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单词 pivot
释义 pivot /pɪvət/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to turn or balance on a central point(使)在枢轴上旋转(或平衡)◆he pivoted on one foot and threw the ball to gary.他单脚支撑转身,将球投给加里。◆the mechanism pivots around a central point.那个机械装置沿着中轴转动。pivot¹/ˈpɪvət ||; ˈpɪvət/noun[c] 1. the central point on which sth turns or balances 支点;旋轴;枢轴 2. the central or most important person or thing 核心的或最重要的人或物: ◇west africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade. 西非是可可粉贸易中心。 pivot²/ˈpɪvət ||; ˈpɪvət/verb [i] to turn or balance on a central point 在枢轴上转动;在支点上平衡 piv·ot /`pɪvət; ˈpɪvət/n [c] 1. a fixed central point or pin that something balances or turns on 枢轴,支点 2. the most important thing about a situation which affects everything else 关键,要点 pivotv [i,t]




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