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单词 robbery
释义 robbery nounadjective | verb + robbery | robbery + noun | phrases adjective➤attempted, botched, bungled (especially bre) , failed企图抢劫;抢劫未遂▸➤armed持械抢劫▸➤bank, highway, street (especially bre) , train银行/公路/街头/火车抢劫verb + robbery➤commit, take part in犯抢劫罪;参与抢劫➤foil挫败抢劫◆he was shot as he tried to foil a bank robbery.他试图阻止银行抢劫案时中弹了。robbery + noun➤attempt抢劫企图➤charge抢劫指控➤suspect抢劫嫌犯phrases➤robbery with violence (bre, law法律) 暴力抢劫◆he was sentenced to four years in prison for robbery with violence.因为暴力抢劫,他被判监禁 4 年。  ➡ note at crime (for more verbs) robbery [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, person, etc., especially using violence or threats(尤指用暴力或威胁手段)盗窃;抢劫;掠夺◆he already had a conviction for armed robbery (= using a gun, knife, etc.).他已有一次持械抢劫的前科。◆there has been a spate of robberies in the area recently.近来这一地区发生了多起抢劫案。  ➡ see also rob → rob , robber → thief note 辨析 theft or robbery? theft emphasizes the thing stolen. * theft 强调被偷的东西◆car / computer theft汽车/电脑失窃案◆car/computer robbery robbery emphasizes the place from which sth was stolen, especially a bank or other business, and often suggests that violence was used. * robbery 强调东西被偷的地点,尤其是银行或其他商业机构,并常意味着使用了暴力◆bank robbery银行抢劫案◆armed robbery持械抢劫案◆bank theft ◆armed theft robbery/ˈrɒbəri ||; ˈrɑbərɪ/noun [c,u] (plural robberies) the crime of stealing from a place or a person, especially using violence or threats 抢劫: ◇they were found guilty of armed robbery (= using a weapon). 他们被判犯有持械抢劫罪。 robberysee ⇨ steal 6,7     • • •• ⇨ be daylight robbery rob·ber·y /`rɑbərɪ; ˈrɒbəri/n [c,u]the crime of stealing money or property from a bank, shop etc 抢劫,打劫:◇armed robbery (=robbery with a gun) 持枪行劫: they're in prison for armed robbery. 他们因持枪行劫而被监禁。




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