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单词 pit¹
释义 pit¹ /pɪt; pɪt/n [c] 1. a hole that has been dug in the ground 坑,洞 2. spoken a house or room that is untidy or dirty 【口】 脏乱的房屋[房间]:◇erica's house is a total pit! 埃利卡的房子简直乱七八糟! 3. a mine, especially a coal mine 矿坑,[尤指]煤矿 4. be the pits spoken informal to be very bad 【口,非正式】 极糟的,糟透的:◇this place is the pits! 这地方糟透了! 5. in the pit of your stomach if you feel a bad emotion in the pit of your stomach, it is so strong that you almost feel sick 在你的胸口[心窝] 6. ame the large hard seed in some fruits 【美】 [一些水果的]核:◇a peach pit 桃核 7. the pits bre 【英】 , the pit ame 【美】 the place beside a race track where a race car gets petrol, changes tyres etc [赛车比赛赛道旁的]加油快修站




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