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单词 pay off
释义 ☞ pay pay off(informal 非正式) to be successful 取得成功;得到好结果: ◇all her hard work has paid off! she passed her exam. 她的辛勤努力已得到回报!她考及格了。pay offsee ⇨ pay 6 ⇨ succeed/successful 3 pay offphr v 1. [t pay sth ↔ off] to pay all the money that you owe 还清[债款] 2. [i] if something that you do pays off, it is successful or helps you be successful [所作的努力]得到回报:◇all that hard work finally paid off. 所有那些辛勤的工作终于有了回报。




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