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单词 printout
释义 printout /prɪntaʊt/ noun [countable] a page or set of pages with printing on it produced by a computer (计算机)打印件,打印资料◆there is a printout of her daily schedule on her desk. 她的书桌上有一份日程表打印件。  ➡  read-out , print sth off/out at print verb☞ printoutprintout /prɪntaʊt/ [countable, uncountable] a page or set of pages containing information in printed form from a computer(计算机)打印件,列印本◆a printout of text downloaded from the internet从互联网上下载文本的打印件◆there were a few pages of computer printout on her desk.在她桌上有几页计算机打印资料。 print·out /`prɪntˏat; ˈprɪntˌaʊt/n [c,u]a piece of paper containing information printed from a computer [电脑]打印出的资料




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