTerms of Distribution of Civil Aviation City

    ZHAO Weiwei

    (School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xian Shaanxi 710127, China)

    AbstractAir transport activities between cities are the highest form of city interconnected, where routes reflect the economic ties among different cities and external function, and the city and routes of aviation network directly reflect the level of urban system structure and the distribution characteristics. Rapid growth of air transport in China since 2000, with the navigable city increased from 139 to 175

    level covers an area of more than 60% of the number of cities; navigable city space distribution to a certain extent, represents the urban system of the national chara cteristics. Based on the literature review, this paper used the statistical data (2000-2012) of civil aviation industry, urban routes between compound flow, in order to analyze the statistical characteristic of navigable city distribution, hierarchy, such as hierarchical network structure. First, we studied the distribution and differences of navigable city: namely the passenger business city differences has slow and diffusion characteristics, and the share of three major hub cities Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in China decreases. Cargo business city gap is widening, the agglomeration characteristics of three major hub cities share is always more than half. From total allocation rate, cargo business is more concentrated than passenger freight. Secondly, using chart method and clustering analysis method, 175 cities can be divided into three top center cities,13 secondary center cities,17 tertiary center cities and 142 four centers cities. The distribution of city level is the pyramid and influenced by political, economic and tourism factors significantly. Finally, we used the data of domestic cities who vanks 100 composite traffic routes between 2000 and 2012 to analyze the network characteristics of the urban system, and find that three major hub cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are firmly dominated, ChengduChongqing express way will be the fourth pole in the future, the northeast city system is stable, coastal cities are replaced by the central city, tourist city level upgrades, and “axial and radial” network cities system are forming.

    Key words aviation network; urban system; airport; spatial distribution; network characteristics





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