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单词 rock
释义 rock noun¹ 1hard, stony part of the earth岩石adjective | ... of rock | verb + rock | rock + verb | rock + noun | phrases adjective➤hard, solid坚硬的岩石◆solid rock is broken down by weathering.坚硬的岩石因风化而分解。➤soft软的岩石▸➤jagged, rough, sharp凸凹不平的/粗糙的/锋利的岩石▸➤smooth光滑的岩石➤flat扁平的岩石➤slippery滑溜的岩石◆the rocks were slippery as i tried to climb them.我试图攀上这些岩石,但发现很滑。➤weathered风化的岩石▸➤bare, barren, exposed裸露的岩石◆ahead the vegetation broke into bare rock.前方的植被长入裸露的岩石中。➤sheer, steep峻峭的岩石◆the river runs between walls of sheer rock.小河从峻峭的岩壁中间流过。➤overhanging悬垂的岩石▸➤liquid, molten岩浆;熔岩➤crushed碎岩石➤loose松散的岩石◆an avalanche of loose rock大量松散岩石的崩落➤falling滚落的岩石◆signs warn of the perils of falling rock.标牌警告有岩石磙落的危险。➤igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, volcanic火成岩;变质岩; 沉积岩;火山岩▸➤permeable, porous渗透性岩石... of rock➤chunk, lump, piece, slab一块岩石;一片岩石verb + rock➤form形成岩石➤climb, skip, skip over攀岩;跳过岩石◆lars taught me to skip rocks.拉斯教我如何跳过岩石。rock + verb➤form岩石形成◆rocks that formed beneath the sea海下形成的岩石➤jut out岩石突出◆a great rock jutted out into the water.一块大岩石伸出水面。rock + noun➤type岩石类型▸➤formation, structure岩石构造▸➤layer, strata岩层▸➤cliff, ledge, outcrop, outcropping (name) 岩崖;岩架;岩石露头▸➤face, surface, wall岩石表面;岩壁▸➤crevice岩石裂缝▸➤debris, dust, fragment, sample, specimen岩石碎片;岩粉;岩石样本▸➤fall, slide岩崩;岩滑◆the path had been blocked by a rock fall.道路被崩塌的岩石挡住了。➤crystal, salt水晶;岩盐▸➤climber, climbing攀岩者;攀岩▸➤pool (especially bre) (usually tide pool in name) 岩石区潮水潭◆children were looking for crabs in the rock pools.孩子们正在潮水潭里找螃蟹。➤quarry采石场➤pile石堆▸➤art, carvings, painting岩石艺术;石刻;岩画▸➤garden假山花园phrases➤as hard as a rock, as hard as rock (especially bre) 坚如磐石▸➤a layer of rock, an outcrop of rock一层岩石;一块突出的岩石◆the castle is perched on a massive outcrop of rock.城堡建于一块突出的巨大岩石上。➤sleep like a rock (name) 睡得很死◆you slept like a rock last night.你昨晚睡得很死。rock noun² 2 (name) small stone; stone that can be thrown石子;石块adjective | ... of rocks | verb + rock adjective➤large, small大石块;小石子➤heavy很重的石块... of rocks➤mound, pile一堆石子verb + rock➤pick up捡石子➤pelt sb with, throw朝某人扔石子;扔石子◆protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks.抗议者向士兵投掷石块。◆they used to throw rocks at neighborhood dogs.他们以前经常朝邻居家的狗扔石子。rock noun³ 3music音乐adjective | rock + noun | phrases adjective➤live实况转播的摇滚乐表演▸➤acid, alternative, arena, blues, classic, country, folk, garage, glam, hard, heavy, indie, mainstream, modern, pop, progressive, psychedelic, punk, soft迷幻摇滚;另类摇滚;舞台摇滚;布鲁斯摇滚;经典摇滚;乡村摇滚;民谣摇滚;车库摇滚;华丽摇滚;硬摇滚;重摇滚;独立摇滚;主流摇滚;当代摇滚;流行摇滚;前卫摇滚;朋克摇滚;慢摇滚➤60s, 80s, etc. * 60 年代、80 年代等摇滚rock + noun➤anthem, ballad, number, riff, song, tune摇滚乐颂歌/民谣/曲目/连复段/歌曲/曲调➤lyrics, music摇滚歌词/音乐➤album, cd, record, video摇滚乐专辑/光盘/唱片/录像▸➤act, band, group, outfit摇滚乐队;摇滚乐团➤concert, festival, gig (especially bre) 摇滚音乐会/音乐节/演出➤musical, opera, show, soundtrack摇滚音乐剧/歌剧/演出/电影配乐▸➤club, venue摇滚俱乐部/演出地点▸➤scene摇滚乐演出现场◆one of the biggest bands on the rock scene摇滚演出现场最大的乐队之一➤artist, drummer, guitarist, musician, singer摇滚乐艺人/鼓手/吉他手/音乐人/歌手➤guitar摇滚吉他▸➤hero, icon, idol, legend, star摇滚乐英雄;摇滚乐偶像;摇滚乐传奇人物;摇滚乐明星➤stardom摇滚明星➤critic摇滚乐评人◆influential rock critics有影响的摇滚乐评人➤fan摇滚乐迷➤chick摇滚小妞◆she was a rock chick through and through.她是十足的摇滚小妞。➤culture, history摇滚乐文化/历史➤radio, station摇滚乐电台◆ryan changed the radio to a rock station.瑞安将这个电台变成了摇滚乐电台。phrases➤rock and roll摇滚乐◆the king of rock and roll摇滚乐之王rock verbadverb➤violently猛烈地晃动◆the boat rocked violently in the huge waves.小船在大浪中猛烈地摇晃。➤gently, slightly轻柔地摆动;轻轻地摇动◆she gently rocked the baby in her arms.她轻轻地晃着怀里的婴儿。◆the boat rocked slightly.小船轻柔地晃动着。➤slowly慢慢摇晃▸➤back and forth, backwards and forwards, from side to side, to and fro前后晃动;左右摇摆;晃来晃去◆he rocked back and forth in his chair.他躺在椅子里前后晃动。rock [intransitive, transitive] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to shake or make sth shake violently剧烈摇摆;猛烈晃动◆the whole house rocked when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时,整座房子都猛烈晃动起来。◆the town was rocked by an earthquake.小镇受到地震的剧烈震动。◆the raft was rocked by a huge wave.橡皮艇随着巨浪剧烈摇摆。rock [transitive, often passive] (rather informal) to shock sb, especially a country or community, especially in a way that makes sb/sth's position in the country or community less strong or certain震惊(全国或全社区,尤指动摇了某人或某事物的地位)◆the country was rocked by a series of political scandals.一连串的政治丑闻震惊全国。◆the news rocked the world.这则消息震惊了全世界。rock [uncountable, countable] the hard solid mineral substance that forms part of the surface of the earth and some other planets; a large piece of rock sticking up out of the ground or the sea; a large single piece of rock岩石;石山;礁石;巨石块;岩块◆they drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.他们钻透了几层岩石寻找石油。◆volcanic / igneous / sedimentary rocks火山岩;火成岩;沉积岩◆the ship crashed into the infamous sker point rocks and broke into three pieces.那艘船撞在恶名远扬的斯戈尔尖岬暗礁群上面,断成三截。◆they clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff.他们吃力地攀过了绝壁脚下的巨石。◆the sign said 'danger: falling rocks'.警示牌上写着“危险:前有落石”。ⓘ in american english a rock can also be a small stone.在美式英语中,rock 也可指小石块◆ (name) demonstrators threw rocks at the police.示威者向警察扔石块。▸ rocky adjective◆a rocky coastline岩石嶙嶙的海岸线note 辨析 stone or rock?in british english people throw stones and a rock is sth too big to pick up and throw. in american english rock is the usual word for a small piece of rock that you can pick up, and stone is not usually used in this way. in both british and american english stone [uncountable] is used especially to talk about sth that has been cut or dug up from the ground, for example in order to build sth. rock [uncountable] is used especially to talk about sth that is still a part of or attached to the ground.在英式英语中,表示扔石子要用 throw stones,rock 则太大,无法拾起或投掷。在美式英语中,rock 通常表示可以捡起的小石子,stone 则通常不这样用。无论在英式还是美式英语中,stone 作为不可数名词尤指从地下挖出来的石头,例如用于建筑的石料。rock 作为不可数名词尤指仍然与大地连在一起的岩石◆most of the houses are built of stone.那些房子大多数是用石头建造的。◆most of the houses are built of rock. ◆the rock walls of the canyon are almost a mile high.这个峡谷的石壁差不多有 1 英里高。◆the stone walls of the canyon are almost a mile high. rock [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to move or make sb/sth move backwards and forwards or from side to side, especially gently轻轻摇晃;缓缓摆动◆the boat rocked from side to side on the water.小船在水面上左右摇荡。◆he rocked the baby gently in his arms.他把孩子抱在怀里轻轻摇晃。rock¹/rɒk ||; rɑk/noun1. [u] the hard, solid material that forms part of the surface of the earth 岩石: ◇layers of rock formed over millions of years 经过几百万年形成的岩层 ☞picture on page 1005 2. [c] [] a large mass of rock that sticks out of the sea or the ground (突出海水或地面的)礁石,岩壁: ◇the ship hit the rocks and started to sink. 那艘船触礁,开始下沉。 3. [c] a single large piece of rock 巨石: ◇the beach was covered with rocks that had broken away from the cliffs. 海滩上布满从崖上崩落的大石。 4. [c] (us 美) a small piece of rock that can be picked up; a stone 石子;石头: ◇the boy threw a rock at the dog. 那男孩朝狗扔石子。 5. (also rock music) [u] a type of pop music with a very strong beat, played on electric guitars, etc 摇滚乐: ◇i prefer jazz to rock. 我喜欢爵士乐多于摇滚乐。◇a rock singer/band 摇滚乐歌手╱乐队 ☞look at classical, jazz and pop. 参看classical、jazz及pop。 6. [u] (brit 英) a type of hard sweet made in long, round sticks 硬棒糖 on the rocks 1. (used about a marriage, business, etc) having problems and likely to fail (指婚姻、生意等)濒临失败,触礁 2. (used about drinks) served with ice but no water (指饮料)加冰块而不加水: ◇whisky on the rocks 加冰块的威士忌酒 rock²/rɒk ||; rɑk/verb1. [i,t] to move backwards and forwards or from side to side; to make sb/sth do this (使)左右或前后摇摆 [i] ◇boats rocking gently on the waves 随波轻荡的小船◇he rocked the baby in his arms to get her to sleep. 他摇着怀里的婴儿,让她入睡。 2. [t] to shake sth violently 猛力摇晃;震动: ◇the city was rocked by a bomb blast. 炸弹爆炸,震动全市。 3. [t] to shock sb 使震惊 rock the boat to do sth that causes problems or upsets people 找麻烦;令人不快: ◇they employ mainly quiet people who won't complain and rock the boat. 他们主要雇用不会发牢骚和找麻烦的文静的人。 rocksee ⇨ move/not move 5 ⇨ shocked/shocking 3☞ rock¹☞ rock²




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