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单词 once
释义 once/wʌns ||; wʌns/adv conj 1. one time only; on one occasion 一次;一回: ◇i've only been to france once. 我只去过一次法国。◇once a week/month/year 每周╱月╱年一次◇i visit them about once every six months. 我大约每隔六个月拜访他们一次。 2. at some time in the past; formerly 曾经;一度: ◇this house was once the village school. 这幢房子从前是村里的学校。 3. as soon as; when 一…就;当…: ◇once you've practised a bit you'll find that it's quite easy. 稍稍练习之后,你会发觉那是很容易的。 all at once all at the same time or suddenly 同时;一起;突然;忽然: ◇people began talking all at once. 大家都同时开始说起话来。◇all at once she got up and left the room. 她突然站起来离开了房间。 at once 1. immediately; now 立刻;马上;现在: ◇come here at once! 立刻来这里! 2. at the same time 同时: ◇i can't understand if you all speak at once. 如果你们都同时说起话来,我就听不明白。 just this once;(just) for once on this occasion only 只此一次: ◇just this once, i'll help you with your homework. 我来帮你做家庭作业,不过只此一次,下不为例。 once again;once more one more time; another time 又一次;再一次: ◇once again the train was late. 火车又一次晚点。◇let's listen to that track once more. 我们再来听一遍那首歌。 once and for all now and for the last time 最后一次: ◇you've got to make a decision once and for all. 你得作出最后决定。 once in a blue moon(informal 非正式) very rarely; almost never 罕有;差不多从不 once in a while sometimes but not often 偶尔;间或 once upon a time (used at the beginning of a children's story) a long time ago; in the past (用于儿童故事的开头)很久以前;从前: ◇once upon a time there was a beautiful princess... 从前有一位美丽的公主… onceon one occasion in the pastrelated wordsat once 过去有一次 immediately,at once, at the same time 马上 time,once again/once more 同时 again,see alsopast,1. on one occasion in the past 再一次 once /wʌns/ [adverb] they had met once on holiday, so they knew each other slightly. 他们度假的时候见过一面,所以彼此有点认识。 she once called me a liar and i've never forgiven her. 她有一次说我是骗子,我一直没有原谅她。 i remember once it snowed on my birthday, and i was so excited. 记得有一次我生日那天正好下雪,我多么兴奋啊。 one time /ˌwʌn ˌtaɪm/ [adverb] spoken once 【口】有一次 i remember coming home from school one time and finding we'd been burgled. 我记得有一次放学回家发现家里被盗了。 one time we went out fishing on the lake at night. 有一次,我们夜里到湖上去钓鱼。 on one occasion /ɒn ˈwʌn əˌkeɪʒən/ [adverb] use this to give an example of when something you are talking about happened, especially when it is a particularly interesting or extreme example 有一次[尤用于谈到一件有趣或特别的事情] on one occasion, she rang his home and a strange woman answered. 有一次,她打电话到他家里,接电话的是一个陌生的女人。 she had some pretty frightening experiences. on one occasion her jeep was hijacked by a group of armed soldiers. 她有过几次可怕的经历。有一回,她的吉普车被一群武装士兵劫持了。 at one stage /ət ˈwʌn ˌsteɪdʒ/ [adverb] at one time during a period of time, process, or event in the past 有一段时间 i dieted for many years, and at one stage i weighed only 71 kg. 我节食了好多年,有一段时间体重只有71公斤。 it was a terrible winter. at one stage all the roads to the village were blocked by snow. 那个冬天糟透了,有一段时间通往村里的所有道路都被大雪封锁了。 at one stage in the match, he was trailing by three games, but he managed to fight back. 比赛中有一段时间他落后三局,但他最终反败为胜。 at one point /ət ˈwʌn ˌpɔɪnt/ [adverb] at one time during an activity or period of time in the past [过去某项活动或某段时间中]有一刻 at one point in the interview, he seemed close to tears. 访问中有一刻他差点落下眼泪。 ‘you play the piano very well,’ i remember mrs saito remarking at one point. “你钢琴弹得非常好。”我记得斋藤夫人有一次这样说道。 i had several narrow escapes during the war, at one point just missing death when my plane was shot down. 战争中我几次死里逃生,有一次我的飞机被击落,我差点送命。 one day /ˌwʌn ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] on a day in the past - use this especially when the exact day does not matter and you are telling the story of what happened [过去]有一天[尤指确切的日期不重要] i was sitting eating my breakfast one day when the telephone rang. 有一天我正坐着吃早餐,电话铃响了。 one day when we had nothing else to do, we went down to the river for a swim. 有一天我们没有其他事可做,就到河里去游泳。 he used to come and go, then one day he went away and never came back. 他过去总是去了又来,可后来有一天他走了就再也没回来过。☞ once¹☞ once²




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