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单词 stick out
释义 stick out(informal 非正式) to be very noticeable and easily seen 显眼;突出: ◇the new office block really sticks out from the older buildings around it. 新办公大楼屹立于旧建筑之中显得尤其突出。stick out1 to stick out2 words for describing something that sticks out3 something that sticks out4 to make part of your body stick out1. to stick out 伸出,突出 stick out /ˌstɪk ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to stick out from a surface or through an opening 突出,伸出 the fridge door won't shut because there's something sticking out. 冰箱的门关不上,因为有东西伸了出来。 his large ears stuck out almost at right angles. 他的一对大耳朵撑出来几乎成直角了。stick out of/from/through etc a neatly folded handkerchief was sticking out of his jacket pocket. 他的外套口袋里露出一块折得整整齐齐的手帕。 a pair of skis stuck out through the car window. 一副滑雪板从车窗里伸出来。 stick up /ˌstɪk ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to stick out and point upwards 向上突出,竖起 his hair was white, and stuck up in tufts on his head. 他的头发白了,一绺绺竖在头上。 can you see that branch that's sticking up? 你能看到伸出来的那根树枝吗?!stick up from/through/out of etc he saw a hand sticking up through the snow. 他看见雪里有一只手伸出来。 a church steeple stuck up above the roofs of the surrounding cottages. 教堂的尖塔耸立在周围小屋的屋顶之上。 protrude /prəˈtruːdǁprəʊ-/ [intransitive verb] formal to stick out, especially to stick out further than is usual or expected 【正式】突出[尤指比平常或预期伸出更多] protrude from/through/into etc i noticed a metal pipe protruding from the wall. 我发现有一根金属管从墙上突出来。 the largest stone can be seen protruding above the level of the river. 可以看到,最大的石头露出了河面。 she injured herself on a screw that protruded 2 inches out of the bench. 她被长凳上凸出来两英寸长的一根螺丝钉割伤了。 jut out /ˌdʒʌt ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if something juts out, for example a piece of land or a part of a building, it sticks out sharply and in a way that is very noticeable [陆地或建筑物的一个部分等]突出,凸出 jut out from/of/through etc our guide led us to where a flat rock juts out from the side of the cliff. 导游把我们带到一个地方,那里有一块平坦的岩石从悬崖边伸出去。 a slim piece of land jutting out into the gulf of mexico 伸入墨西哥湾的一块狭长的陆地jut 2 feet/100 metres etc out our rafts floated downstream towards the icebergs, which jutted 30 feet out of the water. 我们的橡皮筏顺流而下,漂向浮在水面30英尺的冰山。 poke out /ˌpəʊk ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if part of something pokes out, it sticks out or sticks up and can be seen, while the rest of it is covered 戳出,伸出 poke out of/from/through etc i looked across the street and saw mike's head poking out above the fence. 我向街对面望去,只见迈克从篱笆的上面探出头来。 the first snowdrops poked out through the frozen ground. 那些早开的雪花莲露出了结冰的地面。 bulge /bʌldʒ/ [intransitive verb] if something bulges, it sticks out more than usual in a rounded shape 凸出,鼓起 his cheeks bulged, and his face turned purple with rage. 他气得鼓起了脸颊,脸色铁青。bulge out/from/through etc father's face was flushed, and his eyes bulged out. 父亲满脸通红,双眼凸出。bulge with her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts. 她的手提包鼓鼓囊囊,有钥匙、香烟、碎纸片和旧收据。 project /prəˈdʒekt/ [intransitive verb] formal if part of a building, mountain, or other very large object projects somewhere, it sticks out in that direction 【正式】[建筑物、山或其他大的物体的某一部分]伸出,突出 project into/over/from/through etc two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river. 峡谷上有两条凌空的栈道,分别位于河的两边。 the pier would be 1000 metres long and project about 400 metres into the sea. 码头全长将有1,000米,有400米左右伸入海里。2. words for describing something that sticks out 描述某物突出来的词语 prominent /ˈprɒmɪnənt, ˈprɒmənəntǁˈprɑː-/ [adjective] a part of someone's body that is prominent is larger than usual and sticks out in a way that people notice [身体部位]突起的,凸出的 his face was tanned, the cheekbones high and prominent. 他的脸晒得黑黑的,两边的颧骨高高地凸起。 her nose was quite prominent, and she had small, even teeth. 她的鼻子高高的,牙齿小而整齐。 a heart-shaped face, slightly prominent teeth and small eyes 一张瓜子脸,牙齿微微突出,眼睛很小 protruding /prəˈtruːdɪŋǁprəʊ-/ [adjective only before noun] sticking out more than is normal, or in a dangerous way [不正常或危险地]突出的 dentists have developed a new device to correct protruding teeth. 牙医研制了一种新的器具矫正凸出的牙齿。 roy examined the letter carefully for protruding wires. 罗伊仔细地检查这封信,看有没有突起的线。 bulging /ˈbʌldʒɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] sticking out in a rounded shape 鼓出来的 he had bulging blue eyes, a large nose and a long chin. 他蓝色的眼睛鼓鼓的,鼻子很大,下巴很长。 she pushed her bulging suitcase under the chair. 她推了一下放在椅子下面那个鼓鼓的行李箱。3. something that sticks out 突出来的东西 bulge /bʌldʒ/ [countable noun] something, especially a part of the body, that sticks out in a rounded shape 鼓出的部位[尤指身体部位] her tailored suit fitted neatly, hiding the slight bulges of middle-age. 她这身订做的衣服非常合身,把人到中年微微发福的体态掩盖了起来。 at five months pregnant, the bulge was beginning to show. 怀孕五个月的时候,鼓起的肚子就开始显出来了。 lump /lʌmp/ [countable noun] something, especially something small, that sticks up in a rounded shape from your skin or from a surface [皮肤上的]肿块;[表面上的]隆起 she saw a lump under the bedclothes. 她看到床单下面有一个隆起的地方。 he put the gun in his pocket, where it made a slight lump. 他把枪放在口袋里,使口袋微微地鼓了起来。 he had a lump on his forehead the size of a golf ball. 他额头上有一个高尔夫球大小的肿块。 bump /bʌmp/ [countable noun] something that sticks up in a rounded shape, especially from the surface of something 隆起,凸块 the car rattled every time it went over a bump. 汽车每次开过路上隆起的地方就格格作响。 a small bump had started to develop over irene's eye. 艾琳的眼睛上面开始长出一个小小的肿块。 i nearly stumbled over a bump in the ground. 我差点儿在地上一块高起的地方绊倒。4. to make part of your body stick out 伸出身体的某个部位 stick out /ˌstɪk ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] stick something out a woman stuck her head out of the window and told us to come upstairs. 一个女人把头探出窗外,叫我们上楼。 he stuck his lower lip out and frowned. 他噘起嘴,皱着眉头。stick out something he stuck out a hand. ‘hi, i'm melvyn.’ 他伸出手,“嗨,我叫梅尔文。” i stuck out my thumb and caught a ride to tay ninh. 我伸出大拇指,搭了一辆车去西宁。stick your tongue out (at somebody) in order to be rude to someone [对某人]伸舌头 dan made a face and stuck his tongue out. 丹做了个鬼脸,还伸出舌头。 poke out /ˌpəʊk ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to stick part of your body out for a short time from something that it is inside or behind [短时间地]探出,伸出[身体的某个部位] poke something out a young doctor poked his head out, and called me into the examination room. 一位年轻的医生探出头来叫我进检查室。poke out something he poked out his tongue and looked at it carefully in the mirror. 他伸出舌头,在镜子里仔细地看。 put out /ˌpʊt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to stick a part of your body out of something, especially slowly or carefully [尤指慢慢地或小心地]伸出[身体的一个部位] put something out he put his head out slowly and looked up the corridor. 他慢慢地探出头来看着走廊。put out something he put out his hands and officer johnson clicked on the handcuffs. 他伸出双手,约翰逊警官给他戴上了手铐。 stick outphr v 1. [i] if a part of something sticks out, it comes out much further than the rest of a surface and is very easy to notice 伸出,突出:◇he's not very good-looking. his front teeth stick out. 他长得不是很好看,门牙外突。 2. [t stick sth ↔ out] to deliberately make something come forward or out [故意]伸出:◇don't stick your tongue out at me! 别朝我吐舌头! 3. stick out (like a sore thumb) informal to be easily noticed because of looking very different from everyone or everything else 【非正式】 惹人注目,非常显眼 4. stick it out informal to continue doing something that is difficult, boring etc 【非正式】 [把困难、枯燥等的事]坚持到底




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