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单词 loiter
释义 loiter /lɔɪtə(r)/ [intransitive] (sometimes disapproving) to stand or wait somewhere, especially with no obvious reason闲站着;闲荡;徘徊◆teenagers were loitering in the street outside.一些青少年在外面街上闲荡。note 辨析 hang around or loiter?if you hang around somewhere, you stay there without doing much, but you may have a reason for waiting and there is no real suggestion of disapproval; if sb loiters somewhere, there is often a suggestion that they have no good reason for being there and should really go away. * hang around 指待在某处没有多少事情做,但可能有原因待在那儿,没有真正的贬义; loiter 常意味着没有充分的理由在那里闲荡,事实上应该离开。loiter/ˈlɔɪtə(r) ||; ˈlɔɪtɚ/verb [i] to stand or walk around somewhere for no obvious reason 闲站;闲逛;游荡 loi·ter /`lɔɪtə; ˈlɔɪtə/v [i]to stand in a public place without having a reason to be there [在公共场所]闲逛; 游荡




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