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单词 uniform
释义 uniform nounadjective | verb + uniform | preposition adjective➤full全套制服▸➤smart (bre) 漂亮的制服▸➤regulation规定穿的制服◆the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie标准制服:外衣、帽子和领带➤standard (figurative) 标志服装◆they wore the standard uniform of the american office worker.他们穿着美国上班族的标志性服装。➤traditional传统制服▸➤dress军礼服◆a man in the full dress uniform of the marines身穿全套海军陆战队制服的男子➤camouflage, combat迷彩服;作战服▸➤army, military, naval, prison军装;海军服;囚服➤maid's, nurse's, waitress (especially name) 女仆装;护士服;女侍者装➤school校服➤baseball, basketball, cheerleading, football, soccer, etc. (all name) 棒球服、篮球服、啦啦队服、橄榄球服、足球服等verb + uniform➤don穿上制服◆men and women who don military uniform to defend their country身着戎装保家卫国的男男女女➤be dressed in穿着制服preposition➤in (a/the) uniform穿着制服◆the limousine was driven by a chauffeur in uniform.一个穿制服的司机驾驶那辆豪华轿车。◆a man in a uniform stopped us entering.一个穿制服的人不让我们进去。➤out of uniform没穿制服◆a soldier out of uniform穿便装的士兵  ➡ topic at clothes uniformthe same in all parts一致的;统一的;一律的◆the walls were a uniform grey.墙壁一律是灰色。◆growth has not been uniform across the country.全国各地的发展程度不一。 ➡ see also uniformity → similarity ▸ uniformly adverb◆the principles were applied uniformly across all the departments.这些原则统一适用于所有部门。◆the quality is uniformly high.质量一律很高。uniform¹/ˈju:nɪfɔ:m ||; ˈjunəˌfɔrm/noun [c,u] the set of clothes worn at work by the members of certain organizations or groups and by some schoolchildren 制服;校服: ◇i didn't know he was a policeman because he wasn't in uniform. 我不知道他是警察,因为他当时没穿制服。 ➔uniformed adjuniform²/ˈju:nɪfɔ:m ||; ˈjunəˌfɔrm/adj not varying; the same in all cases or at all times 划一的;不变的;始终如一的 ➔uniformity /ˌju:nɪˈfɔ:məti ||; ˌjunəˈfɔrmətɪ/ noun [u] uniformsee ⇨ clothes 3 ⇨ same 6☞ uniform¹☞ uniform²




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