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单词 robber
释义 robber nounadjective | ... of robbers | verb + robber | robber + verb adjective➤armed, masked (especially bre) 持械/蒙面强盗➤bank, train抢劫银行者;抢劫火车者➤grave, tomb盗墓贼➤highway公路强盗➤would-be (especially bre) 想要实施抢劫的人◆the would-be robber fled empty-handed.这个准备抢劫的人空着手逃掉了。... of robbers➤band, gang一伙/一帮强盗verb + robber➤chase, hunt (bre) , search for追踪强盗;搜捕强盗◆police are searching for the robbers.警方正在搜捕那些强盗。➤catch抓住强盗robber + verb➤hold sb/sth up强盗抢劫⋯◆robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.强盗持枪抢劫了一家银行。➤snatch sth, steal sth, take sth强盗抢劫⋯;强盗偷盗⋯▸➤escape with sth, get away with sth, make off with sth强盗携⋯逃离;强盗带⋯逃跑◆robbers escaped with $30 000.盗贼拿着 3 万美元逃跑了。robber [countable] a person who steals from a person or place, especially using violence or threats(尤指用暴力或威胁手段的)盗贼;强盗;抢劫犯◆the prison sentence ended his career as a bank robber.被判入狱终结了他银行抢劫犯的职业生涯。◆an armed robber持械抢劫犯  ➡ see also rob → rob , robbery → theft note 辨析 burglar or robber?a burglar breaks into a building secretly in order to steal things; a robber usually enters a building such as a shop or bank, and uses violence or threats against the people there in order to steal sth. * burglar 是为了偷东西而秘密闯入楼房的窃贼; robber 常指进入商店或银行等地方,以暴力或胁迫方式要求别人交出钱财或物品的强盗。robber/ˈrɒbə(r) ||; ˈrɑbɚ/noun [c] a person who steals from a place or a person, especially using violence or threats 窃贼;强盗 ☞look at the note at thief. 参看thief的注释。 robbersee ⇨ steal 5 rob·ber /`rɑbə; ˈrɒbə/n [c]someone who steals money or property from banks, shops etc 抢劫者,强盗,盗贼:◇a bank robber 银行劫匪




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