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标题 科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展的系统动力学研究


    摘要 长期以来资源型城市为国家提供了主要生产资料,为我国经济与社会发展做出巨大贡献。但资源型城市原有的粗放型发展模式使资源型城市发展普遍面临严峻困境。资源型城市必须转变原有发展模式,选择以科技产业为支撑的可持续发展模式。科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展系统包括经济子系统、社会子系统、环境子系统和资源子系统四个子系统。在分析四个子系统各因素间因果关系的基础上构建整个系统的因果关系模型,进而构建系统的流图模型,并综合运用多种方法建立变量间方程,从而初步建立起科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展的系统动力学模型。对模型进行检验表明,模型真实、有效、可信。可进一步运用该模型进行政策模拟。通过设置四个政策变量,企业R&D投入系数、企业对产学研R&D投入比例、政府对产学研R&D投入比例、产学研运作效率的取值,从而设定了五种模式以进行政策模拟。政策模拟的结果显示:只提高R&D投入并不能有效促进科技产业发展;只提高对产学研协同创新的资金投入,而不注重提高产学研协同创新的运作效率,也会造成R&D资源的浪费;提高R&D投入的同时全面支持产学研协同创新是促进科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展的最佳政策模式;R&D资源有限的资源型城市,通过全面支持产学研协同创新也能较好地促进科技产业与资源型城市的可持续协同发展。政府、金融资本、科技中介机构对产学研协同创新成功运作从而实现科技经济一体化发展至关重要,实现“府产学研资介”六位一体协同运作是实现产学研协同创新的关键,是促进科技产业与资源型城市的可持续协同发展的最佳政策实施模式。

    关键词 科技产业;资源型城市;可持续;协同发展;系统动力学

    中图分类号 F299.23文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0085-09doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.013

    长期以来资源型城市为国家提供了主要生产资料,为我国经济与社会发展作出了巨大贡献。然而资源型城市也为此承受了巨大的代价:原有的不顾环境承受能力的“大量开采,大量消耗,大量废弃”的对资源粗放和一次性利用模式,导致可开采资源的大幅减少,以及开采的客观条件的日益严峻,资源型城市粗放型的发展模式受到严格限制,资源型城市发展普遍面临严峻困境[1]。近年来,理论界从不同的视角对科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展进行了研究,主要包括以下研究视角[2]:①采矿业是否是科技产业。John E. Tilton提出采矿业是高科技产业[3-6];然而Paul J. Bartos却认为采矿业只是一般产业而非高科技产业,其生产力的提高应归功于先进制造业等产业的创新和技术进步[7]。②科技产业支撑资源型城市可持续发展。Catherine Driussi和Janis Jansz通过案例分析得出结论:新的矿业技术的运用能将矿业废物最小化,甚至达到零污染[8];Gavin Hilson在探讨采矿业开展污染预防和清洁生产时,强调技术进步对采矿业开展污染预防和清洁生产非常重要[9];郭兴红认为应该通过发展煤炭高新技术产业,实现洁净煤技术产业化来做好煤炭资源的综合开发和利用,积极推进资源型城市的生态建设[10];黄少鹏认为一个煤炭生态工业园区从设想到生成,关键还是要有高新技术的支撑[11]。③资源型城市科技产业集群。Peter Warrian探讨了在全球化和知识经济形势下,以及环境保护需要,迫使制造业和矿业产业的发展模式向典型的高科技产业集群模式转变的相关问题[12]。④科技产业与资源型城市生态产业链的延伸。王志宏、袁学良、刘淼群等认为技术创新和高新技术能促进资源型城市生态产业链的延伸,从而促进资源型城市的可持续发展[13-15]。⑤科技产业与资源型城市传统产业改造升级。董锁成、乔丽等认为应该运用高新技术改造和提升资源型城市的传统产业,发展高新技术产业带动传统产业,从而促进资源型城市的产业结构升级[16-17]。综观上述研究发现,尽管有大量的研究人员开始从理论上关注和分析科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展,但相关的研究主要是一些观点、想法的提出,缺乏机理的深入剖析和逻辑论证;成果分别散落在不同主题下,有的出现在资源型城市生态文明研究中,有的出现在资源型城市的循环经济研究中等等,有时作为对策提出,有时作为经验总结出现。总之在很多主题下出现,却又“点到为止”,缺乏统一主题下系统、深入的研究。因此,本文运用系统动力学方法,深入剖析科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展系统中各因素之间的相互关系和作用,构建系统动力学(SD)模型,并通过对模型进行政策模拟,找到最佳的政策模式,以期为促进科技产业与资源型城市的可持续协同发展提供理论依据。

    1 系统分析


    系统动力学(System Dynamics)简称SD,是一门分析研究信息反馈系统的学科,也是一门认识系统问题和解决系统问题的综合性学科。SD把系统的行为模式看成是由系统内部的信息反馈机制决定的,通过建立SD模型,利用SD仿真语言在计算机上实现对真实系统的仿真,从而实现定性分析与定量分析的有效结合,能够有效地揭示复杂系统在各种因果关系作用下所呈现出的动态变化规律,可以研究系统的结构、功能和行为之间的动态关系,以便寻求较优的系统结构和功能。


    2 SD模型构建

    2.1 因果关系模型构建

    2.1.1 经济子系统因果关系分析








    2.1.2 社会子系统因果关系分析







    2.1.3 环境子系统因果关系构建









    2.1.4 资源子系统因果关系构建





    2.1.5 系统因果关系模型构建


    2.2 系统流图模型构建


    2.3 变量间方程的建立








    (1) 企业对产学研R&D投入=企业R&D投入×(1-内部比例)

    (2) 企业对内R&D投入=企业R&D投入×内部比例

    (3) 企业新专利=0.015×DELAY1I(企业对内R&D投入, 1, 企业对内R&D投入 -1.4×104)

    (4) 政府对产学研R&D投入=政府R&D投入×(1-学研R&D系数)

    (5) 政府对学研R&D投入=政府R&D投入×学研R&D系数

    (6) 政府R&D投入=政府财政×政府R&D投入系数

    (7) R&D总投入=企业R&D投入+政府R&D投入

    (8) 产学研新专利=0.03×(企业对产学研R&D投入+政府对产学研R&D投入)

    (9) 学研新专利=0.015×DELAY1I(政府对学研R&D投入, 1, 政府对学研R&D投入 -3458)

    (10) 技术水平= INTEG (技术水平年增加-技术淘汰,8.35×106)

    (11) 大气污染物排放量=MAX(141714-0.0005×技术水平-0.01×DELAY1I(大气治理投入,1,大气治理投入×0.92)+0.0001×资源年产量, 1000)

    (12) 环境质量= INTEG (年变化程度,-4)

    (13) 环境治理投入=GDP×环境治理投入系数

    (14) 水污染物排放量=MAX(46382.9-0.00015×技术水平-0.001×DELAY1I(水环境治理投入, 1, 水环境治理投入×0.92 )+1×10-5资源年产量, 1000)

    (15) GDP=1.58×固定资产总额+0.01×技术水平+0.1×劳动力总数

    (16) 劳动力减少数=劳动力总数×0.06×(1-(环境质量-1)/50)

    (17) 劳动力总数= INTEG (劳动力增加数-劳动力减少数,4.46×106)

    (18) 能耗系数=MAX( 1.515-4.3×10-9×技术水平 , 0.5)

    (19) 资源回收率=MIN((0.761+1.29×10-9×技术水平)×管理水平, 1)

    (20) 资源可采储量= INTEG (+准备煤量-年采出量,178×108)

    (21) 资源年产量=MIN(MIN(生产规模, 资源可采 储量), 需求量)

    (22) 需求量=RANDOM NORMAL(3, 3.1, 3.02, 0.04, 100)×GDP×能耗系数

    (23) 年采出量=资源年产量/资源回收率

    2.4 模型检验


    3 政策模拟与仿真






    4 结论与建议





    (编辑:李 琪)


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    [17]乔丽.矿区生态文明理论、方法与实证研究:以平朔矿区为例[D].北京:中国地质大学,2010: 38-39.[Qiao Li. A Case Study on Ecological Civilization in Pingshuo Mining Area: Theory, Method and Practice [D]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences,2010: 38-39.]

    Study on Sustainable Synergistic Development of Science & Technology Industry

    and Resourcebased City Based on System Dynamics

    ZENG Lijun1 SUI Yinghui1,2 SHEN Yusan3

    (1.College of Economics and Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China;

    2.Institute of Economic Strategy and Management,Qingdao Academy of Social Science,Qingdao Shandong 266071,China;

    3.Teaching Affairs Department, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China)

    Abstract Resourcebased cities have being provided main raw materials and made great contribution for our country for a long period. However, the previous extensive development patterns of resourcebased cities have led to severe difficulties for their future development. Resourcebased cities have to transform the original development patterns, take sustainable development patterns which are supported by science & technology(S&T) industry. The sustainable synergetic development system of S&T industry and resourcebased city includes four subsystems: subsystem of economy, society, environment, and resource. Based on analyzing relations between factors of four subsystems, the causal loop model of whole system is built. Then the stockandflow diagram model is built, and mathematical equations between variables are established by comprehensive application of multiple methods. Consequently the paper builds the system dynamics model of sustainable synergetic development of S&T industry and resourcebased city. Model verification shows that model is real, credible, valid, and can be further used to carry on policy simulation. By setting the values of four policy variables: corporate R&D input coefficient, corporate R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, government R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch, we design five policy modes for policy simulation. Policy simulation indicates that only increasing R&D input can not effectively prompt development of S&T industry, and only increasing funding to industryuniversityresearch while ignoring operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation will lead to waste of R&D resource; furthermore, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation while increasing R&D expenditure is the best policy model of prompting sustainable synergetic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city; meanwhile, for those resourcebased cities with limit R&D resource, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation can well prompt sustainable synergetic development. Government, financial capital, S&T intermediary are of great importance to successful operation of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation and then to realization of integration of science, technology and economy. Realizing six in one synergistic operation of governmentindustryuniversityresearchcapitalintermediary is the key of realizing industryuniversityresearch synergistic innovation and is the best model of policy implementation to promote sustainable synergistic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city.

    Key words science & technology industry; resourcebased city; sustainable; synergistic development; system dynamics

    [15]刘淼群.黑龙江省煤炭城市发展循环经济模式研究[D].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2008:60-61.[Liu Miaoqun. The Research on the Development Model of Cycle Economy in Coal City in Heilongjiang Province [D]. Harbin: Harbing Engineering University, 2008: 60-61.]

    [16]董锁成,李泽红,李斌,等.中国资源型城市经济转型问题与战略探索[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007, 17(5): 12-17.[Dong Suocheng, Li Zehong, Li Bin,et al. The Problems and Strategies on Economic Transformation of Resourcebased Cities in China [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment,2007, 17 (5): 12-17.]

    [17]乔丽.矿区生态文明理论、方法与实证研究:以平朔矿区为例[D].北京:中国地质大学,2010: 38-39.[Qiao Li. A Case Study on Ecological Civilization in Pingshuo Mining Area: Theory, Method and Practice [D]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences,2010: 38-39.]

    Study on Sustainable Synergistic Development of Science & Technology Industry

    and Resourcebased City Based on System Dynamics

    ZENG Lijun1 SUI Yinghui1,2 SHEN Yusan3

    (1.College of Economics and Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China;

    2.Institute of Economic Strategy and Management,Qingdao Academy of Social Science,Qingdao Shandong 266071,China;

    3.Teaching Affairs Department, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China)

    Abstract Resourcebased cities have being provided main raw materials and made great contribution for our country for a long period. However, the previous extensive development patterns of resourcebased cities have led to severe difficulties for their future development. Resourcebased cities have to transform the original development patterns, take sustainable development patterns which are supported by science & technology(S&T) industry. The sustainable synergetic development system of S&T industry and resourcebased city includes four subsystems: subsystem of economy, society, environment, and resource. Based on analyzing relations between factors of four subsystems, the causal loop model of whole system is built. Then the stockandflow diagram model is built, and mathematical equations between variables are established by comprehensive application of multiple methods. Consequently the paper builds the system dynamics model of sustainable synergetic development of S&T industry and resourcebased city. Model verification shows that model is real, credible, valid, and can be further used to carry on policy simulation. By setting the values of four policy variables: corporate R&D input coefficient, corporate R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, government R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch, we design five policy modes for policy simulation. Policy simulation indicates that only increasing R&D input can not effectively prompt development of S&T industry, and only increasing funding to industryuniversityresearch while ignoring operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation will lead to waste of R&D resource; furthermore, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation while increasing R&D expenditure is the best policy model of prompting sustainable synergetic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city; meanwhile, for those resourcebased cities with limit R&D resource, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation can well prompt sustainable synergetic development. Government, financial capital, S&T intermediary are of great importance to successful operation of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation and then to realization of integration of science, technology and economy. Realizing six in one synergistic operation of governmentindustryuniversityresearchcapitalintermediary is the key of realizing industryuniversityresearch synergistic innovation and is the best model of policy implementation to promote sustainable synergistic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city.

    Key words science & technology industry; resourcebased city; sustainable; synergistic development; system dynamics

    [15]刘淼群.黑龙江省煤炭城市发展循环经济模式研究[D].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2008:60-61.[Liu Miaoqun. The Research on the Development Model of Cycle Economy in Coal City in Heilongjiang Province [D]. Harbin: Harbing Engineering University, 2008: 60-61.]

    [16]董锁成,李泽红,李斌,等.中国资源型城市经济转型问题与战略探索[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007, 17(5): 12-17.[Dong Suocheng, Li Zehong, Li Bin,et al. The Problems and Strategies on Economic Transformation of Resourcebased Cities in China [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment,2007, 17 (5): 12-17.]

    [17]乔丽.矿区生态文明理论、方法与实证研究:以平朔矿区为例[D].北京:中国地质大学,2010: 38-39.[Qiao Li. A Case Study on Ecological Civilization in Pingshuo Mining Area: Theory, Method and Practice [D]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences,2010: 38-39.]

    Study on Sustainable Synergistic Development of Science & Technology Industry

    and Resourcebased City Based on System Dynamics

    ZENG Lijun1 SUI Yinghui1,2 SHEN Yusan3

    (1.College of Economics and Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China;

    2.Institute of Economic Strategy and Management,Qingdao Academy of Social Science,Qingdao Shandong 266071,China;

    3.Teaching Affairs Department, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China)

    Abstract Resourcebased cities have being provided main raw materials and made great contribution for our country for a long period. However, the previous extensive development patterns of resourcebased cities have led to severe difficulties for their future development. Resourcebased cities have to transform the original development patterns, take sustainable development patterns which are supported by science & technology(S&T) industry. The sustainable synergetic development system of S&T industry and resourcebased city includes four subsystems: subsystem of economy, society, environment, and resource. Based on analyzing relations between factors of four subsystems, the causal loop model of whole system is built. Then the stockandflow diagram model is built, and mathematical equations between variables are established by comprehensive application of multiple methods. Consequently the paper builds the system dynamics model of sustainable synergetic development of S&T industry and resourcebased city. Model verification shows that model is real, credible, valid, and can be further used to carry on policy simulation. By setting the values of four policy variables: corporate R&D input coefficient, corporate R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, government R&D input rate to industryuniversityresearch, operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch, we design five policy modes for policy simulation. Policy simulation indicates that only increasing R&D input can not effectively prompt development of S&T industry, and only increasing funding to industryuniversityresearch while ignoring operation efficiency of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation will lead to waste of R&D resource; furthermore, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation while increasing R&D expenditure is the best policy model of prompting sustainable synergetic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city; meanwhile, for those resourcebased cities with limit R&D resource, full supporting industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation can well prompt sustainable synergetic development. Government, financial capital, S&T intermediary are of great importance to successful operation of industryuniversityresearch synergetic innovation and then to realization of integration of science, technology and economy. Realizing six in one synergistic operation of governmentindustryuniversityresearchcapitalintermediary is the key of realizing industryuniversityresearch synergistic innovation and is the best model of policy implementation to promote sustainable synergistic development of science & technology industry and resourcebased city.

    Key words science & technology industry; resourcebased city; sustainable; synergistic development; system dynamics





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