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单词 flutter
释义 flutter noun¹ 1quick, light movement快而轻微的运动adjective | verb + flutter | preposition adjective➤little微微颤动verb + flutter➤give颤动◆his heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。preposition➤flutter of一阵颤动◆a flutter of her eyelashes她睫毛的一阵颤动flutter noun² 2state of nervous excitement紧张兴奋verb + flutter | preposition verb + flutter➤feel感到激动不安◆she felt a flutter of excitement.她感到一阵激动。➤cause引起激动不安preposition➤in a flutter激动不安◆they arrived in a flutter.他们到达时心怦怦直跳。➤flutter of一阵激动不安的⋯◆a flutter of excitement一阵激动 flutter /flʌtə(r)/ noun [countable, usually singular] (bre) (informal) a small amount of money that you risk on a bet, an investment, etc. 小赌注◆to have a flutter on the stock market 在股市里下小赌注 syn bet , gamble ☞ flutterflutter (written) (of the heart, etc.) to beat very quickly and not regularly(心脏等)怦怦乱跳,扑腾◆i could feel a fluttering pulse.我感到脉搏扑扑直跳。◆her heart fluttered every time she looked at him.她每次看他心都会怦怦直跳。flutter [intransitive, transitive] to move lightly and quickly, for example in the air; to make sth move in this way(使)飘动,挥动,颤动◆flags fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。◆her eyelids fluttered but did not open.她的眼皮动了一下,但没有睁开眼。◆she fluttered her eyelashes at him (= tried to attract him).她向他送秋波。flutter [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a bird or insect) to fly somewhere, moving the wings quickly and lightly(鸟或昆虫)飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞◆a butterfly fluttered from flower to flower.一只蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。◆the birds fluttered nervously in their cage.那些鸟在笼子里不安地飞来飞去。flutter¹/ˈflʌtə(r) ||; ˈflʌtɚ/verb1. [i,t] to move or make sth move quickly and lightly, especially through the air (使)轻快地移动(尤指在空中): ◇the flags were fluttering in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘扬。◇the bird fluttered its wings and tried to fly. 小鸟振翅欲飞。 2. [i] your heart or stomach flutters when you feel nervous and excited (心脏或胃部因紧张、兴奋而)快速跳动flutter²/ˈflʌtə(r) ||; ˈflʌtɚ/noun[c] [usu.sing] 1. a quick, light movement 轻快的动作: ◇the flutter of wings/eyelids 翅膀的扑动;眼皮的跳动 2. (brit 英) (slang 俚语) a bet on a race, etc (下在赛马等上的)赌注: ◇i sometimes have a flutter on the horses. 我有时在赛马上下赌注。 flutter• ⇨ have a flutter☞ flutter¹☞ flutter²




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