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单词 lock¹
释义 lock¹ /lɑk; lɒk/v 1. [i,t] to fasten something with a lock, or to be fastened with a lock (被)锁住:◇did you remember to lock the car? 你记得锁车门了吗?◇the front door won't lock. 前门无法上锁。→ opposite 反义词 unlock 2. lock sth in/away etc to put something in a safe place and lock the door, lid etc 把某物锁藏起来:◇he locked the money in a safe. 他把钱锁藏在保险箱里。 3. [i] to become fixed in one position and unable to move 卡住[不能运转]:◇the brakes locked and we skidded. 煞车卡住了,我们在打滑。lock sb into prevent someone from leaving a place by locking the door 把[某人]锁[关]在…里面lock sb outto prevent someone from entering a place by locking the door 把[某人]锁[关]在门外lock up1 [i,t lock sth ↔ up] to make a building safe by locking all the doors 锁好[建筑物的]门[以保安全]:◇would you mind locking up when you leave? 你走的时候请把门都锁上,好吗?2 also 又作 lock away [t lock sb ↔ up/away] to put someone in prison or in a hospital for people who are mentally ill 把[某人]关入监狱; 把[某人]关进精神病院:◇higgs was locked up for three years for his part in the robbery. 希格斯因参与抢劫坐了三年牢。




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