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单词 pit
释义 pit noun¹ 1hole洞adjective | verb + pit adjective➤deep, shallow深坑;浅坑▸➤bottomless无底洞▸➤black, dark黑洞洞的坑▸➤chalk, gravel, tar白垩矿场;沙砾场;(天然)沥青坑◆a disused gravel pit废弃的采石坑verb + pit➤dig挖坑pit noun² 2coal mine煤矿adjective | verb + pit | pit + noun | preposition adjective➤open露天矿◆they extract the mineral from open pits.他们在露天矿里开采矿物。verb + pit➤go down (bre) 下矿井◆he went down the pit at the age of fifteen.他 15 岁就下矿井了。pit + noun➤village (bre) 矿井村◆there's no more work in these pit villages.这些矿井村里再没有活儿干了。➤closure矿井关闭preposition➤in a/the pit在矿井里◆most boys in the town worked in the pits.镇上的大多数男孩在矿井里工作。pit noun³ 3 (especially name) of fruit水果adjective | verb + pit adjective➤apricot, peach, etc.杏核、桃核等verb + pit➤remove去掉核 pit /pɪt/ noun [countable] 1. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) (name) the area of a stock exchange or other exchange where a particular product is traded 交易所中的交易场地;交易圈;交易场◆the futures contracts will be traded on-screen as well as in traditional pits. 除在传统交易场进行交易外,期货合同还将在屏幕上交易。  ➡  floor 2.a coal mine 煤矿◆planned pit closures 有计划的关停煤矿☞ pitpit [countable] (especially name) a fruit stone果核◆cherry / peach pits樱桃核;桃核pit [countable] a large deep hole in the ground深洞;深坑◆the body had been dumped in a pit.尸体被扔进了深坑。note 辨析 hole or pit?a pit is always large and in the ground; a hole can be any size and in anything. pit, but not hole, is often used with a figurative meaning. * pit 总是指地上的大坑,hole 可指任何地方的洞或坑,可大可小。pit 常用于比喻义,hole 则不然◆ (figurative) the human mind is a dark, bottomless pit.人的思想是一个深不可测的黑洞。◆the human mind is a dark, bottomless hole. pit¹/pɪt ||; pɪt/noun1. [c] a large hole that is made in the ground 坑;沟;壕沟: ◇they dug a large pit to bury the dead animals. 他们挖了一个大坑把死动物埋掉。 2. [c] =coal mine 3. the pits [pl] the place on a motor racing track where cars stop for fuel, new tyres, etc during a race (赛车道旁的)检修加油站 be the pits(slang 俚语) to be very bad 极坏;最低级: ◇the food in that restaurant is the pits! 那家饭馆的饭菜很差劲! pit²/pɪt ||; pɪt/verb [t] (pitting;pitted) to make small holes in the surface of sth 使(某物表面)凹陷或出现坑坑洞洞: ◇the front of the building was pitted with bullet marks. 那座建筑物的正面布满弹痕。 pit a against b to test one person or thing against another in a fight or competition 使较量;使相斗: ◇the two strongest teams were pitted against each other in the final. 两支最强的队在总决赛中对垒。 pitsee ⇨ hole 2☞ pit¹☞ pit²




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