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单词 control
释义 control noun¹ 1power over sb/sth控制adjective | verb + control | control + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, complete, full, total绝对控制;完全控制▸➤effective, proper (especially bre) 有效的/适当的控制▸➤close, strict, tight严格控制◆weeds should be kept under strict control.应该严格控制杂草的生长。➤direct直接控制▸➤centralized, government, political, social, state中央集权的/政府/政治上的/社会的/国家控制➤civilian, military文官/军人控制◆he defended the tradition of civilian control over the military.他捍卫文官控制军队的传统。➤parental父母的管束verb + control➤have实行控制▸➤achieve, assert, establish, gain, get实现/声称/建立/获得/取得控制➤assume, grab, seize, take, win实行/夺得/掌握/取得/赢得控制◆a military junta took control of the country.一个军事政权控制了国家。➤wrest (from sb)(从某人手中)夺取控制权◆attempts to wrest control of the town from government forces从政府军手中夺取该城控制权的企图➤keep, maintain, retain保持控制;维持控制◆she struggled to keep control of her voice.她努力控制自己的声音。➤lose失去控制◆he lost control of the car when he swerved to avoid a bicycle.他突然转向以躲避一辆自行车,致使汽车失去了控制。➤cede, relinquish, surrender放弃控制➤hand over, transfer交出/移交控制权◆he wants to hand over control of social security to the private sector.他想把社会保障的控制权移交给私营部门。➤get out of, go out of失去控制◆the car went out of control on the icy road.车子在结了冰的路上失去了控制。➤reassert, re-establish, regain, retake重申/重新建立/恢复/重新得到控制◆enemy forces have now regained control of the area.敌军现已重新控制这一地区。➤give sb/sth给予⋯控制权◆the idea is to give local authorities full control of their own budgets.这个构想是要让地方政府全权控制自己的预算。➤exercise, exert实施控制◆editors do not exercise control over large sections of their newspapers.编辑并不控制报纸的大分类版面。➤centralize集中控制◆government plans to centralize control of schools政府集中控制学校的计划➤bring sth under, get sth under将⋯控制住◆they soon got the situation under control.他们很快就控制住了局势。control + noun➤freak控制狂◆he's a real control freak.他是一个有强烈控制欲的人。preposition➤beyond your control, outside your control在⋯的控制以外◆parking is outside my control.停车不在我的控制范围之内。➤in control (of)控制(⋯)◆the elected government is back in control.民选政府重新取得了控制权。➤out of control失去控制◆i had this feeling that things were out of control.我感觉情况已失去了控制。➤under (sb's) control在(某人的)控制下◆everything is under control一切都在掌控之中。◆the department was under the control of bryce thompson.当时这个部门归布赖斯・汤普森管。➤control over对⋯的控制◆they have little control over that side of the business.他们对那部份业务几乎没法控制。phrases➤circumstances beyond sb's control超出某人控制能力的情况◆the race has been called off due to circumstances beyond our control.由于我们无法控制的原因,比赛已经取消。control noun² 2limiting/managing sth管制adjective | verb + control | control + noun adjective➤quality质量管理➤inventory, stock (especially bre) 库存管理➤budgetary, cost, rent预算控制;成本控制;租金管制➤crowd人群控制◆the police are experts in crowd control.警察是控制人群秩序的专家。➤air traffic, traffic空中交通/交通管制➤birth节育➤arms, gun武器/枪械管制➤crime犯罪控制➤damage损失控制▸➤erosion, flood, pest, pollution, weed侵蚀/洪水/虫害/污染/杂草控制➤bladder, impulse, weight膀胱/冲动/体重控制◆many teenagers have poor impulse control.许多青少年控制力差,易于冲动。verb + control➤improve提高控制力➤ensure确保控制control + noun➤measure, mechanism控制手段/机制◆new crime control measures have failed.新的犯罪控制措施失败了。➤centre/center, room, tower控制中心;控制室;控制塔◆the air traffic control tower空中交通管制塔control noun³ 3(usually controls) method of limiting/managing sth管制手段adjective | verb + control | preposition adjective➤strict, stringent, tight, tough (especially bre) 严格的管制;严厉的限制▸➤lax松散的管制▸➤border, export, price边境管理;出口控制;物价管制◆calls for tougher export controls加强出口控制的呼吁verb + control➤implement, impose, introduce执行管制;实行限制;引进管制办法◆the government has imposed strict controls on new building.政府已经对新建建筑物实施了严格限制。➤tighten加强管制◆the country has tightened its border controls.该国已经加强了边境管理。➤relax放宽管制◆plans to relax price controls放宽物价管制的计划➤lift, remove取消限制preposition➤control on对⋯的限制◆they have introduced controls on public spending.他们已开始对公共开支实施限制。control noun⁴ 4for operating a machine操纵机器adjective | verb + control | control + noun | preposition adjective➤remote遥控▸➤volume音量调节➤cruise巡行车速控制verb + control➤take驾驶◆once we were in the air, i was allowed to take the controls.我们一升到空中,我就获准进行驾驶。control + noun➤panel控制(面)板➤device, stick, unit控制装置;控制杆;控制部件◆a programmable control unit可编程控制单元➤circuit, valve控制电路;控制阀◆the water pressure control valve水压控制阀preposition➤at the controls在驾驶◆chief air officer sedley was at the controls of the boeing 707.当时空军一级军士长塞德利驾驶着这架波音 707。control verb¹ 1restrict/manage限制;管理adverb➤carefully, precisely, rigidly, strictly, tightly小心控制;精确控制;严格控制◆conditions in the greenhouse are carefully controlled.温室里的环境处于精确的控制之下。◆expenditure within the company is tightly controlled.该公司内部的开支受到严格的控制。➤adequately, effectively, properly管理到位;有效地控制;适当地管理➤poorly管理不善▸➤centrally, directly集中管理;直接控制control verb² 2operate操纵adverb➤automatically, electronically, manually自动化/电子/人工控制◆the shutters can be electronically controlled.百叶窗是电动的。➤remotely遥控➤easily轻松控制◆you can easily control the speed of the fan.你可以很容易地控制风扇的速度。control /kəntrəʊl; name -troʊl/ noun1. [uncountable] the power to make decisions about how an organization, an area, a country, etc. is run (对组织、地区、国家等的)控制权,支配权,管理权◆the family has sold most of its shares and will lose control of the company. 这家族已售出大部分股份,将失去对公司的控制权。◆workers were given more control over the company's management. 工人获得了对公司更多的管理权。◆the railway network is under public control. 铁路网络现由公众监管。⨁ to acquire / assume / be given / gain / get / take control of sth获得/取得/获给予/获取/得到/掌握(对某事物的)控制权 ⨁ to give up / hand over / keep / lose / relinquish control of sth放弃/交出/保持/失去/放弃对某事物的控制权 2. [uncountable] the ability to make sb/sth do what you want 控制(或支配)能力◆we have no control over the situation. 我们无法控制局面。◆i fear the company has lost control of its future. 我担心公司已无法掌控自己的未来。◆owing to circumstances beyond our control, this service will not be available today. 由于出现了我们无法控制的情况,今天不能提供这项服务。⨁ to have / keep / lose control of/over sth有/保持/失去对某事物的控制能力 (finance 金融) [uncountable] the fact of owning sth such as shares (某物,如股份的)拥有◆he claims he knows nothing about the control of shares (= who owns the shares) held through the trust. 他声称对信托控股一事一无所知。4. [uncountable, countable] the act of restricting, limiting or managing sth; a method of doing this 限制;约束;管理;管制◆poor cost control led to the company's problems. 成本控制欠佳导致公司出现问题。◆the government has imposed tough controls on steel imports. 政府对进口钢材实施严格管制。⨁ strict / stringent / tight / tough controls严格/严厉/严加/严厉的管制 ⨁ to impose / introduce / relax / remove / tighten controls实施/采取/放松/免除/加强管制 5. [countable, usually plural] the switches and buttons, etc. that you use to operate a machine or a vehicle (机器或车辆的)操纵装置,开关◆the controls of an aircraft 飞机的操纵装置◆the control panel 控制面板 (technical 技术) [countable] a person, thing, group or test that you use as a standard of comparison when doing an experiment, in order to check your results 对照标准;参照实验◆one group was treated with the new drug, and the control group was given a sugar pill. 一组采用新药治疗,而对照组则服用糖丸。7. [uncountable] (also control key [singular]) (abbreviation ctrl) a button on a computer keyboard that you press with other buttons when you want to perform particular operations (键盘上的)控制键◆press control + s to save the document. 按 control + s 键贮存文件。 ●be in control (of sth)to direct or manage an organization, an area or a situation 掌管,管理,操纵(某组织机构、地区或局势)●be/get/run out of controlto be or become impossible to manage or to control 无法管理;失控◆consumer spending has been allowed to get out of control. 消费开支可不受管制。●be under controlto be being dealt with successfully 处于控制之下;被控制住◆the situation's under control. 局势已受控制。●bring/get/keep sth under controlto succeed in dealing with sth so that it does not cause any harm 控制,抑制(以免造成损害)◆attempts to keep inflation under control 试图控制住通货膨胀的努力 budgetary control ◇ change control ◇ command and control ◇ cost control ◇ credit control ◇ damage control ◇ exchange control ◇ industrial control ◇ inventory control ◇ market control ◇ passport control ◇ price control ◇ production control ◇ quality control ◇ span of control ◇ statistical process control ◇ statistical quality control ◇ stock control control /kəntrəʊl; name -troʊl/ verb (-ll-) [transitive] have power over a person, company, country, etc. so that you are able to decide what they must do or how it is run 指挥;控制;支配◆by the age of 21 he controlled the company. 他 21 岁时掌管这家公司。◆one oil company controls 60% of the country's petrol stations. 一家石油公司控制着国家 60% 的加油站。 (finance 金融) to own sth such as shares 控制(股份等)◆the family still controls almost half the shares in the company. 这个家族仍控制着公司几乎一半的股份。 limit sth or make it happen in a particular way 限制;限定◆legislation to control drug prices 规限药品价格的法例 stop sth from getting worse 控制;抑制◆a rise in interest rates to control inflation 提高利率以控制通货膨胀 make sth, such as a machine or system, work in the way that you want it to 操纵,控制(机器或系统等)◆the temperature is controlled by sensors. 温度由传感器控制。☞ control☞ control control nouncontrol ♦︎ power ♦︎ rule ♦︎ authority ♦︎ jurisdiction ♦︎ discipline ♦︎ command ♦︎ hold ♦︎ grasp ♦︎ forcethese are all words for the ability that a person or group has to control sb/sth else.这些词均表示控制力、操纵力。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆control / power / rule / authority / jurisdiction / command / a hold over sb / sth◆a hold / grasp on sb / sth◆to be in control / power / authority / command / force◆to be under sb's control / rule / authority / jurisdiction / command◆to be beyond / outside the control / power / authority / jurisdiction of sb◆the power / authority / jurisdiction to do sth◆absolute / complete control / power / authority / command◆direct control / rule / authority / command◆to have control / power / authority / jurisdiction / command / a hold over sb / force◆to exercise control / power / authority / jurisdiction◆to take control / power / command◆to assume control / power / authority / command◆to give sb control / power / authority / jurisdiction / command / a hold over sb◆to delegate power / authority / command (to sb)◆to lose control / power / authority / command / your hold on sth◆to relinquish control / power / command / your hold on sth■ control [uncountable] the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization or sb's life is run; the ability to make sb/sth do what you want(对国家、地区、机构或人的)管理权,控制权,支配权;控制(或操纵)能力◆the party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election.该党期待着下次选举能获得对地方议会的控制权。◆the aim is to give people more control over their own lives.目的是让人能对自己的生活有更多的自主权。◆the city is under enemy control.那座城市在敌人控制之下。◆the teacher had no control over the children.那个老师管不住学生。◆she struggled to keep control of her voice.她竭力控制住自己的声音。◆she lost control of her car on the ice.她在冰上开车失去了控制。◆owing to circumstances beyond our control the flight to rome has been cancelled.由于出现了我们无法控制的情况,飞往罗马的航班已经取消。 ➡ see also self-control → restraint , controlled → disciplined ■ power [uncountable] the ability to control people or things; political control of a country or area控制力;影响力;统治;政权◆he has the power to make life very difficult for us.他权力很大,可以把我们整得狼狈不堪。◆the emperor had absolute power over all his subjects.皇帝对所有的臣民拥有绝对权力。◆she was determined to go through with her plan, now that she had him in her power (= was able to do what she liked with him).既然掌控住他,她决定把她的计划实施到底。◆the party came to power at the last election.该党在上次选举中当选执政。◆he seized power in a military coup.他在一次军事政变中夺了权。◆it was the beginning of a power struggle between rival factions within the party.这是该党内部对立派系间权力斗争的开始。◆the war brought about a shift in the balance of power.那场战争使势力的均衡发生了转变。  ➡ see also office → role ■ rule [uncountable] the government of a country or area by a particular person, group or political system(特定的人、团体或政治体系对国家或地区的)统治,管理◆there was a gradual process of returning the country to civilian rule.将那个国家恢复到文官统治经历了一个渐进的过程。◆the country remained under direct rule by the occupying powers.那个国家仍在占领势力的直接统治下。ⓘ rule often refers to control by an outside country or group, by a political system which allows little freedom, or sth which contrasts with this. * rule 常指外国或外部集团的控制,以及专制或非专制政体的统治◆colonial / british / ottoman rule殖民地的/英国的/奥斯曼的统治◆communist / military rule共产主义/军事统治◆a return to civilian / democratic / majority rule回到文官/民主/多数派统治  ➡ see also rule → rule verb 1 ■ authority [uncountable] the power to give orders to people权力;威权;当权◆she now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses.她现在管辖着曾是她上司的那些人。◆nothing will be done because no one in authority (= who has the power to do sth) takes the matter seriously.什么也办不了,因为掌权的谁也不认真对待这个问题。■ jurisdiction /dʒʊərɪsdɪkʃn; name dʒʊrɪsdɪkʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (formal) the power that an official organization has to make legal decisions about sb/sth司法权;审判权;管辖权◆these matters do not fall within our jurisdiction.这些事情不归我们管辖。◆the agreement doesn't come under the jurisdiction of the eu courts.该协议不归欧盟法院管辖。■ discipline [uncountable] the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behaviour or situation that results from this training守纪训练;训导;纪律;风纪◆the school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.这所学校以纪律严明著称。◆strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.新兵受到严格的纪律训练。◆she keeps good discipline in class.她严格执行课堂纪律。  ➡ see also discipline → punish verb , disciplined → disciplined , self-discipline → restraint ■ command [uncountable] the power to give orders to a group of people, especially in the armed forces or police(尤指对军队或警察的)控制,管辖,指挥◆he has 1 200 men under his command.他掌管着 1 200 人。◆who's in command here?这里谁主事?◆the police arrived and took command of the situation.警方到达后控制了局势。 ➡ see also command → order verb 1 , command → run 2 ■ hold [singular] influence or control over a person or situation(对人或局势的)影响,控制◆what she knew about his past gave her a hold over him.她知道他的过去,所以能够控制他。◆enemy forces have consolidated their hold on the northern province.敌军已经巩固了他们对北部省份的控制。■ grasp [singular] (rather informal) control over a situation, especially when it is hard to hold on to(尤指对难以控制的局势的)掌控◆the company continues to maintain its grasp on the business computer market.那家公司继续维持着对商用电脑市场的控制。◆don't let the situation escape from your grasp.别让局面失控。note 辨析 hold or grasp?in this meaning, a hold is stronger than a grasp. you have, strengthen or consolidate a hold. a grasp has to be maintained or things may slip or escape from it.表达此义时,hold 语气比 grasp 强。hold 可以作 have、strengthen 或 consolidate 的宾语。grasp 则可以作 maintain、slip 或 escape from 的宾语。■ force [uncountable] the authority of a law or rule(法律或规定的)权力,效力◆these guidelines do not have the force of law.这些指导原则不具有法律效力。◆the court ruled that these standards have force in british law.法院裁定,这些标准在英国法律中具有效力。control [countable, usually plural] the switches and buttons, etc. that you use to operate a machine or vehicle, for example a plane(机器、车辆、飞机等的)操纵装置,开关,按钮◆the controls of an aircraft飞机的操纵装置◆the control panel控制面板◆the volume control of a cd playercd 播放机的音量调节器◆the co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed.副驾驶员操纵着飞机着陆。 ➡ see also control → operate control [uncountable] the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization or sb's life is run; the ability to make sb/sth do what you want(对国家、地区、机构或人的)管理权,控制权,支配权;控制(或操纵)能力◆the party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election.该党期待着下次选举能获得对地方议会的控制权。◆the aim is to give people more control over their own lives.目的是让人能对自己的生活有更多的自主权。◆the city is under enemy control.那座城市在敌人控制之下。◆the teacher had no control over the children.那个老师管不住学生。◆she struggled to keep control of her voice.她竭力控制住自己的声音。◆she lost control of her car on the ice.她在冰上开车失去了控制。◆owing to circumstances beyond our control the flight to rome has been cancelled.由于出现了我们无法控制的情况,飞往罗马的航班已经取消。 ➡ see also self-control → restraint , controlled → disciplined control [transitive] to have power over a person so that you are able to make them do or behave as you say指挥;控制;掌管◆can't you control your children?你就不能管管你的孩子吗?◆time out is an effective way of controlling aggressive behaviour.暂停是控制攻击性行为的有效方法。◆mounted police had been called to control the crowds.已召来骑警控制人群。 ➡ see also uncontrollable → uncontrollable control [uncountable, countable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) the act of limiting or managing sth; a method of doing this限制;管制;约束◆traffic control交通管制◆talks on arms control军备控制谈判◆a new advance has been made in the control of malaria.在控制疟疾方面已取得新的进展。◆government controls on trade and industry政府对工商业的管理◆price controls on food were ended.对食品价格的控制已告结束。◆a pest control officer was called in to deal with the rat problem.一名虫害防治员被请来应对鼠害问题。control(-ll-) [transitive] to limit sth or make it happen in a particular way控制;限制;限定◆the government has announced new measures to control immigration.政府已宣布了限制外来移民的新措施。◆many biological processes are controlled by hormones.许多生理过程都是由激素控制的。◆parents should control what their kids watch on television.家长应该限定孩子看什么样的电视节目。 control(-ll-) [transitive] to make a machine or system work操纵,控制(机器或系统)◆this knob controls the volume.此旋钮调节音量。◆the traffic lights are controlled by a central computer.交通信号灯由中央计算机控制。  ➡ see also control → button noun 1 note 辨析 operate, run or control?a person operates or runs a machine; machines are often controlled by the controls, such as a computer, knob, button, switch or lever. * operate 或 run 指人操作机器; control 常指由 computer、knob、button、switch 或 lever 等操纵装置控制机器。 control(-ll-) [transitive] to stop sth bad from spreading or getting worse阻止⋯蔓延(或恶化)◆firefighters are still trying to control the blaze.消防队员仍在尽力控制火势的蔓延。◆she was given drugs to control the pain.给她服用了镇痛药。 control(-ll-) [transitive] to have power over a business, organization, project or country, so that you are able to decide how it is run指挥,控制,掌管(企业、组织、项目或国家)◆the whole territory is now controlled by the army.现在全境都在军队的控制之下。◆by the age of 21 he controlled the company.他 21 岁就掌管了公司。 control(-ll-) [transitive] to manage to make yourself remain calm, even though you are angry or upset抑制,克制(怒气或不快)◆i was so furious i couldn't control myself and i hit him.我气得无法自制,就打了他。◆the clerk could scarcely control his excitement.那位职员简直无法抑制内心的激动。 ➡ see also self-control → restraint control¹/kənˈtrəʊl ||; kənˈtrol/noun1. [u] control (of/over sb/sth) power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want 控制: ◇rebels managed to take control of the radio station. 叛乱分子设法控制了那家电台。◇some teachers find it difficult to keep control of their class. 有些老师觉得很难管好自己的班级。◇he lost control of the car and crashed. 他的车失去控制撞毁了。◇i was late because of circumstances beyond my control. 我因为一些自己无法控制的事而迟到。 2. [c,u] (a) control (on/over sth) a limit on sth; a way of keeping sb/sth within certain limits 限制;约束: ◇price controls 物价控制◇the faults forced the company to review its quality control procedures. 因为出了毛病,公司不得不检讨质量管理程序。 3. [c] one of the parts of a machine that is used for operating it 控制器;操纵装置: ◇the controls of an aeroplane/a tv 飞机╱电视机的操纵装置◇a control panel 控制盘 4. [sing] the place from which sth is operated or where sth is checked 控制室;检查站: ◇we went through passport control and then got onto the plane. 我们通过护照检查,然后登机。 be in control (of sth) to have the power or ability to deal with sth 掌握,控制(某事物): ◇the police are again in control of the area following last night's violence. 昨夜暴力事件发生后,警方已重新控制该地区。 be/get out of control to be/become impossible to deal with 不受控制;失去控制: ◇the demonstration got out of control and fighting broke out. 示威失去控制,打斗随之发生。 under control being dealt with successfully 得到控制: ◇it took several hours to bring the fire under control. 花了好几个小时火势才得到控制。 control²/kənˈtrəʊl ||; kənˈtrol/verb [t] (controlling;controlled) 1. to have power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want 支配;控制;掌管: ◇one family controls the company. 这家公司由一个家族控制。◇police struggled to control the crowd. 警方竭力控制群众。◇i couldn't control myself any longer and burst out laughing. 我再也忍不住,大笑起来。 2. to keep sth within certain limits 限制;管制: ◇measures to control price rises 管制物价上扬的措施 ➔controller noun [c] ◇air traffic controllers 空中交通管制人员☞ control/not control☞ control¹☞ control²




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