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单词 ominous
释义 ominous /ɒmɪnəs; name ɑːmɪnəs/ making you think that sth bad will happen; showing that bad weather is likely恶兆的;不吉利的;预示坏天气的◆she picked up the phone but there was an ominous silence at the other end.她拿起电话,但另一端只有不祥的沉默。◆there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.不祥的黑云在头顶上汇聚。ominous/ˈɒmɪnəs ||; ˈɑmənəs/adj suggesting that sth bad is going to happen 不祥的;不吉利的: ◇those black clouds look ominous. 那些乌云看来吓人。 ominoussee ⇨ warn 3 om·i·nous /`ɑmənəs; ˈɒmɪnəs/adjmaking you feel that something bad is going to happen 不祥的:◇ominous black clouds 不祥的乌云




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