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单词 justifiable
释义 justifiable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem正当;似乎正当▸➤become变得正当▸➤consider sth, think sth认为⋯正当◆we consider this action justifiable.我们认为这一行动是正当的。adverb➤completely, entirely, perfectly完全正当▸➤commercially, economically有正当商业理由的;有正当经济理由的▸➤ethically, morally合乎伦理/道德preposition➤on the grounds of sth, on the grounds that..., on... grounds在⋯方面合理◆the cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.这些削减符合成本方面的考虑。◆the rule is justifiable on safety grounds.从安全方面考虑,这条规定是合理的。justifiable /dʒʌstɪfaɪəbl, dʒʌstɪfaɪəbl/ existing or done for a good reason and therefore acceptable事出有因的;合乎情理的;情有可原的◆she took a justifiable pride in her son's achievements.她理所当然地为儿子的成就感到自豪。◆there were no justifiable grounds for sending him to prison.目前还没有正当的理由把他关进监狱。opp unjustifiable → unjustified ▸ justifiably adverb◆the college can be justifiably proud of its record.这所大学有理由为自己的成绩感到骄傲。note 辨析 justified or justifiable?a person or action can be justified; an action, feeling or reason can be justifiable. * justified 可形容人或行动,justifiable 可形容行动、感觉或理由◆she felt justifiable in asking for her money back. ◆there were no justified grounds for sending him to prison. justifiablesee ⇨ right 6 jus·ti·fi·a·ble /`dʒʌstəˏfaɪəbḷ; ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbəl/adjdone for good reasons 有道理的,有理由的,可证明为正当的:◇a justifiable decision 合理的决定




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