标题 | 基于LCA方法的工业企业低碳生产评估与推广 |
范文 | 摘要工业文明和生态文明相结合的发展模式使得工业企业生产诱发的碳排放广受争议。国际上已经采用针对产品碳足迹的全生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法,以产品加贴碳标签的形式引导全社会关注工业企业的低碳生产。本文遵循国际惯例和先进计量标准,将LCA方法和ISO14000系列国际环境管理标准相互融合,构建我国工业企业低碳生产的评估框架。在该框架下,以尝试实施纯粮固态发酵型白酒碳标签的企业——江苏汤沟两相和酒业有限公司为案例,科学分解纯粮固态发酵型白酒生产的LCA流程,准确界定该企业白酒生产碳排放的计量范围,完成纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程中各个环节的活动数据搜集。在保证数据有效性和可靠性的前提下,将研究区域界定为从谷物原材料投入白酒生产到白酒产品到达一个新的组织为止,功能单位为一升纯粮固态发酵白酒的碳排放。通过将LCA方法引入该企业纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程,动态计量并掌握了2009-2012年该企业纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程中各个特定阶段的碳排放量,最终锁定了与蒸酒蒸粮工艺密切相关的锅炉环节是引发企业生产碳排放的关键环节,而外购电力消耗是引发企业生产碳排放,形成产品碳足迹的次关键环节。并建议企业在保持现状基础上,进一步利用技术创新减少废水排放的COD浓度。籍此指明江苏汤沟两相和酒业有限公司生产纯粮固态发酵白酒的低碳转型路径,为企业全面实施白酒碳标签,履行社会责任奠定决策基础。更为将该企业低碳生产评估与碳减排的方法推广至我国工业企业提供一定借鉴与参考。 关键词LCA;工业企业;低碳生产;评估;江苏汤沟 中图分类号X828文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2014)12-0074-08doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.12.010 研究表明,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,目前81%-90%的碳排放均来源于石化能源的消耗[1]。而石化能源消耗主要在工业领域,由此产生的CO2约占全球排放量的近40%[2]。在我国,1994年工业企业生产引发的碳排放量已经占据了全国碳排放总量的90%以上[3]。2005年,即使不计算煤炭发电的间接碳排放量,因企业煤电供应的直接碳排放量就占据了全国碳排放总量的44%[4]。由于推进工业化是实现我国现代化目标的主要战略之一,未来较长时期内工业碳排放是碳排放主要源头的格局难以彻底改变,降低碳排放已经成为我国工业企业的重要责任[5]。 作为全球及我国的第一大支柱产业,食品工业的产值多年来持续增长,2012年我国食品工业总产值已经达到8.96万亿元[6]。但同时,食品引致的碳排放量也已约占全球碳排放总量的18%[7]。因此,2007年英国政府率先在全球推出第一批包括奶酪洋葱薯片在内的加贴碳标签食品,意味着食品行业已经在国际上首批涉足碳标签,并籍此要求食品供应链上的相关企业实现采用低碳生产,兑现在两年内降低生产碳排放的承诺。而另一方面,海外消费者对酒类食品已初步形成环保、低碳的消费需求。如新西兰推出了国际上首个加贴碳标签的葡萄酒产品,包括欧盟、美国、泰国、韩国等国家和地区已陆续尝试对部分酒类产品加贴碳标签。白酒产品在我国历史悠久,是极具中国文化特色的食品。2012年白酒产业的工业总产值产值达到4 476.04亿元[8],其中纯粮固态发酵型白酒作为我国白酒产品的典型,在海内外享有极高美誉。本文将以生产低碳、环保的纯粮固态发酵型白酒产品为导向,通过推动生产企业对其产品加贴碳标签,较为完整地评估企业低碳生产状况。并建议企业适时适度地在其碳排放关键点采取减排措施,对切实引领我国食品企业,乃至整个工业企业的低碳生产转型具有一定借鉴作用。 1基于LCA方法的工业企业低碳生产的评估框架从企业低碳生产的角度而言,碳标签其实就是一种具有生态属性的标志,提倡利用产品全生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法,评估其低碳属性[9]。研究表明,由于更多地涉及能源消耗,基于LCA方法的产品碳标签必须重点考虑工业企业的生产过程[10]。因此,对工业企业而言,选择产品加贴碳标签的第一步就是在生产全程采取低碳生产措施,执行的基础和依据就是ISO14000系列环境管理标准。该标准的本质就是强调企业产品从开始设计就应使用最少的资源,尽可能地降低对环境的影响,减少废弃物的产生。 事实上,根本不可能将企业生产过程的环境管理从产品全生命周期管理中剥离[11]。在我国大多数工业企业中,贯彻与执行ISO14000系列环境管理标准可以进一步规范其环保型生产行为,从而保证生产过程中产品的低碳属性。因此,需要强调的是,基于LCA方法的企业低碳生产评估框架必须与产品碳标签设计,与企业生产过程的环境管理实现全面融合。 王晓莉等:基于LCA方法的工业企业低碳生产评估与推广中国人口·资源与环境2014年第12期本研究将在碳标签的设计框架下,基于LCA方法,以贯彻ISO14000系列环境管理标准为视角,建立我国工业企业低碳生产评估框架。其中评估的重点就是以碳标签产品为目标,调查企业所有生产行为中可能引发的碳排放量(图1)。 基于LCA方法构建企业低碳生产的评估框架,计量企业生产碳排放量即为分析产品在生产环节形成的碳足迹(Carbon Footprint,CF)。由于产品碳足迹只涉及计量其环境影响中温室气体(Greenhouse Gas,GHG)排放量,即气候变暖因素,因此也被认为是LCA方法的一个分支[12-13],两者具有一定同质性。 产品碳足迹的计量原则指明,CF包括计量生态承载力要求的对化石能源燃烧引致CO2排放的捕获(通过光合作用)[14],涉及从产品对原材料消耗、生产到废物处置的全生命周期的温室气体排放[15]。Wiedmann进一步指出,CF应包含生产行为所引发的直接和间接的所有温室气体排放[16]。 因此,本研究基于LCA方法评估企业低碳生产的原则与CF计量原则一致。均以产品全生命周期为导向,将企业生产行为所引发的直接和间接温室气体排放量,利用国际气候变化专门委员会(The International Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)的全球增温趋势(Global Warming Potential,GWP)值,转换成碳当量(Carbon Dioxide Equivalent,CO2e),与测量碳足迹的标准单位一致[17]。期望通过生产环节形成的产品碳足迹,完成对企业低碳生产状况的考察与评估。 当然,要使得企业低碳生产评估框架更适用于我国各类工业企业,本研究将通过典型企业案例的分析,获得企业层面可靠的环境数据,以进一步验证调整该评估框架的可行性与具体可操作性。 3企业案例与计量原则的确定 3.1纯粮固态发酵型白酒企业的案例 白酒企业作为我国传统的食品工业企业,其白酒产品是中华民族食品的典型代表,在我国具有最为稳定的市场需求,消费规模稳步增长,产品产量逐年攀升。2012年我国白酒的销售收入达到酿酒业的60%左右,远超过啤酒、黄酒等其他酒类产品[8]。 其中,纯粮固态发酵法是中国积累千年的传统白酒生产工艺,在世界六大蒸馏酒中享有独一无二的地位。所谓纯粮固态发酵白酒是采用纯粹的谷物原料,用曲经固态糖化、固态发酵、固态蒸馏后贮存和勾兑后生产出的具有我国特定品质的优质白酒,是中华民族传统食品的典型代表。江苏汤沟两相和酒业有限公司(以下简称江苏汤沟)较好地继承了我国传统的纯粮固态发酵白酒的酿制技艺,企业倡导的制曲工艺、历史泥窖固态发酵、合理的发酵周期和科学的蒸馏等酿造流程所生产的浓香型固态发酵的系列白酒是业内公认的品牌产品。本研究以纯粮固态发酵型白酒加贴碳标签为导向,利用企业低碳生产评估框架,将江苏汤沟作为企业案例,分析白酒企业生产过程的碳排放量,即所形成的产品碳足迹,对推进企业低碳生产转型,引领白酒行业的低碳发展具有一定的推广价值。 3.2白酒企业生产碳排放的计量原则 本研究将遵照国际通用的IPCC计量口径,将企业生产过程中所有温室气体排放转换成CO2e形式。并兼顾目前国际公认的英国标准协会(British Standards Institute,BSI)颁布的《商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气体排放评价规范及使用指南PAS2050:2008》(Publicly Available Specification 2050:2008, PAS2050)中的LCA方法[9],参照加利福利亚葡萄酒机构(Wine Institute of California)、新西兰葡萄酒生产者组织(New Zealand Winegrowers)、南非葡萄酒一体化生产组织(Integrated Production of Wine South Africa)和澳大利亚葡萄酒生产者联盟(Winemakers Federation of Australia)推出的国际葡萄酒碳计算器(version 1.2 of the international wine carbon calculator,IWCC),即国际葡萄酒业计量产品碳足迹的准则[18],再结合世界可持续发展工商理事会(World Business Council for Sustainable Development,WBCSD)和世界资源机构(World Resources Institute,WRI)的温室气体排放盘查议定书(GHG Protocol),将白酒企业生产碳排放划分为范围Ⅰ的生产直接排放、范围Ⅱ的外购能源和范围Ⅲ的企业外购材料、废物处置等环节的间接排放[19]。以上的LCA准则共同成为本研究计量白酒生产碳排放的计量原则。 另外,测量企业生产碳排放所采用的LCA方法有多种分析工具形态,可视不同的研究目标科学合理地选择。由于本研究主要关注的是纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程的生命周期阶段,客观上需要选择符合本研究的企业生产过程中特有的LCA研究类型(Stand Alone LCA),因此,还有如下的客观要求: (1)纯粮固态发酵白酒生产环节中主要引发碳排放的所有相关的生产投入与产出的材料流、能量流和废物流均需要包括在内。 (2)碳排放计量中使用的数据、参数等,尤其是生产过程中生命周期各个环节的材料流、能量流、废物流等和活动水平数据和排放因子等相关参数均必须符合PAS2050重点定义所规定的范围和要求。 (3)纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程中特定阶段碳排放的分析计算,必须涵盖PAS2050中所规定的主要计量项目,并剔除其特别指明的不需要计入的相关部分,如生产过程的人力资源投入等。 (4)利用PAS2050中规定的构成1%的商品或服务就释放1%的温室气体的方法,确定最小计入范围。本研究的相关分析并未采纳欧盟标准排放贸易框架中3%的最小方法。 4计量企业生产碳排放的相关设定 4.1研究范围 对于生产加工食品而言,通过实证案例的验证,采用LCA方法计量加工食品不同阶段的环境影响具有非常重要的价值,但由于从“摇篮”到“坟墓”的过程涉及农业种植、食品加工、包装、运输、零售、消费和废物等不同环节,不同阶段对应着不同的环境影响,鉴于获得环境影响数据的难易程度,可以考虑在必须计量能源引致的排放和非能源引致的排放两个方面的基础上,适当简化计算过程[20]。 本研究LCA方法的研究范围是纯粮固态发酵白酒在江苏汤沟企业内部的酿造生产过程。研究区域界定为从主要原料和能源投入到纯粮固态发酵白酒(原酒)的出厂为止。生产投入涉及原材料投入、能源消耗、内部运输等环节;产出则主要包括生产排放、运输和固液废弃物。 4.2边界准则 受限于数据的可得性以及可忽略的环境影响等,江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒的相关原材料入厂前及白酒出厂后的生命周期流程一并排除在本项目的研究范围以外。如上所述,本研究的系统边界计量的产品生命周期只包括从谷物原材料投入白酒生产直到白酒产品到达一个新的组织,不包括上游的谷物种植和运输、下游的白酒产品分销、零售、消费者使用、废物处置与再生利用等(见图2)。 本研究后续的计量分析将严格按照江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒生产的特定过程来展开,所需的原材料和能源等投入产出的数据等将严格依据上述研究范围与确定的边界准则。 4.3分配程序 同样,需要说明的是,本研究仅涉及江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒生产过程的投入与产出的LCA系统,由于数据受限,并没有包括原料生产、产品消费等碳排放计量的分配问题。 4.4功能单位 消费者最终消费的是瓶装的江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒,而生产白酒的最终目的是服务于消费者的饮用需求。因此,虽然本研究范围并未涉及纯粮固态发酵白酒消费环节的碳排放,但是为方便后续研究的深入,本研究定义的功能单位为一升纯粮固态发酵白酒的碳排放。 4.5LCA流程图 图2是江苏汤沟瓶装白酒生命周期所涉及的所有流程。本研究仅计量江苏汤沟生产纯粮固态发酵白酒过程的碳排放,而原料入厂前和成品酒出厂后的系统并不在本研究范围内。 4.6碳排放计量范围 依据本研究的计量原则,按照图2所示的LCA流程示意图,将江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒生产碳排放的计量分为三个范围:范围Ⅰ、范围Ⅱ和范围Ⅲ。 其中范围Ⅰ的排放是企业可以通过所属产权直接控制,包括锅炉与发电机的能源使用、运输设备的能源使用、生产过程能源使用、生产发酵排放、冷藏设备排放、固液废弃物排放等;范围Ⅱ则是企业外购的网电、热力等;范围Ⅲ是相关的供应链上下游企业产生的间接排放,涉及产品出厂后的运输、消费和废物处置。范围的划定是计量江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒生产碳排放的关键,区分范围可以保证在企业层面上的碳排放不会被重复计量。对企业而言,范围Ⅰ和范围Ⅱ是所有工业企业衡量产品碳足迹和制定碳减排目标的关键,因此,本研究的碳排放计量范围仅限于包括范围Ⅰ和范围Ⅱ。 5企业生产碳排放的计量过程及结果 PAS2050指出,比较相同产品随时间动态变化的碳足迹的基本前提是采用完全一致的数据源、完全相同的边界条件和其它完全等同的假设条件。依据上述要求,在企业以完全相同的统计口径提供标准化数据的基础上,本研究动态计量了2009-2012年间江苏汤沟生产纯粮固态发酵白酒的碳排放量。 5.1范围Ⅰ的直接碳排放量 5.1.1锅炉等固定能源消耗 依靠固定能源消耗的锅炉在工作过程中会排放温室气体。将所有温室气体排放量乘以GWP值,折算为CO2e,即为碳排放量[21]。具体计算公式如下: (1)通过计量分析特定生产阶段的碳排放量,发现与蒸酒蒸粮工艺密切相关的锅炉环节是引发江苏汤沟纯粮固态发酵白酒生产碳排放,形成产品碳足迹的关键环节;而外购电力消耗是在引发企业生产碳排放,形成产品碳足迹的次关键环节;虽然废水COD对白酒企业生产碳排放的贡献度不高,但如何在保持现状中进一步减少废水中COD浓度,实现稳步减排,这也对企业的废水处理技术提出了新挑战。可见,本研究为江苏汤沟基于企业可持续发展战略,在特定生产阶段制定并实施严格、有效且低碳的生产工艺与技术标准,减少纯粮固态发酵白酒的碳足迹提供了决策参考。 (2)本研究采用与国际接轨的基于LCA的PAS2050的计量原则,为工业企业提供了解自身低碳生产状况,实施企业节能减排战略,承担企业社会责任提供依据。同时,也为消费者了解我国纯粮固态发酵白酒产品的环保属性,掌握在企业生产中产品碳足迹的构成,为企业进一步开拓消费市场奠定基础。 (3)作为我国纯粮固态发酵白酒的生产企业,以江苏汤沟为代表的我国工业企业的节能减排与低碳生产应成为其永恒追求的目标。因此,本研究的计量分析结果证实,在企业低碳生产评估框架下,以产品为导向,促进企业低碳生产的现实路径应通过产品供应链上各个成员的积极参与,并努力争取当地政府的支持,方可逐步实现。 (4)本研究的计量结果为我国工业制品加贴碳标签提供了有益参考。我国具有全球最大的食品消费市场,引导企业对其产品加贴碳标签,对我国在更高层次上、更大范围内引导工业行业的低碳生产与低碳消费具有不可估量的作用。 虽然本研究以纯粮固态发酵白酒为导向,将江苏汤沟生产碳排放计量设定在特定的边界范围内,但由于数据采集的有效性和可靠性,并没有涵盖产品出厂后的运输、消费,以及谷物原材料生产等多个环节。显然,实现产品碳足迹的全生命周期的计量,需要与目标企业紧密配合,相关的政策建议包括: (1)建议目标企业强化统计数据的标准化、规范化建设,尝试性扩展数据的统计范围,研究有关碳足迹计量数据库的建设,完善建立融财务核实、清洁生产审计、标准控制于一体的碳排放数据库。 (2)建议目标企业加强与谷物生产基地,包装、瓶盖、印刷等配套企业的一体化建设,用技术标准、生产规范和经济手段引领低碳生产。尽可能地减少供应链中数据的偏差和不确定性。如存在不确定信息,应给出对可能发生的数值偏离的定量估算,并说明可能引起差异的原因,并进一步测度相应活动数据。 (3)将碳排放计量范围扩大至谷物生产、运输与消费、废物处置等环节,还需要企业重点对核算边界的确定,以及对活动水平数据的收集方法和数值进行不确定性分析,并复核计算过程和计算结果。 (4)企业应加强数据质量管理,建立碳排放质量保证和质量控制的程序,以识别信息误差和遗漏,并确立与保持一个有效的信息收集系统,实现对数据准确性的常规评估。只有不断改进信息管理过程,方能最大程度保证企业低碳生产评估后的减排成效。 (编辑:刘呈庆) 参考文献(References) [1]U.S.EIA (U.S.Energy Information Administration). 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Economic Systems Research, 2009, 21(3):175-186. [17]Forster P, Ramaswamy V, Artaxo P, et al. Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing [EB/OL]. (2007-2-4) [2012-5-8]. http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch2.html. [18]Wine Institute of California, New Zealand Winegrowers, Integrated Production of Wine South Africa, Winemakers Federation of Australia. International Wine Carbon Calculator Protocol Version 1.2[EB/OL]. (2008-6-1) [2012-3-4]. http://www.wineinstitute.org/ghgprotocol. [19]World Resources Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard ICT Sector Guidance [EB/OL]. (2009-3-4) [2012-5-6]. http://www.ghgprotocol.org/feature/ghgprotocolproductlifecycleaccountingandreportingstandardictsectorguidance. [20]Andersson K. LCA of Food Products and Production Systems[J]. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2000, 5(4):239-248. [21]IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 1, General Guidance and Reporting[M]. Edited by Eggleston S, Buendia L, Kyoko M W et al. IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, 2006. [22]国家统计局能源统计司. 中国能源统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社,2013. [Department of Energy Statistics of National Bureau of Statistics of the Peoples Republic of China. China Energy Statistical Yearbook[M].Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.] [23]中国电力年鉴编辑委员会. 中国电力年鉴[M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2013. [Editor Committee of China Electric Power Yearbook. China Electric Power Yearbook[M]. Beijing: China Electric Power Press,2013.] Based on the LCA Method the Assessment and Promotion of Low Carbon Manufacturing in Chinas Industry Enterprises: The Case of Liquor Enterprise WANG Xiaoli1,2WANG Haijun2WU Linhai1,2 (1. Food Safety Research Base of Jiangsu Province, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China; 2. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China) AbstractThe development mode of combination industrial civilization with ecological civilization makes the carbon emissions from industrial production is controversial. Through the products carbon footprint in life cycle analysis (LCA), and the carbon label is gradually used to introduce the attention on enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing. In this paper, the method of LCA and ISO14000 series of international environmental management standards were mutually balanced to build the evaluating framework of Chinese industrial enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing, which is introduced to analyze the case of Chinas typical liquor enterprise of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company that willing to practice carbon label. Through scientifically decomposition the LCA process and accurately definition the measure scope of enterprises processing on pure grains liquor by solid fermentation, we completed the data collection of each link in the process of pure grains liquor by solid fermentation. On the premise of ensure the data validity and reliability, we defined the study area as raw material, such grain and energy inputs to liquor products reached a new organization, and the function unit was carbon emissions from a liter of pure grain liquor by solid fermentation. Based on the LCA method, we dynamically measured and recognized the carbon emissions of the enterprise producing pure grains liquor by solid fermentation liquor in 2009-2012. The conclusions were the key point of carbon emission was boiler which closely related to steamed grain, and purchased electricity consumption was the secondary key point of carbon emissions. We suggested this enterprise on the basis of the status quo to increase technology innovation inputs to reduce waste water discharge of COD concentration. This results indicated low carbon transformation path of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company, also made the basis to fully practice carbon label and to fulfill social responsibility of this company. In the long run, these conclusions even take the method of carbon reduction for reference to all Chinas industrial enterprises. Key wordsLCA; industrial enterprises; low carbon manufacturing; evaluation; Jiangsu Tanggou [14]Global Footprint Network. Ecological Budget UKCounting Consumption[EB/OL]. (2007-5-4) [2012-3-6]. http://www.footprintnetwork.org. [15]Carbon Trust. Carbon Footprint Measuring Methodology 1.3 [EB/OL]. (2007-2-2) [2012-3-8]. http://www.carbontrust.co.uk. [16]Wiedmann T. Carbon Footprint and InputOutput AnalysisAn Introduction[J]. Economic Systems Research, 2009, 21(3):175-186. [17]Forster P, Ramaswamy V, Artaxo P, et al. Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing [EB/OL]. (2007-2-4) [2012-5-8]. http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch2.html. [18]Wine Institute of California, New Zealand Winegrowers, Integrated Production of Wine South Africa, Winemakers Federation of Australia. International Wine Carbon Calculator Protocol Version 1.2[EB/OL]. (2008-6-1) [2012-3-4]. http://www.wineinstitute.org/ghgprotocol. [19]World Resources Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard ICT Sector Guidance [EB/OL]. (2009-3-4) [2012-5-6]. http://www.ghgprotocol.org/feature/ghgprotocolproductlifecycleaccountingandreportingstandardictsectorguidance. [20]Andersson K. LCA of Food Products and Production Systems[J]. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2000, 5(4):239-248. [21]IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 1, General Guidance and Reporting[M]. Edited by Eggleston S, Buendia L, Kyoko M W et al. IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, 2006. [22]国家统计局能源统计司. 中国能源统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社,2013. [Department of Energy Statistics of National Bureau of Statistics of the Peoples Republic of China. China Energy Statistical Yearbook[M].Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.] [23]中国电力年鉴编辑委员会. 中国电力年鉴[M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2013. [Editor Committee of China Electric Power Yearbook. China Electric Power Yearbook[M]. Beijing: China Electric Power Press,2013.] Based on the LCA Method the Assessment and Promotion of Low Carbon Manufacturing in Chinas Industry Enterprises: The Case of Liquor Enterprise WANG Xiaoli1,2WANG Haijun2WU Linhai1,2 (1. Food Safety Research Base of Jiangsu Province, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China; 2. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China) AbstractThe development mode of combination industrial civilization with ecological civilization makes the carbon emissions from industrial production is controversial. Through the products carbon footprint in life cycle analysis (LCA), and the carbon label is gradually used to introduce the attention on enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing. In this paper, the method of LCA and ISO14000 series of international environmental management standards were mutually balanced to build the evaluating framework of Chinese industrial enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing, which is introduced to analyze the case of Chinas typical liquor enterprise of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company that willing to practice carbon label. Through scientifically decomposition the LCA process and accurately definition the measure scope of enterprises processing on pure grains liquor by solid fermentation, we completed the data collection of each link in the process of pure grains liquor by solid fermentation. On the premise of ensure the data validity and reliability, we defined the study area as raw material, such grain and energy inputs to liquor products reached a new organization, and the function unit was carbon emissions from a liter of pure grain liquor by solid fermentation. Based on the LCA method, we dynamically measured and recognized the carbon emissions of the enterprise producing pure grains liquor by solid fermentation liquor in 2009-2012. The conclusions were the key point of carbon emission was boiler which closely related to steamed grain, and purchased electricity consumption was the secondary key point of carbon emissions. We suggested this enterprise on the basis of the status quo to increase technology innovation inputs to reduce waste water discharge of COD concentration. This results indicated low carbon transformation path of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company, also made the basis to fully practice carbon label and to fulfill social responsibility of this company. In the long run, these conclusions even take the method of carbon reduction for reference to all Chinas industrial enterprises. Key wordsLCA; industrial enterprises; low carbon manufacturing; evaluation; Jiangsu Tanggou [14]Global Footprint Network. Ecological Budget UKCounting Consumption[EB/OL]. (2007-5-4) [2012-3-6]. http://www.footprintnetwork.org. [15]Carbon Trust. Carbon Footprint Measuring Methodology 1.3 [EB/OL]. (2007-2-2) [2012-3-8]. http://www.carbontrust.co.uk. [16]Wiedmann T. Carbon Footprint and InputOutput AnalysisAn Introduction[J]. Economic Systems Research, 2009, 21(3):175-186. [17]Forster P, Ramaswamy V, Artaxo P, et al. Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing [EB/OL]. (2007-2-4) [2012-5-8]. http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch2.html. [18]Wine Institute of California, New Zealand Winegrowers, Integrated Production of Wine South Africa, Winemakers Federation of Australia. International Wine Carbon Calculator Protocol Version 1.2[EB/OL]. (2008-6-1) [2012-3-4]. http://www.wineinstitute.org/ghgprotocol. [19]World Resources Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard ICT Sector Guidance [EB/OL]. (2009-3-4) [2012-5-6]. http://www.ghgprotocol.org/feature/ghgprotocolproductlifecycleaccountingandreportingstandardictsectorguidance. [20]Andersson K. LCA of Food Products and Production Systems[J]. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2000, 5(4):239-248. [21]IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 1, General Guidance and Reporting[M]. Edited by Eggleston S, Buendia L, Kyoko M W et al. IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, 2006. [22]国家统计局能源统计司. 中国能源统计年鉴[M]. 北京:中国统计出版社,2013. [Department of Energy Statistics of National Bureau of Statistics of the Peoples Republic of China. China Energy Statistical Yearbook[M].Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.] [23]中国电力年鉴编辑委员会. 中国电力年鉴[M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2013. [Editor Committee of China Electric Power Yearbook. China Electric Power Yearbook[M]. Beijing: China Electric Power Press,2013.] Based on the LCA Method the Assessment and Promotion of Low Carbon Manufacturing in Chinas Industry Enterprises: The Case of Liquor Enterprise WANG Xiaoli1,2WANG Haijun2WU Linhai1,2 (1. Food Safety Research Base of Jiangsu Province, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China; 2. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China) AbstractThe development mode of combination industrial civilization with ecological civilization makes the carbon emissions from industrial production is controversial. Through the products carbon footprint in life cycle analysis (LCA), and the carbon label is gradually used to introduce the attention on enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing. In this paper, the method of LCA and ISO14000 series of international environmental management standards were mutually balanced to build the evaluating framework of Chinese industrial enterprises lowcarbon manufacturing, which is introduced to analyze the case of Chinas typical liquor enterprise of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company that willing to practice carbon label. Through scientifically decomposition the LCA process and accurately definition the measure scope of enterprises processing on pure grains liquor by solid fermentation, we completed the data collection of each link in the process of pure grains liquor by solid fermentation. On the premise of ensure the data validity and reliability, we defined the study area as raw material, such grain and energy inputs to liquor products reached a new organization, and the function unit was carbon emissions from a liter of pure grain liquor by solid fermentation. Based on the LCA method, we dynamically measured and recognized the carbon emissions of the enterprise producing pure grains liquor by solid fermentation liquor in 2009-2012. The conclusions were the key point of carbon emission was boiler which closely related to steamed grain, and purchased electricity consumption was the secondary key point of carbon emissions. We suggested this enterprise on the basis of the status quo to increase technology innovation inputs to reduce waste water discharge of COD concentration. This results indicated low carbon transformation path of Jiangsu Tanggou Liangxianghe Liquor Company, also made the basis to fully practice carbon label and to fulfill social responsibility of this company. In the long run, these conclusions even take the method of carbon reduction for reference to all Chinas industrial enterprises. Key wordsLCA; industrial enterprises; low carbon manufacturing; evaluation; Jiangsu Tanggou |
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