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单词 reprisal
释义 reprisal nounadjective | verb + reprisal | reprisal + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bloody, brutal, savage, violent血腥的/残忍的/野蛮的/暴力的报复➤military军事报复◆the government responded with harsh military reprisals.政府用无情的军事报复予以回应。➤economic, legal, political经济/法律/政治报复◆boycotts and economic reprisals抵制和经济报复◆the people live in fear of political reprisals.人们生活在政治报复的恐惧中。verb + reprisal➤take进行报复◆the gang threatened to take reprisals against them.这个帮派威胁说要对他们进行报复。➤threaten (sb with)威胁报复(某人)▸➤suffer遭到报复◆she tried to persuade the soldiers that they would not suffer reprisals if they surrendered.她试图劝士兵们投降,说投降就不会遭到报复。➤expect, fear料想会被报复;害怕被报复➤face面对报复reprisal + noun➤attack, raid报复性攻击/袭击preposition➤in reprisal for为了报复◆a dozen hostages were shot in reprisal for the killing of an army officer.为了给一位被杀害的军官报仇,12 名人质遭枪杀。➤reprisal against报复⋯◆reprisals against witnesses for the evidence they have given证人因作证而受到的报复➤reprisal for因⋯而受到报复◆workers won't face reprisals for their decisions.工人们不会因他们的决定而受到报复。➤reprisal from来自⋯的报复◆reprisals from angry fans来自愤怒球迷的报复phrases➤fear of reprisals害怕被报复reprisal /rɪpraɪzl/ [countable, uncountable] (written) something violent or aggressive that a military force or political group does to punish the harm that one group of people did to it(军队或政治集团进行的)报复,报复行动◆they were frightened to talk publicly for fear of reprisals.他们因害怕遭报复而不敢公开谈论。◆a dozen hostages were shot in reprisal for the killing of an army officer.十二名人质因一名军官被杀害而遭到报复性枪杀。note 辨析 which word? revenge is the most general of these words and covers the whole range of actions from wanting to beat sb at a game after they have first beaten you, to killing sb because they have killed sb you love. it is often quite a personal, individual act that you do in response to sth that has been done to you personally. retaliation and reprisals are often taken by a group such as a military force, against another group, who may not be the actual people responsible for the first crime, but are taken to represent them. * revenge 在本组词中含义最宽泛,涵盖所有报复行为,从想在比赛中战胜曾击败自己的对手,到因某人杀害自己所爱之人而将其杀死。它往往是单一的个人行为,针对自己亲身遭遇的事。retaliation 和 reprisal 往往是由一群人,如一支军队,实施的报复。被报复的是另一群人,他们可能并非此前罪行的负责人,但被当作负责人的代表◆they fear retaliation against us troops and aid workers (= for example, because of sth that the us government has done).他们担心美军和援助人员会遭遇报复。 vengeance is the most extreme and violent of these actions: it is often personal and can be much more extreme and violent than the original crime to which it is a response. * vengeance 是这些行动中最极端和暴力的,常常是个人行动,可能要比所要报复的行为极端和暴力得多。reprisal/rɪˈpraɪzl ||; rɪˈpraɪzḷ/noun [c,u] punishment, especially by military force, for harm that one group of people does to another 报复(尤指军事的) reprisalsee ⇨ revenge 2 re·pri·sal /rɪ`praɪzḷ; rɪˈpraɪzəl/n [c,u]something that is done to punish an enemy [对敌人的]报复(行为):◇he's afraid to help the police for fear of reprisals against his family. 他因为害怕自己的家人被报复而不敢协助警方。




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