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单词 reprimand
释义 reprimand nounadjective | verb + reprimand | preposition adjective➤severe严厉的斥责➤gentle温和的责备◆his gentle reprimand shamed her sufficiently.他温和的责备令她羞愧难当。➤public公开的谴责▸➤verbal, written口头训斥;书面谴责➤formal, official正式谴责verb + reprimand➤earn (yourself), get, receive使(自己)遭到谴责;受到谴责;遭到训斥◆the manager earned himself a severe reprimand for criticizing the referee.主教练因批评裁判而受到严重警告。➤give sb, issue (sb with)训斥某人;谴责(某人)◆she was given a reprimand for leaking the news.她因泄露消息而受到斥责。preposition➤reprimand for因⋯所受的斥责◆a reprimand for a breach of the rules因违规而遭受的斥责➤reprimand from来自⋯的斥责◆jen's reply earned her a reprimand from her mother.珍的回答遭到了母亲的斥责。reprimand verbadverb | preposition adverb➤severely, sternly严厉谴责▸➤gently温和地责备▸➤formally, officially正式谴责▸➤publicly公开斥责preposition➤by受到⋯的训斥◆reprimanded by the judge受到法官的训斥➤for因⋯谴责◆she was severely reprimanded for accepting the money.她因收受了这笔钱而受到严厉斥责。reprimand /reprɪmɑːnd; name reprɪmænd/ [transitive] (formal) to tell sb officially that you disapprove of their actions, especially if they have broken a rule or law(正式地)申斥,训斥,斥责(尤指违章或违法行为)◆the judge reprimanded him for using such language in court.法官斥责他在法庭上使用那样的语言。▸ reprimand noun [countable, uncountable] ◆he received a severe reprimand for his behaviour.他的行为受到了严厉谴责。note 辨析 rebuke or reprimand? rebuke has a wider range of meaning, and can usually be used instead of reprimand. reprimand cannot always be used instead of rebuke. * rebuke 含义更宽泛些,通常可用来替代 reprimand,而 reprimand 有时却不能替代 rebuke◆she reprimanded herself for her stupidity. reprimandnoun [countable, uncountable] ◆he received a severe reprimand for his behaviour.他的行为受到了严厉谴责。reprimandnoun [countable, uncountable] ◆he received a severe reprimand for his behaviour.他的行为受到了严厉谴责。reprimand/ˈreprɪmɑ:nd; us -mænd ||; ˈrɛprəˌmænd/verb [t] reprimand sb (for sth) to tell sb officially that he/she has done sth wrong 谴责;斥责 reprimand noun [c]: ◇a severe reprimand 严厉的谴责 reprimandsee ⇨ tell sb off 1,3 rep·ri·mand /`rɛprəˏmænd; ˈreprɪmɑːnd/v [t]to tell someone officially that they have done something wrong 申斥; 训斥[某人]:◇he was formally reprimanded and ordered to pay a £500 fine. 他被正式申斥并遭罚款 500 英镑。 reprimandn [c]




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