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单词 contributory
释义 contributory /kəntribjətəri; name -tɔːri/ adjective [usually before noun] 1.helping to cause sth 促成的;起作用的◆the bad weather was a contributory factor in the fall in sales. 气候恶劣是造成销售额下跌的一个因素。2.involving payments from the people who will benefit 需要受益人出资的◆a contributory pension plan/scheme (= paid for by employees as well as employers) 由雇员和雇主共同出资的养老金计划 opp non-contributory ☞ contributorycontributory/kənˈtrɪbjətəri; us -tɔ:rɪ ||; kənˈtrɪbjəˌtɔrɪ/adj helping to cause or produce sth 有助或促成…的: ◇alcohol was a contributory factor in her death. 酒精是造成她死亡的一个因素。 contributorysee ⇨ cause 8 con·trib·u·to·ry /kən`trɪbjəˏtɔrɪ; kənˈtrɪbjtəri/adj [only before noun 仅用于名词前]helping to cause or produce something 起促成作用的:◇smoking is a contributory cause of heart disease. 吸烟是心脏病的诱因。




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